Tell Me You Love Me

Chapter 10

"Alright, class. Get out your labs from yesterday and continue the parts you didn't finish." Mr. Simmons, my science teacher asked. "Oh, and Simonee, you'll need to pair up with Jennifer." As the class walked back to the lab area, I sat down next to my other best friend, Jennifer Lopez. Jennifer go way back, from the delivery room to the nursery to today. Jennifer lives in the same neighborhood as I do and is my ride-or-die girl. She's Dominican and won't let anyone forget, including me. I remember this one time, where this girl called her a Mexican and Jennifer told her off real good to the point where she never said anything bad about her again. Anyways, she knows everything about me. I tell her everything and she tells me everything.
"So, where have you been?" she asked as soon as I sat down. Dang, no hi, hello, or anything.
"I've been at home, as you can see." I replied, rolling my eyes at her. My stomach has been hurting nonstop this whole morning and the pain won't go away. Jennifer looked at me with fear.
"Hey, you ok, S? You looking a little pale." she said,tapping my shoulder.
"Yeah, I'm just nauseous, that's it. Anyways, tell me what I missed, drama wise." I asked, my head spinning around as I got super dizzy and my food was rising quickly. I tried laying my head down, but that just made it feel worse. I wanted to go to the nurse's office, but our nurse only sends us home if we have a fever, any form of the flu, or are badly injured. I gagged the first time, making everyone stare at me.
"Simonee, what in the hell are you doing?" Mr.Simmons asked me. All eyes were on me at this point, including Jennifer's.
"Um, can I go to the bathroom?" I asked, talking with my hands over my mouth.
"Not until you answer my question and why are your hands over your mouth?" he said, glaring hard at me.
"I need to be excused, Mr. Simmons" I pleaded, removing my hand, but the second wave was coming up again.
"Well, seeing as you have no passes left, no, you may not be excused, unless a classmate wants to lend you one." I was going to ask for a pass from Jennifer, but when I opened my mouth, some of my vomit dropped onto the tile. All eyes were definitely on me now.
"Simonee?" Jennifer asked cautiously. Then, in the blink of an eye, I threw up in front of the whole class. Everyone shrieked or screamed, their voices filled with disgust. Well, everyone except Jennifer, that is. I bolted for the door, since I knew that there was always an aftermath when I threw up, and Jennifer bolted after me.

After I had thrown up, I heard the door swing open again. Someone was banging on my stall now. I gagged again and alot more than what I thought I had eaten came spilling out.
"Simonee, open up. It's Jenny" Jennifer yelled outside the door.
I slowly opened the stall door and let her in.
"J, you have no idea how sick I feel right now." I said, wiping my mouth off with toilet paper.
"You look pretty sick...a little pale...and a little bloaty. Did you gain any weight, by any chance?" she said, moving my hair out of my face like a true homegirl.
"Yeah, well about that, I'm 13 or 14 weeks." I said, frowning at what I just said. Jennifer looked like she was going to have a heart attack.
"What? Are you serious?" she asked, her mouth wide open.
"Dead serious, Jennifer. Don't you go running off at the mouth about this or I'll kill you." I told her.
"I can't believe you didn't tell me first." she whined, thinking it was all about her.
"I'm sorry. I haven't even told my mom yet, nor does she suspect anything." I said, wiping my mouth with toilet paper. We sat there in silence for a few minutes, but Jennifer broke the silence by asking the dumbest question.
"Aaron's?" she said, her eyes almost popping out of her head.
"Jenny, who else!?" I cried, punching her in the arm and almost knocking her over. I tried to keep myself from crying, but it was no use. Jennifer patted my back as tears strolled down my cheeks. "You have no idea how hard this is."
"Simonee, it's gonna be okay. Don't worry about anything else but you and your baby." Jennifer said, patting my back and handing me toilet paper. I'm not sure if it was the hormones or just me, but I reached over and hugged my best friend, although she tried to wiggle free because she's not the affectionate type of person. Well, she's really only affectionate towards boys. She grabbed my hand and helped me get up, unlocking the stall door.
"You wanna see something?" I asked Jennifer. She nodded her head and followed me to the wall mirror. I slowly lifted up my shirt to show her the newest addition to my body. She looked happy, but yet she looked confused.
"Um, you sure you're 13-14 weeks?" she asked, raising her eyebrows.
"I'm positive. That's what the lady doctor told me." I said. I knew how far along I was, but I'm sure this wasn't how 13 weeks was supposed to look. As we stood there touching my baby belly, we didn't hear the creaky bathroom door open or notice the tiny little girl that entered and continued staring at my stomach until it was too late. The girl dropped her bag and gasped, causing Jennifer and I to look her way. She then took out her phone and snapped a picture of me and my bare baby belly. I quickly tried to pull down my shirt, but there was no point. The girl had picked up her bag and left. This girl was out to expose me and she would succeed. Jennifer looked at me and I looked at her.
"Bet you $10 this gets out before fourth period?" Jennifer said, raising her left hand.
"Bet you $15 this gets out after lunch." I said, shaking her hand. We walked out the bathroom, waiting to see who had won the bet. I was waiting for my nightmare to come true.

Well, to make a long story short, Jennifer won the bet. While we were walking down the hallway, a whole group of girls were staring at my belly, like I was having the seed of Chuckie or something. Jennifer went to ask people if they had received a picture around the beginning of second period, but they all said no, which narrowed our list of bitches' asses we should kick for opening their big mouths down to zero.
"Whether she sent the picture or not, I still think we should kick that wench's ass for being nosey." Jennifer said as we were walking down the hallway to the cafeteria.
"Okay, we don't even know if she sent the picture." I said, laughing at my best friend. Just as we were walking, Ashelynn and Nova turned the corner with their groupies in tow.
"Hey, Simonee. You look...big! Is that just weight gain, cravings, or twins?" Nova said, laughing at me, along with her groupies. She then walked up to me and placed her hands on my belly. Ashelynn just crossed her arms, watching her friend and smiling at Nova's boldness. Jennifer got mad real quick and walked up to Nova's face.
"Yo, Twiggy. Get off her back before I break your bony ass and use you as a toothpick." Jenny said. It was my turn to laugh now, but the groupies just glared at me. I gave them the finger and stood next to my best friend.
"She wasn't talking to you. Anyways, you look radiant, Simonee. I can see you're glowing, too. But Nova's right, Jennifer. Just look at her! She gained alot in the middle to the point were her baby belly is now noticeable. So, Simonee, how far along are you?" Ashelynn said, walking up to me and rubbing my belly. Jennifer looked shocked as I sat there and let Ashelynn touch me. I don't know why I did it, but I grabbed her hands and tried to pry them off of me, but she wouldn't let go. Suddenly, Ashelynn grabbed a Sharpie, exposed my belly for everyone to see, and wrote 'SLUT' on my belly. How dare she do that? She walked back to her friends and they walked into the cafeteria.
"Jen, did that really just happen?" I asked, walking up to my friend.
"Some hos just never learn, Simonee. They just never learn." she said, leading me into the cafeteria.

When we got into the lunch line, Chris was there. I waved at him and he waved at me. When we were walking to our table, everyone got silent and started to stare at us. Jennifer's boyfriend, Ziggy, and Chris sat next to use at our circular table.
"Dang, Simonee. I didn't know it was like that." Chris said, scooting near me.
"Like what?" I said, taking a sip of my water.
"First, you follow me in the mall. Next, you follow me to my school. Then, you don't even introdue me to your friends? That's kinda messed up, don't you think?" he said, making Jennifer and Ziggy laugh.
"Oh, so you got jokes? Okay, this is Jennifer, Ziggy, invisible friend #1, invisible friend #2, and me." I said, making all three of them laugh.
"Very funny, Simonee." he said, making me smile. Just then, two girls stopped in front of my table.
"Can we help you?" Jennifer asked, rolling her eyes. They turned to walk away, but not before whispering 'whore' to the point were the whole table could here them. I looked over at Jennifer, who was fuming. Ziggy tried to call her down, but it was no use. She got up and did the wildest thing ever: she stood on the table.
"HEY!" she screamed, bringing the whole cafeteria to silence. After she got everyone's attention, she began to talk.
"Thank you. Now, I know that you guys are just dying to hear about my best friend Simonee and gossip about her latest 'item'. Well, I'm putting an end to that. If I do much as hear a word about her, I will make it my personal mission to hurt you." she yelled, trying to get through to everyone. We almost got through to everyone, except of Ashelynn and her crew. They all helped Ashelynn up on the table and waited for her to talk.
"Fellow students, it is me, your believed Ashelynn, the girl whose father pays for this school. I understand that we all are confused, but I'm here to clarify: Jennifer would like it if no one would talk about Simonee and her new pregnancy." she said, causing me to sit there in fear. Chris just looked at ne with confusion.
"Simonee, what are they talking about?" he said, looking into my eyes. I picked up my hamburger and began to dig in, topping it off with a chocolate shake, curly fries, and a candy bar. Jennifer got really angry and stormed off to Adhelynn's table with me and Ziggy trailing behind her. She went up to Ashelynn and tapped ger shoulder, her right fist curled.
"Jennifer, no!" I screamed, but it was too late. Jennifer grabbed Ashelynn by her ankle and pulled her pants leg, showing Ashelynn's thong to the crowd. Everyone hootered and hollered at her, causing her to blush.
"Why did you do that?" Ashelynn screamed at Jennifer and I. I was just laughing the whole time.
"We wanted you to feel exposed too, just like you exposed me." I laughed, slapping my knee. Suddenly, two cops came to us, grabbed our arms, and brought us to the principal's office.

"Girls, please explain to me why you felt the need to expose Ashelynn like the way you did at lunch?" Mr.Widdben asked us. We looked at each other in silence, unsure of what to say. "You girls do know that you could get expulsion for this?" he said, looking sad. We nodded in agreement. I can't get expelled now. I have too much to worry about and my mother would kill me. Not only that, she would kill Jennifer. Since her mother and my mother are super close, we both used to get punished by each other's parents and that still continues to this day. We looked at him and dropped our heads.
"We're very sorry about our actions at lunch today, Mr.W" I said, giving him puppy eyes.
"I'm not." Jennifer mumbled under her breath. I punched her leg underneath the desk and she punched me in the leg harder than I did. He just looked at us and shook his head.
"Okay. Honestly, I like you two and think you have alot of potential, unlike Ashelynn, who is going to spend all her inherited money on clothes and the newest stuff. So, I'm going to act like I yelled at you two and you girls walk out looking sad." he said, rubbing his temples. "But just so you girls know, you're suspended for 5 days." We thanked him, gathered our stuff, and went down to the ISS room for the remainder of the day.

When I got home, I heard crying coming from my room. That's strange, seeing as how I close my door every morning before I go to school. I quickly set my stuff down and ran to my room, only to find Chenille huddled in the corner, wrapped in my blanket. Mom probably thought Janae was still here and didn't check to see if she was awake like she usually does. That means Chenille was here all day, all by herself and probably hasn't eaten since last night. When I picked her up, she was wet and continued to cry. I took off her Pull-Ups and the remainder of her clothes, getting ready to place her in the bath. Suddenly, an idea popped into my head. I grabbed a baby-sized Teddy bear and placed a Pull-Up on its bottom. I'd gotten this idea from a Maury episode I saw two weeks ago: this one girl in particular wanted a baby, much like the other girls one the show. But to prove to her mother she was prepared and ready for a baby, she took a Teddy bear and placed a diaper and pacifier on it, treating it as her own child. That is exactly what I'm going to do. After I washed Chenille up, I put new clothes on her and set her on the floor in front of the TV. As I laid down on the couch, I looked at Chenille and back at my belly. I got really sad just looking at her. Why do girls and women abandon their babies? It makes no sense to carry your unborn baby for 9 months and then up and leave and desert your children. Come on, there are several options to choose from. You can abort it ( I shut that one out of my head two weeks after I found out I was pregnant), put it up for adoption, or do the Safe Haven thing. I sat there for a few minutes until my eyes started to feel heavy. I tried to force myself to stay up because I don't want to have another bad dream. I don't know what is wrong with me, but it seems like the dreams are getting scarier and scarier. No one should ever dream about the death of their unborn child or their baby daddy going crazy and trying to kill them. It kept getting harder to keep my eyes open, for my eyelids were sinking like the Titanic and I couldn't hold them up anymore. Finally, I gave up and fell asleep.

I was dancing in this big room with a ton of mirrors, surrounding me and reflecting me. I wanted to continue dancing, but I was stopped by the squeals of a little girl. Then, I saw her running towards me. The little girl had brown, curly hair and cute, plump cheeks. Her cheeks also had really big dimples, which were very adorable. She had pink, satin ribbons in her hair and a white jumpers.
"Mommy!Mommy!" she squealed, giggling and laughing. I immediately looked down at my belly. I wasn't big, but I did have some post-baby weight. She jumped up and down, tugging on my pants leg.
"Mommy, Daddy keeps tickling me!" she cried, holding my legs. Then, Chris came running towards us, his arms wide open as my daughter ran to him. Oh God, she doesn't know that Chris isn't her father. This cannot be good. Chris is my friend and I don't think of him in any other way. Suddenly, the door was kicked in and Aaron stormed in with a 9 mm TEC-9 in his hand. I tried to tell my daughter to stand behind me, but I realized I was mute and couldn't speak.
"Mommy?" my daughter asked, looking at me with the saddest and widest eyes as if she knew what was coming. She was standing there, looking at me, when Aaron fired the first bullet that penetrated my daughter's head. She fell face forward, blood oozing from her skull when I turned her over. Her eyes were still open, but she wasn't breathing. I quickly tried to warn Chris, but he kept asking me to speak up and help me take my daughter to the hospital. As he began to pick her up, he started to weep heavily, just as Aaron shot him in the chest and head. I tried to crawl away from him, but he just backs me into a corner. He cocks his gun, puts the steel to my head, and tells me to count to 10. When I get up to 5, he shoots me in my head, causing the dream to black out.
"SIMONEE! GET THE HELL UP OFF OF MY COUCH AND BRING YOUR ASS HERE!" my mother screamed, causing Chenille to stop her game of dolls and causing me to fall off the couch. I quickly stood up, dusted my sweats off, and walked into my mother's room. She quickly slammed the door behind me and told me to sit down on the bed. I sat down slowly and waited for the longest lecture of all time.
"Now, I don't know what caused you to do those horrifying actions at your lunch period, but what I do know is that it was rude, inappropriate, and down right disturbing. I have never heard of anything so stupid and evil!" she screamed, pointing her finger in my face.
"But Mom-"
"No buts, Simonee! You need to get your act together, young lady! I didn't take on two jobs to pay for an education that you were going to waste!" Oh God. Now she's going to go all into the 'When I Was A Boy' story and this plus a lecture could take awhile.
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