Sequel: Not Going Home Alone
Status: This was made for my best friend so most of the things we say and do are real. The dreams that we talk about are real. Now, the relationship with the guys, not so real haha

You Leave Me Breathless

Definitely Not The End

Brooklyn’s POV:

Around 6, I decide it’s best to go home. Morgan will kill me for not letting her know earlier.

“Zach, Morgan is going to kill to hear about your genius plan working.” He laughs. I’ve missed that laugh of his so much and now it’s all mine again.

“I have no doubt she will. Cameron will probably want to hear about it, too. And Mikey….”

“Will want to throw a party.” I interrupt him.

“Yes, he will.”

“Zach, this day has been….” He interrupts me with a kiss. So this is what we’re back to. I think I can handle that.

“You were saying?” He asks, knowing I won't continue.

“I have no idea, Zach.”

“Alright, go home before a missing person announcement goes out.”

“I don’t think it will be that serious.” I kiss him and go home. I don’t want to leave yet, but I have to. I can take Ariel and Alison.

“Brooklyn! Where were you all day?” Morgan is standing outside of my room.

“I was with Zach."

“Oh my gosh! You can’t kill a person! He didn’t mean it! Wait, I know that smile. Tell me everything.” I go to get my keys and she hits them out of my hand. “No time, come on.” She shoves me in her apartment.

“Okay, what do you want to know?”

“Tell me everything! How did he apologize, what did you do, was it magical. I want all the details. Do I want all the details?”

“Yes, you do. Okay, so I saw him this morning and got mad at him. Then, he started singing No Air.”

“That is so sweet!” She squeals. The only bone this girl has is romantic.

“After that I told him about how we saw Alison saying he should date Ariel. He promised me he would never date her and that he loves me. You should have seen how blue his eyes were. It was like floating in the ocean.”

“Since everything ended okay, I have a right to say this.” I know exactly what she’s about to say. “I told you it would work out!”

I knew you were going to say that. For once, I’m glad you were right.” I don't mind hearing those words.

“Duh. I’m always right. I knew they were going to ask us out, I knew something good would happen the night Cam proposed, and I knew you and Zach would be fine.”

“Yeah, I guess you did.”

“Zach is a genius.” I look at her.

“Why do you say that?” Zach’s never been much of a genius so she’s confusing me.

“He knew exactly how to win you back. He didn’t do the pathetic guy stuff. He freakin sang to you!”

“Oh, yeah, he did do that.”

"You have a really good guy, Brooklyn. Don't let him get away."

“I wouldn’t dare. You don’t let Cameron get away.”

“Never in a million years.” She points to her ring, reminding me. “We have to live in our castles, still."

“They will be the best castles in the world.”

“Only the best castles for the best girls with the best guys.” We really do have the best guys. Everything is perfect again, so why do I get the feeling that something is going to go wrong soon?
