Sequel: Not Going Home Alone
Status: This was made for my best friend so most of the things we say and do are real. The dreams that we talk about are real. Now, the relationship with the guys, not so real haha

You Leave Me Breathless


Zach’s POV:

“So, is she everything you ever hoped she would be?” Cameron asks immediately.

“Cameron, do you have any idea how amazing it is?” He smiles for a minute.

“Yeah, I know exactly how it feels. Morgan is beyond explanation.”

“That’s how it is with Brooklyn. Too special to describe.” We are two crazy boys desperately in love with two crazy girls.

“They are just perfect, Zach. How did we get so lucky?”

“Honestly, I have no idea.” I have my doubts on dating Brooklyn. I mean, being in different cities is tough, but a different state is close to impossible. There are so many cases where it has gone wrong. I guess it shows on my face by what Cameron says next.

“Zach, don’t worry about it right now. Take it a day at a time. If you two really love each other, it will work. I know I’ll make it work with Morgan. I just have to.” I can see in his eyes how in love he is. She must really be something special to make Cameron act like this.

“Okay, for Brooklyn, I will make it work.”

“That’s the spirit. Remember everything you do is for her. You two are in a relationship now.”

“How would you know? You’ve never been on a date.”

“I know, neither has Morgan. We were each other’s first date.”

“Continue.” He has a really good point.

“Neither of us have dated before, but we do know how it works. I have two sisters so I know the goal is to keep the girl happy.”

“I guess that’s true. Most of my relationships did end badly because of that small little detail. Fine, maybe you know more.”

“We both know that’s not true. Well, I have to go. I am crazy busy today.”

“Doing what, exactly?” Cameron almost never has plans.

“Morgan wants me to get a new wardrobe. I have to send her pictures of everything I have and then we’ll see what I need. That’s going to be an added plus to our date.” I crack up. She makes them “Camgan” then takes him shopping. She also made me and Brooklyn, “Zaklyn”, which is the silliest name, but I like it. I have a “couple” name or whatever.

“She’s going to take you shopping? For your date?”

“Not for our date. We date Saturday and shop Sunday.”

“You poor thing. I can add a band practice in that day.”

“Yes, cause we so need the practice. We aren’t doing anything for a while.”

“Good point. The girls are smarter than I want to even consider right now.” I can already see them planning things against us.

“It’s worth it in the end. I do kind of need new clothes; I was just going to grab whatever I could find at the first store I went to.”

“Of course you were, Cam. Isn’t that how you always buy your clothes?” I look at the zebra shorts he has on.

“It sure is. Oh, and you sound like a girl criticizing what I’m wearing.” How did that happen? I have been spending way too much time with my mom apparently.

“Remind me to fix that.”

“Will do.” He walks off. Poor guy. One date and she already has him changing things.
