Sequel: Not Going Home Alone
Status: This was made for my best friend so most of the things we say and do are real. The dreams that we talk about are real. Now, the relationship with the guys, not so real haha

You Leave Me Breathless

Meet The Girls

Brooklyn’s POV:

“Come on! We’re going to be late to the concert!” March 4, the best day ever. The day I get to see Zach again. My one true love. Sure I just saw him a few months ago, but come on, it’s Zach freakin Porter.

“The concert doesn’t start for another 4 hours!” My best friend, Morgan, yells back.

“Please. We have to get a good spot in line. You know how those mosh pit girls get.” I hear her laugh and come in to my room. We’re apartment neighbors.

“Yes, yes I do. Getting shoved, losing shoes, and being yelled out. Man, it is so awesome!” She cracks me up all of the time.

“Get out of here. Go start the car, I’ll be right down.” I have to make everything look perfect. This could be the day that Zach asks me out. The day he falls in love with me.

“Don’t plan on me being there!” She, naturally, is dreaming of Cameron. She shuts the door and I hear the elevator ding. Guess I better hurry now. Eyeliner here, hair there, and perfect.

“Morgan! I’m coming! Don’t leave without me!”

“Would I do that?” She asks, unlocking her car.

“Yes.” We laugh about it the whole way to the concert. I can’t believe this is really happening. I am going to see Allstar Weekend again. This is my tenth time; Morgan’s ninth. Still, every time is like the first time.

“You’ll see Zach soon enough. And I’ll see Cameron.” She swerves off the road and I grab the wheel.

“Less Cameron dreaming, more driving. Don’t drive like Mikey and kill us all.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it. We have to die in our castles with the boys. Or in the nursing home after we’ve caused a ton of trouble.”

“Wheelchair races!”

“Yeah buddy.” We high five and she swerves off the road again. Note to self; don’t distract the blonde while she’s driving. I turn the radio on and it plays Life As We Know It.

“It’s a sign!”

“Brooklyn, that’s not the sign. The sign is the fact that they’re coming to our state in March. A month that we have free now that we’re done with high school. They want to be with us.” She is obsessed with this fate stuff.

“Okay, whatever you say.”

“Just trust me. Either way, there is a sign here. We will be with Zach and Cameron.” She gets a look on her face. The “I don’t buy anything I’m saying but I have to believe there is some good in the world” look. Confusing, I know.

“Alright. Oh my gosh! I see the venue!”


“Right there!” I point to the left and she makes a sharp turn in to a spot.

“There. I didn’t kill us.”

“There is still the ride home.” I fear for my life right now.

“Get out of the car. There’s already a line forming.” We sprint to the line and get a decent spot. We are so going to be front row this time.
