On the Edge

Finally Safe?

[Jen's P.O.V.]

We went to go watch TV on the couch until the guys came home. I heard voices coming up to the door. I smiled because I missed my friends almost as much as I missed Gerard. I heard them come in, and Gerard and I stood up to greet them. I watched all their faces become shocked as they realized I was here. Katie and Steph came and gave me huge hugs. They all bombarded me with questions; I was becoming overwhelmed with everything. Gerard must have been able to tell because he stepped in.

"Guys she just got home give her some space!" He said.

"Yeah I am actually kind of tired, would it be okay if I went and laid down for a little while?" I asked.

"Yeah of coarse." They said.

Gerard took me back upstairs to his room. We both looked at each other for a long time then I kissed him again. Oh how I missed kissing him. Even though it was only a week. I missed him, and his kisses like crazy. I looked over Gerard's shoulder, to his nightstand, and I noticed a bunch of medicine bottles. I sat up and reached across him for them. I started reading the label and I realized they were painkillers, and anti-depressants.

"What the fuck are these?" I said annoyed.

"I got them after I left the hospital. I was going to throw them out."

"Yeah damn right you were. This stuff is highly addictive." I said putting them back on his stand.

"I know they are, which is why I am throwing them out. I am not a freaking drug addict."

"I know you're not. I just wouldn’t want you to throw your life away on that shit." I said holding his hand.

"Don't worry about it. Now go to sleep you have had a long day." He said putting the bottles in his night stand drawer.

I laid down with my back to him. He reached his hand over me and put it on my stomach. I put my hands on his, and finally felt at home.

[Bill's P.O.V.]
I stood at the foot of Gerard’s window listening to what they were saying, until I heard them sleeping. I had to let out a little laugh. She thought she would be safe now? HA! Things, from now on, were just going to get worse and worse for her and him. I'll lay low for a little while let her THINK she's safe, but just when she least expects it I'll be back. This should be fun, watching their relationship crumble right before my very eyes.