On the Edge

Boy? Girl? Am I Ready?

[Jen's P.O.V.]
*2 Months Later*
I was four months into the pregnancy, and I had not seen Bill since that day at the mall. I had gotten much bigger, to the point where I needed new clothes. People in school were talking about, and to me, about the pregnancy. The question I got asked most was 'whose the father?' or 'What’s the sex of the baby?’ I couldn't tell them the answer to either question. I enjoyed my job at the books store. I got money for the baby, and I liked the people I worked with. Gerard was on the search for a job also. He was looking at some art classes hoping he could help teach kids how to draw and such. Things were actually going pretty well for the guys and us.

Ray got the guys another show at knitting, which was coming up. They were all so excited for the show because they heard a record producer was going to be there. If the producer liked them then they would have a chance at a record deal! We're all so excited for the show.

I had a doctor’s appointment today, and I was going to ask about the sex of the baby. Gerard was going to come in this time to comfort me, also because he wanted to be there when they found the sex of the baby. We sat in the doctor’s office, playing it off like we were brother and sister.

We got checked in and such, and waited in the waiting room. I looked around at all the expecting mothers, and some fathers. Then I looked at Gerard and smiled.
"I can't wait to find out the sex of the baby!" He whispered on my ear. I smiled again.

"Me either. What would you want the baby to be?"

"I don't care. As long as the baby is healthy I'll be happy."

"I know, but if god gave you the choice to pick the sex of the baby what would you say?"

"I don't know... girl...I don't know?"

"Why girl?"

"I don't know, maybe if we do have a girl she'll be as sweet and perfect as you." He smiled, making me blush.

"Well maybe if we have a boy he'll be a perfect gentlemen like you." I said making him laugh.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear.

"I love you too." I whispered back. Then I heard my name being called. Gerard and I got up and followed the nurse to the room.

"The doctor will see you soon." She said leaving the room.

My heart was racing, and I could tell Gerard was nervous too. He looked at me and gave me a reassuring smile. I blushed a little, and smiled back. It was kind of funny that after 4 moths of being together, every word he said still made me smile and blush. He was still able give me butterflies in my stomach.

The doctor came in the room, and gave me a smile.

"Well who is this?" She asked giving me a questionable look.

"This is my brother, Gerard."

"Oh okay, well lets get down to business." She said taking some jelly like stuff out of a cabinet in the room. I lifted my shirt exposing my ugly stretch marks, which I felt so embarrassed about.

"It’s going to be very cold." She said squirting it on my stomach. It sent chills all over me but I got over it. She put the wand like thing attached to the machine on my stomach.

I saw the little baby that was forming inside me, and this time he or she looked more like a baby instead of a little blob. I saw Gerard get chocked up, as did I.

"There’s your baby. Looks like everything is going normal. There’s the heartbeat." She said pointing to the slight movement in the baby. I started to cry. I couldn't believe this little human was in me. Gerard looked like he was going to cry, but he didn't.

"Would you like to know the sex of the baby?" She asked us after 5 minutes of examening the sonogram. I had a sudden change of thought.

"NO!" I said.

"Yeah." Gerard said.

"Okay I'll tell you." She said pulling Gerard to the side and whispering in his ear, causing him to smile widely.

[Gerard's P.O.V.]

It was all finally sinking in. I was going to be a dad. I had to start stepping up to the plate. Now things became serious. As soon as I saw that sonogram I wanted to cry. Then I saw Jen crying and I had to stay strong. I don't know why Jen changed her mind all of a sudden, but I still wanted to know. The doctor pulled me aside and whispered in my ear the sex of the baby. I couldn't help but smile. This was an unbelievable moment for me. My life was going to never be the same after this, and only 5 months to go.