Sequel: Not Going Home Alone
Status: This was made for my best friend so most of the things we say and do are real. The dreams that we talk about are real. Now, the relationship with the guys, not so real haha

You Leave Me Breathless

Brooklyn's Realization

Brooklyn’s POV:

I look outside.

“No way! Ugh, that jerk!” Morgan runs to my apartment.

“What happened? What did Zach do?” I love how she knows exactly who I’m talking about.

“Come over here!” She comes to the window and sees what I see.

“He’s talking to the follower of the group. How dare he?” That's what I thought.

“You’ll feel differently when you start dating Ariel.” I hear that girl say it. My head snaps back to the window.

“What did she just say? No one dates my man!” Wait, did I just say that?

“You still love him.” Morgan singsongs.

“Yes, okay! I still love Zach Porter, but all chance of me being with him is gone. We broke up and I’ve made it clear that I can’t stand him.”

“It is never too late. Unless he starts dating Ariel.” My heart drops. I may have just lost the one person I swore I would never give up on.

“What if it is too late?” The girl walks away, he stands there for a minute, then walks away too. “He’s probably going to find Ariel and ask her out.”

“You don’t know that!”

“I don’t know it, but he’s definitely not coming up here to win me back. What if he has completely given up hope of us ever getting back together?”

“I haven’t known Zach long, but I know he would never do that.”

“Please tell me that all of this is just a dream.”

“I really wish I could. Believe me, I would tell you if it was.”

“But it’s harsh reality."

“Yeah, it is. Things will get better soon. They always do. Look how my life turned out.”

“Who’s definition of soon are we talking about?”

“That, Brooklyn, I can’t answer. Take it like we did when we were dating them, one day at a time.”

“I’m not sure if I can do that.” I want him now.

“I know Zach pretty well. I think we are talking normal time soon.” She doesn't know him, but hopefully she knows him enough.

“You better be right about all of this.”

“If I’m not right about him, I’m right about things getting better. Just trust me, okay?”

“I’ll try.”

“Do it.” She looks at me to show how serious she is.

“Okay, I trust you. So, how are you and the fiancé?” Her face brightens.

“We are fabulous!”

“When are you two moving in together?”

“The night we get married. Well, I guess the week after. We’ll get married, go on the honeymoon, then move in to whatever place we choose. My apartment, his apartment, or a house. But we don’t even want to think about buying one right now. It’s far too early.”

“Do you even have a date picked yet?”

“The always prepared are now unprepared.” She says laughing.

“Of course you are undecided on something this important.” I do not understand how those two think.
