On the Edge

Drugs Can Not Replace That Kiss.

[Gerard's P.O.V.]
*A week later. *

I had been home from the hospital for about 3 days now. I had taken like two bottles of those pills the nurse gave me, and some anti-depressants, and I was feeling a little better. I spent the days I had been home basically lying in bed getting up occasionally, but mainly in my bed. When ever I would start to think of Jen I would pop some pills and then forget it. Today I was finally going to go out with my friends to the mall. I needed to get out of the house anyway.

We all piled into my car and headed to the mall. I was kind of on a high of drugs. Everybody left me as usual so I was walking around the mall in a feeling of indescribable feelings. I spotted a familiar face. I got a closer look and it was Jen! She looked nothing like her self. She had lost any life she had in her face. She looked so unhealthy; she looked like all her life was sucked out. I didn't see Bill anywhere around her so I went over to her. I tapped her shoulder and she turned around very startled, as if she had never been touched.

"Jen! What happened to you? Are you okay? Where’s Bill!" I said, still in shock that I was seeing her.

"GERARD! I AM SO SORRY! I MISS YOU, AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! PLEASE SAVE ME! I WANT TO GO HOME WITH YOU!" She said holding my hands basically begging. I gave her a hug.

"What's he been doing to you Jen?" I said comforting her, and looking around for Bill.

"He doesn't stop touching me Gerard! He doesn’t let me go to school because he wants me all to himself! He’s crazy! I am just so sorry I ever considered leaving you Gerard, and I’m not just saying it! I love you! I haven't stopped thinking of you since we broke up." She said looking at me with her lifeless face, and soulless eyes.

"It's okay Jen. Where’s Bill now?" I said wanting to kill him

"I don't know I haven't seen him since he told me to wait here while he went to see something, and that was an hour ago." She said looking around.

"Okay come on were going home now." I said taking my phone out telling the guys I was taking the bus home. I held her hand and brought her to the bus stop.

"Gerard... I am sorry." She said looking at me ready to cry. I was ready to cry too , so I just held her close. The bus finally came, and we went back to my house. As soon as I closed the front door, and locked it, she took a sigh of relief and kissed me.

"How is the baby?" I asked.

"I don't know good I think. I was throwing up all week in the morning. I haven't eaten a lot either, I missed you to much." She said upset now.

"Come in here." I said bringing her into the kitchen, and letting her basically eat what ever. We both sat across from each other. Awkward silences here and there.

"So what would you want to name the baby?" She asked.

"I don’t know. What do you think?"

"I was thinking maybe for a girl Alyana?"

"That’s a pretty name, but not as pretty as you." I said making her blush.

"What about boys names? What do you think you would want?" She asked.

"I don't know! You're the girl! You're good at this name crap."

"Maybe...Ryan! I always loved that name."

"Okay cool! Alyana or Ryan. You're good." I said smiling.

"Gerard, I wouldn't want to be having this baby or be in this situation with anyone else but you."

"Right back at you. You're amazing Jen. I mean after all you have been through, you can still smile and laugh and live a normal life. How do you do it?"

"Honestly. I would never be able to do this with out you Gerard. You're the reason I am probably still here! If I were to be going through this with my self, or with another person, I would have given up long ago. You're the reason I wake up and try to be a better person." She said tearing up.

I got up and walked over to her and kissed her. It felt so good to kiss her again, like I used to. Kissing her felt like the high I was on a little while ago. Actually this was better. Just like all the drugs in the world can't replace a broken heart, they can’t replace a kiss with someone you truly love