On the Edge

Why Do I Care!?

[Bill's P.O.V.]

I sat in the coffee shop waiting for a call. I noticed Gerard's brother, and his girlfriend walk through the door. I received the dirtiest look from both of them. Mikey made his way towards me, and his girlfriend tried to stop him. I sat back in amusement as the argument began.
"MIKEY JUST LEAVE HIM ALONE!" She screeched, as she pulled on his arm, as hard as she could, which wasn't stopping him.

"YOU LITTLE BRAT! I AM GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS!" Mikey continued towards me. I simply smirked at this threat. He reached my table, and grabbed me by the shirt, and brought me out side. He started throwing punches at me. Stephanie pulled him off of me.


I pulled the knife out of my pocket just enough for only him to see. He calmed down a little and went peacefully with Stephanie. I laughed that such a 'tough' guy was so scared of a knife. I mean sure its a little scary, but the knife is special in a way. If you think about it a knife can show you the real you. If you are in a fight acting all tough, then someone pulls out a knife, then your showing how scared you really are. Even if you try to hide it, your true colors come out.

Suddenly my phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket and smiled at the name I saw.
"Hello?" I said.

"Hello Bill?"

"Yes this is he."

"It's Lisa, Jens mom, I went to that address you gave me, and I saw my daughter again!"

"Well I am always glad to reunite families. How is she?"

"She's with this boy who looks much older then her, and pregnant!"

"Oh no!" I said faking it. "That’s horrible! Did she welcome you into her life?" I continued.

"No she told me she hated me and wanted me out of her life. I mean I know I was a horrible mom, but I have sobered up I swear!"

"I believe you. What would you like to do about the situation?"

" I want to take her, and that Gerard kid, to court. I know that boy is over age, and I want him put away!"

"I will call my uncle, who I am sure will be more then happy to defend you in this case, and arrange a court date."

"Thank you. I have to go call me later let me know when the court date
is." She said hanging up the phone.

I made a phone call to my uncle, who was Jen's mom’s lawyer, and told said he can’t bring the papers over to Gerard, and asked if I could. Of coarse I said yes. I missed Jen, and I wouldn't rather see anything else, and then see the look on her face when she sees me.

*Next Day*

I got the papers, and was preparing myself to go to Gerard's house. I was so eager to see Jen's face I couldn't take it. I hurried over to the house. I nervously knocked on the door.
"Coming!" Someone screamed from the inside. I saw the doorknob turn, and I became very excited. Finally she opened the door, and I smiled at her. Her face turned pale as a ghost, and she slammed the door in my face. I laughed a little.
"GET AWAY FROM MY HOUSE!" She screamed through the door.

"I have something for you! Its from your mother."

"I don’t believe you!"

"Here I'll leave it on the porch, and walk down the walk way." I said placing the folder of papers down, and walking down towards the street. I stood there waiting for her to come out. She came out, cautiously. She started reading through the pages.

"What the fuck is this!"

"A law suit, from your mother, for Gerard."


"Your mother said she suspects he is older, and wants to lock him up."

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" She said coming up to me and slapping me,
hard as she could.

"No it isn't. I swear! I only told your mom where you were, because I saw
her asking around if they had seen you, and I told her you were here. The whole law suit was her idea."

"It's still your fault! If you didn't tell her where I was none of this would happen! This is just your way of getting rid of Gerard I know it! Well guess what? I LOVE Gerard! No matter what! No judge is going to tell us we can’t be together, especially with this baby." She said storming off into the house.

"You have to go, you know that right?"

"Why do we have to go?" She said stopping.

"If you and Gerard don't go Gerard will almost most likely go to jail for a kidnap attempt. If you go to court, and defend your selves, you're more likely to do something good for your selves. My hint tell the jury, you told him you were 18, then he wont get in trouble, and you can't go to jail because your pregnant." I said feeling this overwhelming feeling of sympathy for Gerard? Why was I feeling this way? I HATE HIM!

"Thank you." She said, possibly sensing my sympathy, and smiling. She walked into the house with some tears in her eyes. I walked back to my house, feeling different? Why was I helping Gerard? I love Jen, and he’s taking her away from me... why do I care?