On the Edge

Swear Is A Strong Word...

[Jen's P.O.V.]

I sat in a lonely apartment. Frank, and Katie went out to find Gerard. I was still crying from when Gerard hit me. I just couldn't believe he hit me, hard too. He had never laid a hand on me before. Why was he so angry with me? Nothing happened with me, and Bill. I just needed someone to support me. I couldn't believe Bill did that. I was angry with him, but also grateful. What he did, was stupid, but also smart. Now Gerard wont need to go to court, but now I have to figure out how to convince my mother Bill is the father. Maybe now I want Bill to be the father, now that Gerard is becoming a jerk to me. No! How can I even think of something like that?

Hopefully Gerard will come around, but do I want to forgive him for what he did. I mean I due owe him a lot for letting me live with him. NO! He took advantage of me, and made me have sex with him, and didn't wear a condom, and PURPOSLY got my pregnant! Now I finally see, he was just using me the whole time! Oh my god how could I have been so stupid! He took advantage of me just so he could get what he wanted! I started crying even more.

I started to feel overwhelmed with what was going on. I went down stairs to eat, because that’s what I do when I'm stressed. I was going to make myself a sandwich, so I got a roll off of the breadbox, and took a knife out of a drawer, and started cutting it. I wasn't paying attention, and made a cut right down the middle of my hand. It brought back memories of cutting myself. I didn't react right away, because I was deciding whether I wanted to do it again, or not. I did on my wrist. It felt good.

I repeated it over and over again. I hadn't cut in such a long time it felt so right though. I kept doing it, and let the blood, drip into the sink. I watched as the sink became more and more red. He probably doesn't even care about me.

[Gerard's P.O.V.]

I knew Jen was at Frank's so I ran to his house. I didn't even bother knocking I just ran in, and when you walk into Franks the kitchen is right there, so I saw Jen. I saw her all bloody, with a knife on her wrists
"JEN!" I said running to her, and grabbing the knife.


"I figured if you didn't love me anymore." She said crying her eyes out in my shoulder. I noticed the cuts on her arms.

"Jen! You cut again..." I said tearing up.

"Like I said I thought you didn't love me." She said crying even more.

"I love you. What I did was out of impulse. It was stupid of my to do that. I didn't mean it. I shouldn't have even yelled at you in the first place. I should understand, you’re not ready for marriage." I said kissing her like I had never kissed her before.

"Come on lets clean you up." I said taking her hand and cleaning out the cuts.

I called Frank, and told him not to worry about us. That we were both okay. I took her back to our house, and we both were talking about what we were going to do about Bill.

"I can't believe that little mother fucker said that. He fucked this up more then it was!" I said walking back and forth in Frank’s kitchen.

"He was just trying to help." Jen said holding a paper towel on her cuts at the table.

"How? By making your mom believe it's not my baby? How are we going to explain to her when she comes over and I'm there, and the kids calling me 'daddy' how you wanna explain that?"

"Would you rather go to jail?"

"Why are you siding with him?”

"I'm not! But maybe we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place if you hadn't fucked me!"
She said getting angry.

"I didn't hear you stay stop? I didn't feel you pushing me off? You did nothing to stop me! I know, and you know you wanted it to happen."

"Yeah maybe I did, but its called 'A CONDOM!' Ever hear of it?"


"TOO LATE!" She said getting in my face. She looks so hot when she’s mad. I couldn't help myself I had to kiss her. At that moment I forgot about everything, the fighting, the yelling, just everything. I felt her put her hands on my face, and I knew she wasn't mad anymore, and neither was I. I pulled away from her, and looked into her eyes.
"We'll make it through this...I swear."

"Swears a strong word..."

"I know, but I mean it things will be okay. Wont be easy, but it will be okay." I said kissing her forehead.

"I really hope so..."