Sequel: Not Going Home Alone
Status: This was made for my best friend so most of the things we say and do are real. The dreams that we talk about are real. Now, the relationship with the guys, not so real haha

You Leave Me Breathless

The Reason For The Madness

Zach’s POV:

I am standing outside Brooklyn’s apartment. Today is the day that I will win her heart back. She has to forgive me, doesn’t she?

“I think we both know my driving will never be perfect.” That's Morgan's voice.

“Ha! That is so true!” Brooklyn seems so happy right now. This is perfect.

“Hi, Brooklyn.” She turns to look at me.

“You know what, I have something to do. Bye!” Morgan runs inside, leaving me and Brooklyn alone.

“What do you want, heart breaker?” She crosses her arms and stares right through me. This is not the same girl that I once knew.

“Brooklyn, please, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. Just trust me when I say that I had a really good reason to this.”

“I know. Morgan told me you two spoke. Now don’t get mad, she didn’t tell me what you two talked about. She said you spoke and you didn’t want to break up with me. I want an explanation from you.”

“I can’t give you one.”

“That’s exactly what I thought you would say.” She walks in to the building and the door slams. If she knew what was going on, she would understand.


“Zach, you got a letter.”

“From who?” I never get mail and I’m not expecting anything right now. Maybe it’s from Brooklyn saying how she misses me.

“I don’t know. Some girl named Ariel.”

“Give me that!” It cannot be the same girl. There’s no way she would stoop this low. I take the letter from her hands.

"Break up with her or else.

-Much love, Ariel and Alison.

“No freaking way!”

“Zach? Is everything okay?”

“No, everything is so wrong right now. I have no idea what to do.” She takes the warning and reads it.

“Zach, if you really love Brooklyn, there’s one thing left for you to do.”


“I’m sorry, Brooklyn. I never meant to hurt you, just protect you.”

“So, you got Ariel’s letter?” I turn around and see Alison.

“Why are you here? Haven’t you two ruined my life enough?” My voice breaks from tears. She’s trying to look sorry, but I see the smirk hiding.

“Just making sure all the work is done properly. Good job, your one true love gets to live. Now, go find your soul mate, Ariel. Oh, and if you could hook me up with Brent it’d be much appreciated.”

“You have done nothing for me. Why would I help you out?”

“You’ll feel differently when you start dating Ariel.”

“I will never date her.” I have to find a way to get Brooklyn and keep her safe.

“We’ll see about that.” She walks off laughing, all sign of apology has completely disappeared.

“Brooklyn, I promise I love you.” She can’t hear me, but I need to say it.
