On the Edge


[Jen's P.O.V.]
Once he started kissing me again. I felt so happy, and so scared. What happens if he does get caught? Where will I go? What will happen to me? As all these thoughts ran through my head I also thought about how happy I was to be here. I truly loved Gerard. He was the kindest, caring, sweet person I had ever met. I felt Gerard’s hands creeping around my body. I had chills all over. Was this really happening? I asked my self as I felt Gerard’s hand lifting up my top, as I did to him. He made his way down to my pants. He started toying with the button a little, and I started to undo his belt. He had gotten my pants, and underwear off and threw his off too. He leaned in closer to me and whispered in my ear.
"Are you ready?" He asked.


"Are you sure?" He asked again.

"Yes Gerard I love you." I said sitting up kissing his soft lips.

"I love you too." He said entering me. I bit my lip, and tried not to scream.

"Are you OK?" He said concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said swallowing the lump in my throat.

*An hour later*
It was my first time so I got really tired. Gerard lay next to me in the bed.
"I love you." Gerard said kissing my head.

"I love you too." I said kissing his lips. He put his hand on my face and, ran his fingers along my face. I had goose bumps all along my body. We heard voices outside the door. We both got up and quickly got dressed. Once we were dressed. Then he came over to me, and kissed me.
"Remember act casual." He said. I nodded my head.

We both walked out of the room and down stairs. I felt so awkward. I was walking next to the man I just gave my virginity to, and had to act like nothing happened.
"Where were you two?" Mikey asked.

"I was showing Jen my drawings."

"For an hour?" Katie questioned.

"I have a lot." Gerard said.

"Oh OK then." They said.

"Mikey come here I need to talk to you." Gerard said.

[Gerard's P.O.V.]
I pulled Mikey into the other room.
"What’s wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing really... just that Jen is going to move in with us."

"Why?" He asked.

"She’s homeless Mikey... she has been for like a year now. Her mom kicked her out when she was 14, and she has been living in an alleyway.
I had to let her stay here."

"Oh my god!"

"Yeah, but don’t say anything OK? Especially not to Katie, and Stephanie. Jen, and those two have become close."

"I wont don't worry." He said walking into the living room again.

We walked back into the living room. I saw Jen Katie and Steph talking.
"So lets watch a movie." I said.

"What movie?" Mikey asked.

"Umm... how bout ' The Hills Have Eyes 2' considering we saw the first one last week." Stephanie suggested.

"YEAH!" They all said together. I searched for the DVD in the huge pile we had. I finally found it I popped in the DVD player. I looked around and the only available seat was next to Jen on the couch. I smiled and sat next to her. I felt so strange sitting next to her with out saying anything. I knew I was going to have to tell them sooner or later. At that moment I chose later. I sat next to her and less then 5 minutes into the movie they all started making out. That was when Jen rested her head on my chest. I took her hand in mine and we just laid and watched the movie. I didn't want to kiss her because if they saw us we would be screwed. We just sat there and watched the movie. Half way through the movie Mikey and Stephanie just left.

"What the fuck?" Katie asked looking at me, and Jen. I looked at Jen and she was pretending to sleep.

"Oh I guess she fell asleep on me." I sad.

"Oh OK then?" Frank asked.

"Hey Frank didn't your mom say you have to be home earlier tonight?" Katie asked winking at Frank, which meant they were leaving to go Franks house and have sex.

"Yeah I think she did." He said picking Katie off the couch.

"I got to go see you later Gee." Frank said waving to me as he left with Katie. When I heard the door slam I looked at Jen.

"Wow does everyone around here have sex every day?" Jen asked sitting up.

"Pretty much." I said.

"Oh shit its already 11. I have school tomorrow." She said.

"Damn it!

"Well let’s get to bed." She said. Getting off me, and running up the stairs. I followed up after her. I opened the door to the guest bedroom. And I saw Jen sitting on the bed looking around.
"Get used to it. This is going to be your new room."

"Gerard you have no idea how grateful I am." She said getting up and hugging me.

"Jen don't worry about it." I said hugging her back.

"Well I better get to bed." She said.

"You don't have pajamas?" I asked.

"Um... no."

"OH MY GOD! Come with me I will see if any of my clothes will fit you." I said taking her hand. I bought her into my room and started looking at all my clothes. She was so small none of my clothes were even close to fitting her.
"God you’re so small!" I said.

"I’m sorry!" She said. I took her into Mikey’s room. Surprisingly Mikey and Stephanie weren't in there. They probably snuck out to her place or something. I looked through Mikey’s clothes and found a pair of blue plaid pajamas. They looked like they would fit. They were probably Stephanie’s.
"Oh my god. Gerard thank you so much." She said hugging me.

"Come on lets get you to bed." I said kissing her good night.

"Thank you Gerard you have no idea how thankful I am." She said kissing me again.

"Don't worry about it."

"But still thank you."

"Again don't worry, now you have school tomorrow get to bed." I said kissing her again. She walked over into her room, and shut the door. I felt so lucky she was the most amazing girl I have ever met, and she loved me just as much as I loved her.