One Night Stands With Your Band Mate Don't Always Last One Night

The Beginning And the End (Maybe)

Ronnie's POV

I woke up with the worst headache. The second I opened my eyes, they were flooded with bright sunlight. I guess I forget to shut the curtain last night. I always do. I go out every night and get drunk. I always close the shades because, most of the time, when I wake up, it's late in the afternoon and it's so bright out that my eyes burn.
I feel something move next to me and I look over to see long black hair. Fuck yes. I had sex last night! I thought to myself. I know how much of a dick that makes me sound like, but I don't care. Sex is fucking awesome. And with me, you literally are fucking awesome.
I tried to remember last nights events but all I remember was getting drunk with the rest of my band Escape the Fate. We had just finished our concert. The last one of the tour. Brian and Robert were off god knows where doing god knows what. Omar didn't go out last night. Probably with his girlfriend or boyfriend or whatever. I'm hungover. I have a huge headache. I can't think.
Anyway. Max and I were just being stupid and touching each other a lot. Hugging. Throwing our legs over the other ones legs. Sitting in each others laps. We were so drunk we didn't care what people thought about us.
We do this when we are drunk. Every time when we are together. Sometimes we even make out. It's probably on YouTube or something. I think last night was a pretty calm night. I probably snuck off, got a girl and left.
I looked around. Why am I in Max's bed? I looked over at the body next to me. It can't be. I am not in the same bed—naked— with the hottest person ever. There's no way.
I think I should probably fill you in on what I'm talking about. It happened after the first concert we ever had and we were celebrating. I was talking to Omar when something touched my neck. I was about to turn around when I felt something moist moving on the back of my neck. I tried to suppress the moan I felt coming and I bit my lip. I turned around to find Max. He was the lips.
Maxwell Scott Green just kissed my neck. That was what was going through my head. He leaned forward and kissed me roughly but lovingly. I froze for a few seconds then I kissed back. It was magical. And then I realized I was in love.
I laid back down and looked at the body in the bed. I wrapped my arm around the person's waist and they snuggled closer. I sighed and breathed in the smell. The wonderful smell of Maxwell Green. Wait what! It is him! I kissed his neck to wake him up, and it worked. Definitely.
He shifted and turned towards me. He smiled, still half asleep. I smirked "Hey baby." He shot up, eyes opening widely as he froze. I chuckled. Then I started to remember.

Max's POV

I felt an arm wrap around me and I didn't know who it was, but I was so tired, I didn't care. My ass hurts. Oh god. I had gay butt sex again. Why does this keep happening?! God damn it! I turned around so I was facing the person that was holding me and I smiled. "Hey baby."
I froze and sat up extremely quickly. Holy shit. I slept with Ronald Joseph Radke. What the actual fuck. I didn't make him rape me, did I? I mean, I know I enjoyed having sex with him. I mean, he's my secret obsession, but still. He doesn't like me back, right? He doesn't like guys. He likes girls. That's obvious. I looked at him and leaned closer to him. "What the fuck happened last night Ronald?" He looked pissed. He hates when people call him by his real first name. Not his nickname. I let out a short laugh. "just tell me what the fuck happened last night so I can go puke from this fucking hangover." He sat up and kissed me deeply.
"I think you'd like it better if I showed you." He flipped me over so I was on my back. I let out a reluctant moan and he smirked, kissing me harder. "You like it rough baby? You do, don't you?" He kissed down my neck and straddled my hips, grinding his into mine.
"Fuck yes." I kissed him and flipped us over again. I ran my hands down his chest and he groaned. "You like that? You like that Ronald?" He nodded quickly and I giggled. Fuck. He has me giggling. I kissed down his body and was just about to take him into my mouth when the door slammed open.

Ronnie's POV

Well well well. Max likes me back. Thank fucking god. We were just basically making out and now he's about to suck my cock. This is the best day. All I need is him to be my boyfriend, and nothing will ever be wrong again.
Then the door bursts open and I look over to see Brian, Omar and Robert standing in Max's doorway. Shit. I didn't want them to know. They groaned when they saw us.
"You're fucking again?" Brian asked us, surprised.
"Aren't you fucking tired yet?" Robert questioned.
Omar gapes "You fucked each other for at least three hours last night! We walked into the motel room and all we could hear was 'Oh fuck! Max! I'm gonna cum!' And 'Oh Ronnie! Fuck! Cum inside of me! Make me your slut! Slap me! Spank me! Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! Fuck I'm cumming!' And there were slapping sounds and the sound of the bed hitting the wall. And..... Then we heard other things like moans and chains and....... A whip. Which one of you used that by the way?"
I looked at Max and he looked at me and pushed me away, flipping over and burying his face into the pillow. He said something that sounded like, 'Ronnie. What the fuck did you do to me?! Why the fuck did you take advantage of me?! I've loved you for so fucking long and now you fucking take advantage of me?"
Robert stepped closer. "Actually Max, you were the one who kissed him first. You kissed him, he kissed back, you both sucked vodka out of the other's mouth, you were making out, and you grabbed his hand Ronnie and picked him up. He pulled your hair and Max reached out his hand for his room key. I quickly gave it to him, and the key to my chest of sex objects because you both demanded it. And thanks for breaking the whip, the anal beads, and the paddle. Those were fucking expensive."

Max's POV

Holy shit. I'm a kinky mother fucker. I made Ronnie use anal beads and a whip and a paddle on me! What the fuck is happening to me? Who the fuck am I? I turned over and looked at Ronnie. He leaned down and kissed me, grinding into me again. I kissed back and moaned. He pulled back and growled—holy shit that makes me sooooooooo horny— at the guys.
"Get the fuck out. I want to make love to the love of my life." He leaned down and kissed me lovingly. "Max? Do you feel the same? Will you be my boyfriend?" He pulled back and smiled that smile I have always love.
I looked at Robert, Omar and Brian. "Get the fuck out mother fuckers. Me and my boyfriend have a lot of lost love making time to make up for so don't bother us." I pulled Ronnie down and kissed his lips. He wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed me back. And today was the first day we made love.

Ronnie's POV
Exactly one year later

"Max? Baby? We need to talk." I say as I walk into the house that me and my boyfriend share. Hopefully not for long.
He walks into the living room and over to me, kissing me softly. Oh how I love his kisses. I lead him over to the couch and sit down. He sits in my lap, put I pick him up and put him on the couch again. "Baby. It isn't about sex." He looks at me like I'm crazy. "It's better. I swear." I get down on the floor and grab a box out of my pocket. I look at him "Maxwell Scott Green. On behalf of the son that we now have, Drayden, who is almost three months old today, and my love for you, will you do me the honor of being my husband?" He chokes on his tears and nods enthusiastically.
"Yes. Of course. Yes. Definitely!" I stood up and pick him up, kissing him deeply. "I love you Maxxie."

Max's POV
1 year and 3 months later

I'm standing in the back of the church. The only church that would allow this ceremony to happen. I see my little boy Drayden holding the pillow that holds the object that will change my life forever. I'm crying. Drayden is crying. There's a coffin in front of him. And he's holding the one thing that I have left of the person I love that is in that casket. I know I shouldn't be crying this much. I close my eyes and start sobbing quietly. I know that the baby I'm about to have will never meet one of the most important people in its life and that makes me cry harder.
I feel arms wrap around me. I lean back into them knowing that they belong to my husband Ronnie. I look back at him and cry into his shoulder.
He whispers softly into my ear "Baby. She's in a better place. Dyka was sick. There was nothing you could do. You know that. She was a great dog. I know we can get through this. And if we can't, we have to at least try for our son and our daughter that you're having in a few days." He kissed me softly. "I'm here for you sweetie. You know I am." He rested his forehead against mine and at that moment I knew. I'd be okay. And so would my family.
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I hope you liked it <3 I might write another Ronnie/Max. Or maybe GerardWay/FrankIero or GerardWay/MikeyWay because even though its incest, they still would be really cute together. Maybe Ronnie/Craig. I don't know yet. It depends on how many people actually read this.