For A Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic

Yes, I Was Drunk

Drew’s point of view.

I didn’t leave the room again, after I heard the front door slam shut and after I heard Laurence swearing after Kier, telling him to get his ass back here now… I don’t know, I don’t know what to do. Why did he leave? Did he get freaked out or… does he hate me now? Does he realise how wrong it is that I like him?

I felt the tears burning at my eyes again, why am I always crying?! For fucks sake, I’m such a baby, I shouldn’t cry so much. Especially over things as…as trivial as these. I couldn’t help it though, they got to me, Kier got to me and basically tore my head apart with his obliviousness; I suppose it’s not really obliviousness now though, more ‘mixed signals’? I have no idea, honestly.

It wasn’t long after that I heard the door open again as Shane walked in. Gotta love Shane, always checking up on me blah blah all that stuff yeah. He smiled sympathetically at me as he sat down, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. “What happened?” was all he asked.

I shrugged, what had happened? “Well…I told him,” I bit my lip, my voice just a whisper, “and he…he…um… he kissed me.”

“He kissed you?!” Shane exclaimed, in complete disbelief.

I nodded, refusing to look up and meet his gaze, “but then he just left again…and I don’t…. where did he go?”

Shane pondered for a few moments before shrugging himself, “I honestly haven’t a clue.”


Kier’s point of view.

No. No no no no no no! What the fuck was I thinking?! Why did I…agh! Why did I kiss him? I shouldn’t have kissed him, he’s going to get the completely wrong idea. I don’t like him, I don’t think so anyway… No! I don’t like him, not like that, I can’t like him like that. But why did I kiss him? I’m an idiot, obviously, that’s one reason. I just can’t believe I was that fast to react, ‘I like you’ bam instant kissing.

I dragged my hand down my face, groaning in annoyance as my other hand tightened on the bottle it was holding. Currently I was sitting on the curb of a street; Lauren’s street to be precise, her house was opposite me, whether she knew I was out here or not I had no idea. Another thing, which I’m not going to lie about in the slightest, I was pissed out of my mind. After sitting in a bar for an hour, trying my best to ignore the constant phone calls from Shane and Luke and Laurence as I killed my liver and numbed my common sense, I decided it would be a good idea to buy a bottle of something alcoholic and go for a walk.

My ideas while drunk never end up being very good ideas. I sighed, tipping the bottle back and emptying the rest of its contents into my throat where it burned its way down. I left the empty bottle on the ground as I pulled myself up, stumbling slightly but quickly regaining balance again before I began to slowly walk across the road to Lauren’s house.

I don’t know what I was thinking by walking over there and just turning up, we’d been on one date and I wasn’t even completely sure if this was her house (having only been here once to drop her off after said date), but maybe my drunken brain thought it would be a smart idea, something to take my mind of Drew.

Honestly… how did I….ugh, let’s not get into that again. I’ll just get more annoyed at myself.
Once I reached the front door, I slowly knocked on it, holding onto the wall beside to keep myself steady as I waited. Just a few seconds later I heard the latch of the door click and it creaked open slowly, a very concerned-looking Lauren standing behind it.

“Kier!” she exclaimed suddenly, pulling the door back, her concerned look growing more confused as she saw me properly. I smiled down at her, stepping into the house before closing the door behind me and pulling her into a hug. “You’re drunk,” she immediately blurted out. Is it really that obvious?

“How can you tell?” I slurred, obviously more drunk than what I’d assumed. I didn’t even wait for an answer though before I leant down and pressed our lips together, chuckling as I did so.

“No you can’t…I…” she tried to push me off her but I stayed where I was, holding her tightly against me. I kissed her again, only this time more forcefully, to which she didn’t object to as much. She kissed me back after a moment of hesitation, wrapping her arms around my neck to pull the two of us even closer together. I let my hands fall down to her hips before I- ….Wait, what am I doing?

Realisation sunk in just a second too late as I heard a very startled, yet very annoyed voice from behind us. “Lauren?!” the guy, whoever he was exclaimed. We jumped apart immediately, “Lauren what the fuck?! Who’s this guy and why are you kissing him?!”

“Peter!” Lauren’s eyes were wide, “I can…um…I can explain, I swear, I-“

She didn’t get a chance to explain though before she was torn away from me. Peter, after pushing Lauren to the side, grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and slammed me into the wall, his face millimetres from mine as he growled. “I don’t know who the fuck you think you are,” he spat, “but get the fuck away from my girlfriend.”

That makes more sense. He didn’t seem like he’d be Lauren’s boyfriend though, with his short and spiked hair, his chinos and ugly denim shirt, I immediately labelled him as ‘chav’. His grip tightened on my collar and he pushed me back further onto the wall, “fucking answer me!” he growled.

“Peter! Peter don’t!” Lauren jumped forward and tried to pry him off me, to no avail. Oh god no…oh, shit, no. Why me? Ugh. I tensed all my muscles, squinting my eyes slightly as I braced myself for any violence that may have erupted from the man.

“Piss off, Lauren!” he hissed before letting go one of his hands. He closed it into a fist before he brought it back and slammed it into my eye. My head smacked off the wall at the exact same time, amounting to double the pain, yay. “If I ever see your faggot, cock-sucking face near my girlfriend again I won’t hesitate to smash your head through the windscreen of your car.”

“Cheers,” I mumbled sarcastically as he dropped me completely. I wasn’t sure who it was directed at, Lauren or Peter, but I can tell you now that as I left the house practically with my tail between my legs, I was the most annoyed person you could ever imagine. Ever.
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Lols this is so rushed omg.