Sequel: Not Going Home Alone
Status: This was made for my best friend so most of the things we say and do are real. The dreams that we talk about are real. Now, the relationship with the guys, not so real haha

You Leave Me Breathless

Meet the Guys

Zach’s POV:

“Brent, Dillon, will you guys go do sound check? We go on in 10.”

“Sure thing, Zach. Don’t stress, we’ll be great.” They go on stage and I stress.

“Thinking of someone special?” Cameron walks up behind me.

“We’re in Washington. This is where I’ve seen her 10 times. She has to be here tonight, doesn’t she?”

“Zach, she and her amazing cute friend come to all of our shows. Well, there was that one.”

“Okay, so you’re saying they’ll be here.”

“I would count on it.” He walks away. I don’t know if this makes me more nervous, or less. This girl is just so special. Every time I see her, I want to say something, but I freeze. I treat her like another fan and she is so much more than that.

“Just let her go. If you aren’t going to make a move, then get over it.” Lovely advice from Michael. The master of all relationships.

“Thanks. I feel so much better.”

“Anytime. Now get your head in this. There are hundreds of fans out there that want a good show, not Zach dreaming about a girl.” He does have a good point. I see blonde hair flash by and chase it. It’s her! The friend!

“Hey, do I know you from somewhere?” She looks up at me, surprised she got caught.

“Yes, you do. I’ve been to a few concerts. Actually, I just saw you in concert a few months ago.” Now I know it’s her.

“Is Brooklyn here?” She smiles and it’s almost evil.

“Oh, Brooklyn is definitely here. And she can’t wait to see you….in concert.” She laughs and walks away. I need to know how much of that she meant. Did she mean to pause? Is that a hint?

“Zach! She’s here! Morgan is here.” Cameron runs up to me.

“I know. I just talked to her. Brooklyn’s here, too.” I am definitely more nervous now. The girl of my dreams is in the crowd.

“Hey, Zach, not to make you more nervous, but that brunette is here. In the front row. And Cam? The blondie just shoved her way up there, too.”

“Thanks, Brent.”

“Anytime.” He should know their names as much as we talk about them.

“It’ll be great. We always are."

“Thank you, Dillon. That really helps. If this all goes bad, we’re blaming you.”

“I would expect nothing less.” He walks away and under his breath, he mutters “I can’t wait for September to get here.” The intro starts. Well, it’s now or never.
