Sequel: Not Going Home Alone
Status: This was made for my best friend so most of the things we say and do are real. The dreams that we talk about are real. Now, the relationship with the guys, not so real haha

You Leave Me Breathless

Cameron's Secret

Zach’s POV:

“Hey, Zach, are you going to Mikey’s party tomorrow night?” Michael and Selena are throwing a party to celebrate their one month. They are the only couple I know that would do that.

“No, I’m not. Mom wants me to help her with something and there’s no way I can get out. She asked me in the tone that means you have to say yes.”

“Oh, I hate that tone.” I just lied again. What has Brooklyn done to me? I know she gets in tonight and she’ll probably want to go to the party tomorrow. I know Morgan will, but she won’t leave Brooklyn. I won’t be the one to stop them from having a good time.

“So do I. It’s so annoying. I can’t wait to buy my own place and move away from her rule.” It will be nice to get away.

“You can do that whenever you choose to.”

“I don’t really want to move out.”

“I figured as much. How’s operation “Get Brooklyn Back” going for you?”

“The girls get in tonight, so I hope it’s on track. Morgan and I talked last month and she said she would help me.” I can see why Cameron likes her, I don't know how he handles it all. She is five foot of insanity.

“She’s so sweet, isn’t she? Trying to help everyone be happy, yet she still has time to be the best girlfriend in the world. Zach, I really love her. Would it be wrong if I proposed to her?” I choke on air.

“What did you just say? You’ve only known her 6 months!”

“I know, today is the 6 month anniversary of the day I asked her out.” That means it’s the 6 month anniversary of the day I asked Brooklyn out.

“Cam, it’s too soon. You two don’t know each other.”

“But we do, Zach. We’re so alike, yet we’re also so different. We bring out the best in each other. Every time I see her, it’s like the first time I saw her. I’m so in love with her.”

“Wow, Cam, that’s really big. Do you think she would say yes?”

“I know she would say yes.” He doesn’t miss a beat. “If you saw how she lit up when she sees me. If you felt her arms around me and the way she kisses me. We’re two kids who have found our soul mate in each other.”

“I know you feel. I felt that with Brooklyn.”

“You can still get her back.”

“Cam, I say propose to Morgan. If you know she’ll say yes, then make her the new Mrs. Quiseng. Make her wildest dreams come true."

“I think I will. I just have to find the perfect ring, and I have an idea.” He runs off. Now I just have to get Brooklyn back and maybe that will be me running off to find a ring.
