On the Edge

All The Drugs In The World Can't Heal A Broken Hea

[Gerard’s P.O.V.]

As I basically pushed the love of my life out of the room, and out of my life, I sat in my hospital room crying my eyes out. I don't know why I said that to her! She’s not a fuck up and she's going to be a great mom. I tried to get up, but I was to sore. So I just sat there and cried.

"What?" I said still upset.

"I just saw Bill kiss Jen!"

"It doesn't matter were over."

"Really? What happened?"

"Bill Got in her head, and ruined our relationship. He scared her away from me. She didn't want to see me get hurt again so she left."

"Oh my god Gerard. Are you OK?"

"Not really because Jen probably would still be here if I didn't tell her she was a fuck up and she was going to kill the baby."

"Well did you mean it?"

"No! I was just so upset and mad, but not at her, at Bill. This is all his fault! If he never bothered Jen or me I wouldn't be in the fuckin hospital single. I would be home with my girlfriend, and we would be happy! But now he has her... Can you leave me alone?" I said holding back tears.

"Yeah I will be back in like 10 minutes OK?"

"Yeah I just need some time to think."

"OK." He said walking out the door.

I sat there doing nothing because I was to sore to move, and couldn’t talk because my throat was sore from screaming. I just sat there thinking of how my life is going to change. I wasn't going to see Jen in the morning anymore. I wasn't going to walk her to school anymore. I wasn't going to kiss her goodnight anymore. I wasn't going to be able to see her again. It was then I realized I would never be the same person again...

At that moment Mikey and everyone else walked in.
"Hey Gerard! How are you feeling?" Katie asked.

"Yeah how are you? Do you want me to kick his ass." Bob asked.

"No. It’s her decision. I can't plan her life for her." I said.

"Well give her a week she'll be back." Ray said re-assuring me.

"Yeah... I hope."

"Oh don't be a downer. Think positively."

"I will try, but listen I don’t want to be rude but a little time alone. I will talk
to you all tomorrow." I said.

"Oh OK we understand." Mikey said.

"Thanks good bye." I said watching them all leave. A nurse came in soon after they all left.

"Hello Mr. Way how are you feeling?" She said reading my charts.


"Well would you like some pain killers?" She asked holding a small
bottle in her hand with little white pills in it.

"Do they help broken hearts?"

"No unfortunately, but they will help with the pain you feeling besides that."

"OK. Give them to me." I said sticking my hand out. She poured the small white pills into my hand.

"Only take one. Vicadin is very addictive." She warned.

"Don't worry I am not no druggie."

"That’s what they all say." She said walking out of the room. I felt the pain in my body going away but the pain in my heart will never go away.