On the Edge

The Question That Would Change It All.

[Jen's P.O.V.]

I ran into the kitchen and grabbed the phone. I frantically dialed Gerard's number. I told him to come home right away. He repeatedly asked why and all I could say was just come home! I sat on the couch re-reading the papers over and over again. I couldn't believe my mother had gone this crazy. I couldn’t believe Bill ratted my out to my mother. I couldn't believe Bill gave me helpful advice. I also couldn't believe that he was so sincere about what he said before he left. I just didn’t understand him! One moment he's trying to kidnap me, and kill my boyfriend, and the next he’s trying to help me win a case. It didn't make sense!

Just at that moment Gerard walked through the door. I jumped up and ran to him.

"WHATS WRONG?" He said panting, as if he was running. "Is the baby okay? Are You okay!" He continued. I handed him the papers, wiping tears from my eyes. He read through the papers, with a somewhat confused, pissed off, upset look.

"What the fuck?" He said trying not to believe what he was reading in front of him. He backed up, and sat on the arm of the couch.

"How the fuck did you're mom find out I was 19?" He said holding back tears.

"Bill... but listen he told-"

"Wait BILL was here?"

"Yeah but he told me some ways to help get the court room on our-"

"Wait you fucken talked to him? Why were you talking to him?”

"He gave me some ways to help save YOUR ass! He told me to tell the judge-"

"Why would I tell them anything? I'm not going!" He said throwing the papers on the floor and walking away.

"Gerard! He said that if you don't go that just gets you in more trouble! You have to go!" I said grabbing his arm making him look at me.

"I don't have to do anything!"

"You have to do these things if you want to be there when you’re child’s born!" I screamed. He was silenced by the truth.

"We're going to make it right?" He said holding back tears.

"We're going to make it just fine. We have been through too much to let a judge decide our fate. We will be together forever." I said taking his hand in mine, and gave him a kiss. He looked me in the eyes, like he was deep in thought.

"Jen will you marry me?" He said getting on one knee. I was in too much shock to say anything. Was he being serious? Was this a dream?

"I was going to ask you after the baby was born, but I cant wait. I love you so much Jen." He continued. I had to sit down I was to shocked.

"I am sorry I shouldn't have asked now." He continued again, getting up to walk away.

"No Gerard I am just so shocked, happy, and surprised all at the same time. I just don't know what to say!" I said tearing up.

"Say yes. Make me happier then I have ever been in my life. Please?" He said looking at me with his adorable face.