On the Edge

First MyChem Show

[Gerard's P.O.V.]
*A month later. *
Jen was telling me about this Bill kid. He never made a move or anything, but he was still a little flirty she told me. He was never where I was to pick up Jen anymore. Probably scared little brat.

It was a Friday night, and we were all hanging out as usual except Bob ,and Ray. They were trying to talk to Ray's cousin to convince him to let our band play at there club. We were watching Saw 2. Jen and Katie were really scared because they had never seen this movie before. In the beginging when the guys head was going to get chopped off. They were both on one either side of me and just before the part came up I taped there shoulders and went BOO. They both screamed and ran out of the room almost crying. Frank, Mikey, Stephanie and I all started peeing our selves.
"FUCK YOU ALL!" Jen and Katie screamed from the other room.

"No thank you!" We all replied. I felt kind of bad, and I went into the other room to get them. I opened the door and saw them sitting on the bed together.

"Give us a minute." Katie said to me when I walked in. I walked back into the main room.

[Katie’s P.O.V.]
Jen and I sat in the guest bedroom place, and I saw Jen’s stuff on the floor and everywhere.
"Wow you got a lot of stuff here. How often do you come here!"

"Um... a lot you can say."

"You and Gerard have been spending an awful a lot of time with each other."

"Yeah he’s like my best guy friend."

"Im sure." I said. At that moment Gerard walked in.

"Give us a minute." I said. He walked out silently.

"So about you and Gerard. Are you sure you guys are just friends?"

"Yeah... why would you say we were more then that?" She said getting red.

"Because as im talking to you your getting red, and you have been spending a lot of time here with Gerard. Like you’re here almost more then Stephanie, and that’s A LOT."

"I just got no where to go after school or on the weekends so we hang out."
"You don’t have a family to go home to?" I said. I felt bad kind of interrogating her, but I knew something was going on with Gerard and Jen, and I wanted to know what it was.

"OK I guess I should tell you the truth... I was homeless for a while. I told Gerard that, and he invited me to live here."

"OH MY GOD! I DIDN'T YOU TELL ME." I said hugging her, and now feeling bad for the interrogation.

"Because I didn't want you to feel bad for me. That was why I kept it from Gerard for a long time, but he got it out of me some how."

"Awe, but Jen you can tell me anything."

"I know I know. Just don’t tell a lot of people."

"I wont."

"Well lets go out there now." She said standing up walking out. I followed her and saw all
the guys, and Stephanie sitting where they were before. I saw Jen whisper something in Gerard’s ear and he took her outside.

"What were you, and Jen talking about in there?" Frank asked when I sat next to him.

"Nothing." I said looking outside. Seeing Ray ,and Bob walk up the steps. I saw Gerard, and Jen get very happy. They all ran in screaming.

"WE GOT THE SHOW!" Ray, Bob, and Gerard screamed. I was so confused.

"HOLY SHIT! ARE YOU KIDDING?" Frank said standing up running over to them.


"DUDE THAT’S UNBELIEVABLE!" Mikey said getting so excited.

"What’s going on?" I asked.

"We got our first show!" Frank said hugging me.

"OH MY GOD!" I said hugging him back. I was so happy for them. They were such a great
band, its great that people are finally going to be able to hear them, and the message they have.

"When is it?" Stephanie asked.

"Tomorrow at Knitting." Ray said.

"How did you get the show?" Stephanie asked.

"My cousin is the manager there. We have been trying to get us a show there forever. One band dropped out, and there was a spot for us." Ray said.

"Im so happy for you guys." I said.

"We have to be down there at 5 to set up and sound check and stuff." Bob said.

"What time is the show?" I asked.

"6:30 till when ever they get sick of us." Gerard said.

"This is such a good opportunity for you guys." Jen said smiling.

"It will actually. We'll get our music out there more." Mikey said. I was so happy for them. They all put so much hard work into this band, and its paying off.