On the Edge

A New Life

[Jens P.O.V.]
I lay down in the bed with the pajamas he gave me, and I just felt so bad I was living there. I mean it was so nice of him, but I just felt so strange being here. I closed my eyes, and tried to sleep.

*About 3 in the morning*
I opened my eyes to a terrible nightmare. I was sweating and breathing heavy. That was the worst dream I had ever had.

It started out with Gerard and me downstairs on the couch. Then all of a sudden we were in an empty room with nothing. I looked next to me and Gerard was gone, and there was a door to my left. I started walking out of the door into a long hallway. I heard people behind me and I saw that there were like a million angry people chasing me. I ran into a near by room and locked the door. I turned around and saw a man with a mask on shoot Gerard point blank in the head. Then he turned the gun towards me and pulled the trigger. That was when I woke up.

I got out of bed and was walking towards the bathroom. I past Gerard’s room and saw through a small crack that he was sitting up in bed reading. I opened the door even more and poked my head in.
"Hey what are you doing up this early?" He asked.

"Well I couldn't sleep. What’s your excuse?" I asked.

"Same I couldn't sleep either. I had a nightmare."

"Really? So did I."

"Come sit. Tell me about your nightmare." He said making room in his bed for me. I walked over and sat down. I told Gerard my whole nightmare. With every word I finished he looked at me funny.

"That’s how it ended." I said finishing my little story.

"I had the exact same dream except I was in your place."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah that’s so weird."

"Yeah I know. Gerard I really don't want to be taken away from you."

"Jen don't worry... if we do what I told you to do it will be fine."

"I know but still... what if it does happen? What if I get taken away, and you have to go to jail? Wh-" I was cut off by him kissing me.

"Jen listen it will be fine. We just have to keep it a secret. It will all be OK."

"OK Gerard I trust you." I said resting my head on his shoulder. Before I knew it I was sleeping.

[Gerard’s P.O.V.]
I looked down at Jen and saw she was asleep. I thought in my mind whether I should wake her, bring her to her room, or just leave her. I looked at her beautiful face, and decided I would just wake her before Mikey or anyone woke up. I closed my eyes and rested my head on top of hers.

In the morning I opened my eyes and Jen was still lying on my shoulder. I looked at the time ad realized we both had to get up. I shook her lightly. She looked up and smiled.
"Morning." She said.

"Morning. Its time for both of us to start like getting ready."


"I'll be waiting for you outside your school today after school."

"Awe thank you." She said kissing my lips.

"DUDE WHAT THE FUCK!" I heard. Jen and me looked at the door, and saw Mikey there. I became so nervous.

"Mikey its called KNOCKING!"

"I did and when I got no answer I just walked in. Gerard let me talk to you." Mikey said signaling me to come into the hallway. I got up off the bed, and walking by the door. I shut the door behind me, and faced Mikey.

"What was that about?" Mikey asked.

"What?" I said dumbly.

"Don’t give me that bull shit! Why were you kissing her?" He said annoyed.

"Because we love each other." I wasn’t afraid to be straight forward with him.


"I’m only 4 years older. Not a big deal."

"Yeah it kind of is! ITS ILLEGAL!" He screamed into my face. I pushed him away.

"Well no one has to know. Which means your going to keep you fucking mouth shut!" I said giving him a death stare.

"I wont tell anyone, but wait is that the reason you invited her to live here!"

"NO! Mikey I swear. The whole us being together thing happened after I invited her to live here."

"Oh. Well I'll keep it a secret, and shit, but you seriously couldn't wait 3 years?"

"Stop joking about it Mikey. I really love Jen and she loves me back." I said punching his arm.

"All right I'll stop, just don’t start making out in front of me or shit like that."

"We wont, by the way don't tell Steph or Frank or anybody. Promise?"

"You can always trust me Gee don’t worry."

"Thanks dude." I said walking back into the room. I looked at Jens face, and she looked very scared.

"Don’t worry. Mikey wont say anything. He knows not to say shit or I will beat his face in." I said closing and locking the door. She laughed a little.

"I just got so scared Gerard...I honestly can never loose you." She said giving me a hug.

"I can't ever loose you either, but seriously Jen it will all be OK." I said hugging her close.

"I know. You keep telling me that, but for some reason I am still scared." I looked at her eyes, and I could see fear in them.

"I love you Jen nothing is going to happen to you."

"I love you too Gerard believe me I do. I mean you like the best guy I-"

"You talk to much." I said kissing her. I pulled away and looked at her smiling face.

"I HAVE TO GET TO SCHOOL!" She said. She ran into her room and I followed her. I saw her pick up the clothes she had been wearing forever.

"Oh no your not wearing those." I said taking her hand bringing her into Mikey’s room. I walked in and saw Mikey and Stephanie making out.

"Dude have YOU ever heard of knocking?" He said sarcastically.

"Shut up. Steph do you have any clothes here that you don’t want any more? Not for me for Jen."

"Yes actually I do. I was planning on throwing them away, but surely you can have them." She said pulling out a black shirt with a skull on it and pants with a hole in the knee.

"OH MY GOD STEPHANIE THANK YOU SO MUCH!" Jen said running over to Stephanie giving her the biggest hug. It made me smile to see her so happy.

"No problem don’t worry about it I am glad they will be put to good use." She said hugging Jen back. Jen walked back into her room. She closed the door behind her.

"Gerard why is Jen here so early?" Stephanie asked.

"Long story." I said walking out and going into my room.

*15 minutes later*
I went down stairs and saw Jen waiting in the living room with a smile on her face. She looked up at me and smiled even more.
"Ready to go."

"Yeah." She said getting up walking towards me. We started walking to her school. I slid my hand down by hers, and we linked fingers. I looked around and didnt see anyone around so I lightly kissed her cheek. I saw her smile even wider, and she started to blush.

"So I will meet you outside your school today, and well walk to the coffee shop."

"Sounds good. " She said. Unfortuantley we reached her school.

"I have to go... bye." She said hugging me.

"I love you." I whispered in her ear.

"I love you too." She whispered back. We pulled apart and she started walking into school. I noticed a kid with black hair and black clothes giving me a dirty look. I looked away, then glanced over and saw he was staring at Jen now. I looked at the time and realized I also had to get to school.