On the Edge

The Risk That could End It All...

[Gerard's P.O.V.]
About two hours after we got to the mall. Jen and I found Kate, Frank, Stephanie, and Mikey. Katie had shopping bags full of stuff.
"See you guys had a good day." Jen said.

"Yes!" Katie and Steph said.

"Cool." I said.

"So where are we going now?"

"Back to my house if you guys want to. We can watch movies, and shit." I suggested.

"YEAH!" They all said. We all went back to Mikey’s car, and of coarse what do they start doing? They start making out.

"As if the car ride here wasn't enough!" Jen said, pretending to gag. I started to laugh.

"I told you you’d get used to it." I said.

"Yeah." She said laughing a little. Finally we were at Gerard’s. I had never been to Gerard’s for. We always hung out at Franks. When we pulled into the driveway I was so excited I jumped out the car. The Katie, Frank, Stephanie, and Mikey all ran inside.

"What’s their problem?" I asked.

"They love coming here because they each get their own room to make out in such in. Mikey and Steph go in Mikey's room and Kate and Frank go in the guest room."

"Ew!" She said.

"Yeah, and I never ask what they do for my own health." I said.

"Hey Gerard... would it be to wrong to ask if I could see your drawings?" Jen asked innocently.

"Yeah of coarse." I said taking her hand and walking up to my room. We walked in and I forgot how dirty it was.

"Sorry for the mess." I said trying to make it to me bed. She followed right behind me.

"Its OK." She said sitting next to me. I pulled out some of my best work, which I kept in a special book.

"That’s my best work if I do say so myself." I said.

"Wow these are amazing!" She said looking at each picture carefully.

"Thank you very much." I said.

"Shit its really hot in here." She said putting the book down, and taking off her sweatshirt. She picked up the book and continued to look. I looked at one picture on the page and at the corner of my eye I noticed her left arm. It had scars and cuts all over it. I grabbed her hand and looked at them closely.

"They are just little cuts!" She said pulling her arm away from me.

"Jen... those are not little cuts... tell me what’s going on?" I said taking her hand in mine. She looked at me with her big blue eyes, which were tearing up.

"Jen you told me I was your best friend. Best friends tell each other everything... please Jen why are you doing this to yourself?" I said wiping the tears that ran down her face.

"I... cant... I’m sorry I want to... but I just... cant." She said sobbing. I took her in my arms and held her close to me.

"Jen its OK... you can tell me anything. Trust me...” I said placing my hand on her face. She looked up at me with more tears in her eyes.

"OK I’ll tell you, but you can't tell anybody..." She said.

"I wont tell a soul." I said.

"Well... when I was 12 my dad left me, and my mom. That was when I started cutting because I was always closer to my dad then my mom. When my dad left my mom started to drink, and do drugs. I would go days with out eating anything. Then when I was 14 my mom just flipped out on me. She had a gun and told me if I didn't get out of the house she would shoot me... so I grabbed my bag and ran out the door. I ran for a while then I found this dark alleyway close to where I go to school, where you have been dropping me off, and I have been living there for about a year. Every night I wonder around a little bit then at 11 I wonder back to my 'home' and I use pieces of broken glass to cut myself..." She said sobbing again. I looked at her, and my heart sank for this poor girl. I pulled her in my arms again.

"Its OK Jen it’s all going to be OK." I said holding her close. Once she calmed down I had thought of an idea.

"Hey Jen?"

"Yeah?" She said wiping the tears from her eyes.

"You can live here."

"WHAT! No I could never! I-"

"Jen please... I could never live with myself knowing you were out in the cold. Please Jen you can live in the guest bedroom. You wont have to pay rent, I can drive you to school, and it would all work out fine. You have no choice really cause I wont let you walk out of this house."

"OK, but I really don’t want to be a burden."

"You wont be don't worry."

"Oh thank you Gerard." She said throwing her arms around my neck.

"No problem Jen." I said holding her tight.

"I love you Gerard..." I heard her whisper in my ear. I pulled away from her, and looked at her. I couldn't believe it she loved me!

"I love you too Jen." I couldn't help, but smile. I looked deep into her beautiful blue eyes. Before I knew it she was leaning towards me, and our lips met. I couldn't believe this moment was happening. I felt her tongue enter my mouth and I returned the favor. I pinned her to the bed and continued to kiss her. I knew we weren't allowed to be together, but I couldn't help it I loved her. She pushed me off of her.

"What’s wrong?"

"I just... I don’t know I love you and all but were really not allowed to be together."

"Well nobody will ever have to know." I said pushing her hair out of her face.

"That’s true..."

"Jen do you want to be with me?"

"YES OF COARSE! Its just if we get caught you're going to jail, and I can't loose you."

"I’m willing to risk it... we just can't tell anybody or show it in public."

"OK, but I really love you Gerard."

"I love you too." I said leaning closer to her and kissing her lips again. This was the happiest moment of my life.