Tell Me You Love Me

Chapter 14

"Wow, Mr. Thompson, you picked a very nice lunch spot. I just might have to make you my personal lunch place picker person." I said, taking a bite into my Iron Grilled Cheese. In addition to my meal, I got a large Reeses blizzard and a medium lemonade. Chris got a hot dog, a large Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough blizzard, and a medium Sprite. He paid for the whole meal, even though I offered to pay.

"A lunch place picker person? Looks like you NEED school, too." he said, making me laugh. I've noticed that I laugh alot around him and I think he's noticed it too, so I just stopped laughing.

"No, don't stop. I like the sound of your laugh." I suddenly started to blush and my cheeks turned red. "I also like your dimples, too." God, can he make me feel any better?

"You really do know how to please a woman." I said, before realizing what I had just said. Fuck, I said that in my damn dream last night. This is now akward for me. Can the dude who shot JFK come out and kill me now?!

"Well, I try my best, but what can I say? I please those who are willing to let me please them." We sat there in silence for a while, unsure of what to say. We would let out little laughs from time to time, but we didn't speak.

"You're really pretty." he said, making me quiet again.

"No, no I'm not. You're just saying that."

"Really, you are. Your hair is perfect, your smile is cute, your dimples make me adore you even more, and you're just gorgeous. Not to mention that you're glowing, but of course all pregnant women glow. NO! That's not what I meant! What I meant to say was, you're-" he said before I cut him off. Well, I didn't technically cut him off, but instead, I kissed him. I kissed my best guy friend, whom I've known for many years and have reconciled with in the past 2 days. I kissed Christopher Thompson, who didn't kiss me back.

"What was that for?" he said, picking up a couple of fries and dunking them in ketchup.

"What was what for?" I said, looking away out the corner of my eye. Holy shit, I've messed it all up.

"That just kissed me."

"Oh, that...why didn't you kiss me back?"

"Why won't you answer my question?"

"Fine. I did that because...I don't really know why, but I know I liked it, I think." I said, eating my blizzard. "Now you answer my question: why didn't you kiss me back?" He sat there for a minute, but he finally answered.

"I didn't kiss you back because I wasn't expecting it." We sat there in silence again until I belched loudly. I couldn't even get the words 'Excuse me' before he started laughing at me.

"What? Do I have something in my teeth?" I said, wiping my teeth off with a napkin, but he just kept laughing.

"I give that burp a 9.8" he said, swirling a French fry in his blizzard. "You ever tried a fry dipped in a Blizzard?"

"No, but I heard it tastes go-" I said before Chris shoved an ass-load of fries dipped in Blizzard into my mouth. I chewed on them slowly, for I have a fear of brain freezes. Now, I can't say I'm a little pissed that he shoved them in my mouth, but GOD DAMN, that was good!

"What do you think?" he said, tossing a fry in his mouth. I just snatched the thing of fries away and shoved all of them in my Blizzard cup, drenching them in my Blizzard. Then, I ate the fries out of my Blizzard. "Slow down. You're acting like you haven't eaten in months." he said, laughing at my ice cream mustache.

"Well, I'm eating for two, mister." I said, twirling the toothpick they stuck in my sandwich. "So, tell me, Chris, how's life? You and I have some serious catching up to do."

"Well, since you asked, life is OK. Mom passed last summer." he said, looking down. I looked at him in shock and fear. Now I feel so rude.

"Oh my...Chris, I am so sorry. I had no idea." I cried, grabbing his hands.

"It's okay, really. We know she's looking down on us from Heaven, so that's good. Dad's job transferred him here, so I had to come along. My oldest sister is getting married in the spring and the twins just went to college this fall." he said, continuing to eat his ice cream. Then, he just looked up at me and smiled.


"I've never noticed that you had dimples, all seriousness. I've been in your life since preschool and still, I never knew." Really? OK, you never noticed that but you noticed who picked their nose? I know I'm overreacting, but still, I'm supposed to be your best friend-well, your best GIRL friend.

"Well, since you've told me about you, let me tell you about me. As you know, my sister JanaƩ had a baby...she was at the mall with us, my grandmother on my dad's side passed away in the second grade, I'm pregnant, and I still have no contact with my father." I said, scooping the remains out of my Blizzard. When I looked up at Chris, he just looked...really sad.

"Wait, I thought you saw him atleast once. Was he at the funeral?" he said, holding my hands this time.

"I think so, but I was just a little girl. My mom was arguing with his new wife, who brought their 6 NEW KIDS to the funeral. Anyways, I thought I heard my mom talking to him in the back, but I never got the chance to see him because they started the funeral and I think he let afterwards."

"Did he ever send you presents for your birthday or Christmas?" he said, making me tear up.

"No. He knows I exist, but why would he abandon me?!" I said, placing my head down on the table. Chris patted my back as I cried and cried while people stared at me. Then, he got up and helped me get up so we could walk to the car. He opened the back door for me and let me lay down as I cried.

"Simonee? Are you okay?" he said, looking back at me as he buckled his seatbelt.

"No, I'm not okay. So what if he left two days before I was born and never returned and never sent any money or presents or clothes or any other stuff a kid is supposed to have? I don't care about him anymore. I stopped caring on my 8th birthday. He can rot in Hell if he already isn't dead." I cried, turning on my right side. Suddenly, the car stopped and Chris took off his seatbelt.

"Look, Simonee. I know how it feels to lose someone thar brought me into this world. My mom and I were really close to each other and when she passed, I felt so empty that I wouldn't do anything, eat anything, or look at anything and anyone for that matter. I know my mom is gone and the only way I'll see her is if I were to commit suicide or die, but you still have q chance to find him." I didn't say anything or look at him. I just faced the backseat and stared at it with a blank expression until we got to the school. Chris helped me out the car and gave me a hug before he walked off to class and before I met up with Jennifer and Chenille, who had been sitting in her car at the dumb school, parked at the front of the parking lot!

"YOU IDIOT! Were you sitting here for the whole entire time I was gone?!" I said as soon as I got in the car. Chenille was eating chicken nuggets and playing with this ridiculous toy.

"No. We went to McDonalds and I painted my nails. I also tried to read some magazines, but Trisha, this girl in my Algebra II class, called me and we started talking. Did you know she goes out with Davion, Alyssa McMillan's ex boyfriend? Well, he's ONE of her exes. I think he came after Tony and before James, or was it-"

"I don't know and I really don't care, Jenny!" I snapped. Jennifer looked at me with anger and hurt in her eyes. I didn't mean to snap at her, but I swear, sometimes she just goes on and on, causing me to snap.

"I'm sorry."

"It's cool," she lied, trying to smile at me. "but how was your lunch date?"

"Okay, it was NOT a date. It was CASUAL outing between friends and it went well, thank you very much." I lied, looking the opposite direction as I tried not to smile.

"Really? What did you guys do on this 'casual outing'?" she said, nudging me as I grinned from ear to ear.

"Well, we got our food, eat our food, and we talked about what's happened to us since we last saw each other...and we kinda kissed." I feel as if that were the wrong time to admit that type of information.

"You WHAT?! OMG, Simonee, I knew you liked him! What happened that caused you to kiss him? How'd he take it?" she said, bouncing up and down like a little kid. You see? This is why I don't tell Jennifer anything: she asks too many God damn questions and gets overexcited too easily.

"Keep your damn voice down. I would like it if just this one time my business would stay between us and not the whole school. He was complimenting me and I guess I got overwhelmed and kissed him, but he didn't kiss me back."

"Wait, you kissed him because he gave you a compliment? Okay, so if I gave you a compliment, would you kiss me? And don't hesitate, yes or no?"

"No! I'm not gay, you stupid bitch! If I were gay, would I be pregnant right now? No, I would be trying to figure out how I could get Brookelle Bones to my house and make her fall in love with me. Plus, you're not my type."

"That's not true. Lesbians can still be pregnant. They probably go to sperm banks or whatever. As for that last comment, I never knew you had a type."

"Yes, I have a type and I'm NOT gay. I'm changing the subject...let's talk about fathers."

"Sure...what about them?"

"I think it's weird how they have sex to create us but don't want anything to deal with us. Like, if they can help create us, then they can help take care of us."

"Exactly! I hate it how some promise to stay around, but leave before the birth. Then you have the fathers that deny their child, and then you have the ones that abandon you-" Jennifer stopped when she saw that I was crying. "Simonee, what's wrong?"

"Aaron is what's wrong with me. You know when we went to go buy that baby stuff? Well, he gave me that money to get an abortion! From the looks of it, I'm going to have to do this all by myself, which is exactly what I DIDN'T want to do. I don't see my dad helping my mom out and I didn't see him around when I was growing up. What if that ends up happening to my baby? I don't want my child to grow up without a father like I did, but from the way he's acting, that might actually end up happening." I cried, placing my palms over my face as the tears trickled down my face. But Jennifer said nothing. She just put the car in reverse and drove to the apartment.

We went into my apartment room and sat there in silence. I didn't want to think about anything that went on today. I just want to sit in my cubicle (aka my room), eat some Breyers Vanilla ice cream, and watch my daily dose of The Bold and the Beautiful. Just as I wrapped myself up in my large, fuzzy quilt, Chenille began to whine, jumping up and down like she was playing Helicopter.

"What is it, Chenille? And please make it quick, because my show is about to start." I grumbled. She looked at me with pleading eyes, placing her hands over her bladder. Oh great. Now I have to take my whinnying niece to the bathroom and my show is starting in less than five minutes.

I swear, I am so bored that I might saw my own arm off. I mean, I thought 5 days of suspension would be fun, but it's not. I've only had one day...well, a half day...of suspension out of 5 days and it's a bust. My episode has ended already and it's 2:30. I looked around my room in disgust, scrunching my face up at the pile of clothes in the corner that I had never folded. There were a few plates I'd left on my desk from some midnight cravings a few weeks ago. My shoes and dirty clothes were scattered in numerous parts of the room. Well, now I have some project to do: clean up my shit hole of a room, so I can get ready to redo my room.