On the Edge

Nothing Can Bring Me Down...

[Jen's P.O.V.]
*3 Months later. *
My due date was less than a week away. I started being home schooled 2 months ago because the kids had become nasty to be around. No matter how mean the kids were they couldn’t stop me from being excited. We bought cute stuff for the baby. Like "Winnie The Pooh." crib decorations. And cute clothes, which were for boys and girls, Gerard didn't want to spoil what we were having.

This was the happiest time of my life. We were meeting with my mom today to talk about the baby-daddy situation. Which I’m sure would destroy my happy mood, but needed to be done. We were just going to tell her straight out that Gerard's the father, and that were going to bull shit the whole story. It was about time to leave, and I looked at Gerard who was so nervous.

"Calm down Gerard! You're getting me scared."

"You're not the one to be scared! She can’t hurt you!"

"I wont let her hurt you don't worry." I said kissing him. He smiled, which made me smile.

"Lets get going. My mom has no patience." I said taking him by the hand. We went out to the car, and started going. I had this knot in my stomach, I was pretty nervous, but we can't both be nervous! We pulled up to the restaurant where we were meeting my mom. I saw her car outside, and I was so scared!

We got out of the car, and Gerard held my hand like a small child clinging to his mother while crossing the street. We entered the restaurant, and were seated with my mother. The restaurant was pretty nice. It was a little Italian place. The music in the back round helped lighten the mood a little.

"Hi mom." I said sitting across from her with Gerard next to me.

"Hello Jen, and Gerard." She said in a nasty attitude.

"Mom listen-" I was interrupted by a waiter asking for drinks. We all gave our orders, and I continued what I was saying.

"Mom listen Gerard is the father of my baby, but please just listen!"

"I knew it, why did that boy lie to me then?"

"I don't know, but please listen. This wasn't Gerard's fault-"

"Whose was it the Easter bunny?"

"Will you just let her speak to you please?” Gerard said. She gave him a look of hatred, and focused back on me.

"I told Gerard I was 17. He told me he was 18. We both believed each other, and we fell in love-"

"YOU'RE 15 YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT LOVE IS!" She said raising her voice, and causing a scene. We shushed her and told her to quiet down.

"I do know mom. You don't need to be old and gray to find love, and even if were not in love we care about each other a lot. Things got heated up between us, and this happened." I said pointing to my stomach.

"I'm disappointed in you...I thought I raised you better." She was able to form after moments of silence.

"You raised me? Are you fucking kidding me! I was 14 years old and had to raise my self!
Gerard let me live with him, and gave me a place I could call home! You couldn't even do that for me."

"Things got hard when your father left-"

"Hard enough for you to put a gun to my head?"

"I was drunk! I didn't mean to, but I'm sober now."

"Well you're going to need to prove it to me. I'm not going to believe you because you said a couple of apologetic words to me."

"How can I ever prove to you I love you?"

"If you love me, then you will except that I love Gerard." I said in a more serious tone. She looked at me, and then looked at him.

"Okay... I'll accept that. Now will you accept me? Will you let me be a grandma?" She said crying. That was the first time I had seen my mom cry since my dad left us. I got up and gave her a hug. She held me so tight.

"I'm sorry." She whispered in my ear. I felt a tear run down my face. I actually had my mom back. This went a lot better then I planned. Now I was extremely happy, and nothing could bring me down...