Status: I'm writing this one for me, so it's gonna be painful.

Love's Disgrace

She shook her head. “She was all I wanted.”

“Piss off with all the moping.” He fished in his duster for his box, the zippo lighting up the instant he placed the stoge between his lips. “If she’s all you wanted then let yourself get killed.”

“How can you say something like that?” Willow’s voice was hysterical and the room brightened a little as her emotions took more control. “You said you loved Dru, but you haven’t died!”

“That’s because I did,” he snapped. “But I’m not one of the scoobies, Red. I’m not going to offer nice words of comfort just because you’re down here drowning me with your tears and sorrow..."

Disclaimer" Borrowing the characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayers for enjoyment purposes only. All character belong to their creators.
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