On the Edge

New Kid?

[Jens P.O.V.]
I hugged Gerard good bye and started walking into school. I noticed a new kid. He had black hair which was spiked in the back, and the rest hung down in his face. I noticed he gave Gerard a death stare. Then I glanced back and noticed he was like following me. I started to speed up my walk. I looked behind me again and he wasn't there. Before I knew it I walked into someone. I looked up and saw the kid who was following me. Now I was a little scared.
"Oh my god! Are you OK? I am so sorry." He said putting his hand out to help me up.

"I'm fine and its OK." I said as he pulled me up.

"I am really sorry though this is my first day here and I just got lost."

"Seriously its OK. I'm Jen by the way." I said extending my hand.

"I'm Bill, and sorry it seemed like I was following you before I was seeing if you were going the same way as me."

"Oh its OK I hardly noticed." I said lying. He seemed like a nice kid, and I know how he felt.

"Oh OK cool."

"Well I have to go. Maybe I'll see you around."

"Yeah I hope so." He said smiling at me.

When I got into first period I couldn't stop thinking about Gerard. The jocks tortured me just like they always do, but I honestly didn't notice because thinking of Gerard made me really happy.

I sat in my usual spot. I noticed that Bill kid was in my lunch. He noticed me and came over and sat with me.
"Hey." He said when he sat down.

"Hey." I said.

"Whats up?"

"Nothing. How was your first day?"

"Pretty good so far. Thanks.

"No problem. What grade are you in?"


"So am I."

"Cool. So Jen do you have a boyfriend?"


"Whats his name?"

"Gerard, but he doesn't go here."

"Oh... thats cool."

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked.


"So where did you move from?"

"New York."

"Thats cool. Whats it like in New York?"

"Basically the same as here. There a lot of crime and stuff just like here."

"Yeah true."

We talked the rest of the lunch period. We had a lot in common, but he reminded me of someone I used to be really close with. I couldn't figure out who exactly, but I felt like I had known him forever. Then the bell rang.
"Well I guess I'll see you later." I said getting up.

"Yeah so its OK if I sit here with you for a while?" He asked. He was so
nice I couldn't just say no especially because I had no one to sit with.

"Yeah sure." I said smiling at him.

"Thanks." He said. We walked away from each other.

*After School.*
I walked down the stairs of my school, and saw Gerard waiting for me. I smiled at him and he smiled at me. I noticed Bill was standing a couple feet away from Gerard. He smiled and waved at me. To be nice I waved back.
"Who is that?" Gerard asked when I got closer to him.

"This new kid Bill. He sat with me in lunch because he had no where to sit."

"Oh he gave me a dirty look today when I dropped you off."

"Yeah I thought I saw that too."

"He kind of creeps me out."

"Hes a nice kid."

"Yeah I'm sure but if he ever makes a move on you. You let me know right away I'll kick that little mother fuckers ass." He said making a fist. I laughed a little.

"Don't worry I would let you know in a heart beat." I said still laughing a little.

"Lets go to the coffee shop now."

"Sure." I said smiling.

"OK then." He said wrapping his hand around my waist. I pushed him away because I saw that kid Bill looking at me.

"What is it?" He asked.

"That stupid kid is staring at us. I don't want him to say anything." I looked over my shoulder and he was still staring.

"So I don't care what that little fuck thinks. I haven't seen you all day I missed you a lot." He said grabbing my waist again.

"I don't care what he thinks either but what if he says something." I said pushing him away.

"OK." He said looking pretty sad. I looked behind me, and saw Bill was gone. I looked around and saw no one else was around so I kissed Gerard's lips. I saw him smile.

We walked into the coffee shop and I saw Bill there. I turned around and looked at Gerard. He was beyond pissed. Gerard wrapped his arms around my waist as soon as he saw Bill get up to come talk to me.
"Hey Jen." He said getting closer to me.

"Hi Bill." I said not really wanting to talk to him.

"I didn't know you came here."

"Yeah I always do." I said kind of trying to pull Gerard's hands off me so Bill wouldn't say anything.

"Thats cool."

"Yeah listen I got to go I have some where to go."

"Yeah shes coming to my house." Gerard said smirking.

"I don't think we have met. I'm Bill." He said.

"Maybe thats a good thing." Gerard said. I elbowed him in the stomach.

"I mean I am Gerard."

"Nice to meet you. Well I guess I'll let you guys get going." He said kind
of giving Gerard a look again.

"OK bye." Gerard said taking my hand and pulling me out of the shop.

"I really don't like that kid!" Gerard said when we were outside.

"Yeah I mean I just met him today and hes acting like we have known each other forever."

"Try to avoid him in school!" Gerard said getting pretty upset now.

"Calm down. Its not like I'm going to sleep with the kid."

"Its not you I would be worried about. Its him." He said glancing back.

"Don't worry Gerard. Once he makes friends he wont even bother me."

"Better make friends soon little creep." He said kissing my cheek. I know Gerard cared about me a lot and that was why he was getting so annoyed, but Bill was kind of annoying me. I mean I knew him one day, and he was like following me. I hope it blows over. I don't want to deal with Gerard being paranoid much longer.