Caramel Macchiato

Into Something

I fluttered my eyes opened after hearing a knock at the door. I recognized the voice, it sounded like the front-desk woman that I’d met when I first got here at one something this morning. “Mr. Biersack! This is your eight o’clock wakeup call!” She thumped on the door until Andy hollered, ‘alright! Thank you!’ It was when Andy hollered thank you that I realized…

I bolted up, biting on my bottom lip. “I’m so sorry,” I said quickly. I was in his bed, and I hadn’t any idea how long I’d been there… I looked down at him; how his chest was exposed since the covers were pushed back some. Then I noticed a small smile on his face.

“Don’t be. You got up and used the bathroom a couple hours ago and crawled into my bed. I don’t know if it was by mistake or what but… really, don’t be sorry. We kind of… just curled up and went back to sleep. I’m a real big cuddler, Livvy, so really I don’t mind…” his voice trailed off and I found myself chewing on my bottom lip harder. I couldn’t believe I’d done that.

“I am too… I mean… I should have asked you first though instead of just jumping into your bed… you probably think I’m some easy floozy now…” I pouted some and he immediately shook his head.

“I don’t, not at all. Do you know how cramped the tour bus is going to be? You aren’t even going to have a bed on it unless you share with me…” he admitted, fluttering his eyes up to mine. I felt my heart fall into my stomach, fluttering around, trying to escape.

“I could always sleep on the couch…” my voice was barely above a whisper. Andy shook his head immediately.

“I’m the gentleman; I should offer to sleep on the couch….”

“But you’re a pre-Madonna, Andy,” I teased a little, knowing he would never offer the couch. Andy liked his comfort, his extravagance. It surprised me that the tour bus was going to be so cramped since I figured they had a top of the line bus… they probably did, but, costs made them keep things low-budget to a certain degree I’m sure.

“Gee, thanks,” he rolled his eyes, turning to look away from me as if my comment hurt his feelings.. I reached down and turned his head back to me, caressing his cheek and his chin.

“I meant it jokingly, I’m sorry,” I whispered and lent in, kissing his forehead gently before rolling out of the bed. I didn’t even give myself the satisfaction of seeing how the kiss to the forehead made him smile or frown… I knew I was in the wrong already so I just… looked away.

I dug through my duffel bag until I found the appropriate outfit for the day. It was cold in Chicago, and I’m sure it would be cold in Pontiac too…if not even colder, so I dressed accordingly. I went into the bathroom first to change into the outfit, and once I was out, Andy took my place in the bathroom, changing. While Andy was in the bathroom, I decided to text my Mom and let her know I was awake and that we’d be getting on the bus soon. I let her know that I would, or Andy would call her after we got to Pontiac.

“So will we eat breakfast on the tour bus?” I asked him and he nodded as he came out of the bathroom.

“Yeah. We usually stop an hour or so into the drive and find a Denny’s or something and get some carry-out and eat on the bus.” Andy admitted. I nodded some while listening to him, brushing out my hair once more from all the knots that it accumulated while we slept.

“Coffee on the bus then until breakfast?” I asked him and he smirked a little.

“Hell yes. We have one of those one-cup coffee makers… I bought Starbucks coffee shit yesterday afternoon once we got to Chicago, since at that point… I knew I was going to ask you to come on the road with us. So I wanted it to be like home for you.” Andy said softly and I had to turn my head, acting like I was looking for something in my duffel bag because he was making me blush so damned much.

“I’m really glad I accepted. I know that I’m dropping everything back home but… this is a once in a lifetime opportunity,” I said softly and put my pajamas back into my duffel bag, sitting the bags up on the bed.

“Yeah, it is,” Andy nodded and gathered up his bags as well, putting them on the bed as well next to mine.

“I’m sorry if I’m being too forward,” I said in a breathless tone of voice, turning to look at him when he sat down on the bed by his luggage as we kind of waited for the sands of time to move through the hourglass. “Waking up in your bed, kissing your forehead, I don’t know… I don’t know if that’s me being a flirt or just being a friend. If it makes you uncomfortable, I’m sorry,” I whispered and sat down on my own bed, holding onto one of my duffel’s like it was a stuffed animal.

“It doesn’t bother me, Livvy… You aren’t upsetting me, or hurting me… you’re being you. Don’t stop being you around me,” Andy said quietly and I could tell there was probably something more on the tip of his tongue but I let it go when Ashley knocked on the door, telling us we needed to hurry up and get down to the bus. Andy grabbed his duffel’s and my own, of course I was about to protest when he shot me a look of ‘don’t you dare.’

I followed him down to the tour bus and got on it, looking around. I was so flattered to be here, so happy and excited. Part of me though was somewhat nervous; would I be good enough for Andy on this tour? Was this going to turn into something more? A girl could hope couldn’t she? I followed Andy through to where he placed my duffel’s above his bunk bed. I chewed on my lower lip.

“Will we…both fit?” I asked him in a soft voice and he laughed.

“Only one way to find out, Livvy.” Andy crawled into the bunk and gazed at me, beckoning me with his finger. I nodded some and crawled in with him. It was really bigger than it looked honestly… but… it was still quite cramped. I curled into his side, sighing somewhat as my head rested on his arm/shoulder area.

“I like this,” I said quietly, letting my eyes slip shut as I wrapped an arm around him, just draping it over his side.

“So do I… more than I probably should,” he said in a soft voice, resting his head against my own and we just lay there, together…

“This is going to turn into something,” I said in a very quiet voice, pulling my head back from his so I could gaze into his deep baby blues. “Andy, I’m not going to be able to just… be your advice guru and sleep here so tightly curled up to you; and things not happen between us. You can’t be this polite to me, this nice and kind…and then me not fall for you… and I know that’ll ruin it. It’ll ruin everything. You’ll send me home,” I couldn’t even finish before he placed a somewhat calloused finger on my lips.

“Look. If something happens between us, it’s fair game. You warned me just now, didn’t you? I know that right now…things like that aren’t going to happen between us. Because, I’ve got too much shit on my plate. If you need a cuddle buddy, I’m here. If you want to hold hands and watch a horror movie, I’m here. I want to be your friend just like you’re being mine… and if something does happen, then we’ll jump off that bridge together. I’m not going to send you home just for you voicing your feelings towards me. If you fall for me, then don’t count it out that I won’t fall for you. It just isn’t happening right here, right this very second.” Andy’s voice was soft; I knew he was being his kindest, trying not to hurt my feelings. I smiled a little and cupped his cheek.

“Right now. What are your feelings towards me?” I asked him in a voice that was barely above a whisper.

“Right now, I’m so happy you’re here. I’m still in fucking disbelief that you are. You’ve pretty much surpassed everyone and in forty eight hours have become my closest friend. Part of me knows something is going to happen between us…and a deep down part of me wants that. But right now, as I’m looking at you… I’m thinking about her still, and until I can stop that… then I’m not going to admit to anything, Livvy. Because it’ll just hurt you more if I do.”

I could agree with that. If he told me right now that he was falling for me, and then said ‘Oh well… I love Juliet more…’ then it would kill me. It would absolutely crush me.

“Best friends, then?” I asked and he nodded his head, kissing my cheek gently.

“Best friends. The very best in fact. Now, what do you say we have some coffee before breakfast, huh?” The dark haired male asked and I nodded my head before rolling out of the bunk carefully. It was definitely going to be cramped being in that bunk with him, but, fuck sakes…I desperately wanted to be that close to him.
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NEW Word Count: 1,629

Updated August 25th, 2013.