Tell Me You Love Me

Chapter 15

Okay, so it took me an hour and 30 minutes to clean my room, but I don't care right now. I played with my niece for awhile, but that got boring, too. Everything is boring to me at this point. Even my baby feels the same...I think. I'm just ready to find out the gender because I've been hoping and praying that I'm having a girl. I wonder if he/she will have my eyes or Aaron's eyes, my hair or Aaron's hair, my nose or Aaron's nose. Suddenly, I began to cry as the thoughts of Aaron and my child ran through my head. Honestly, I don't want my child to look anything or similar to that...that bastard! He's a dick and doesn't deserve to be around me or my child. I don't even know why I liked him or slept with him. God, now I'm in a depressed fucking mood just thinking about that jerk.

I plopped my ass on the bed, causing myself to fall back and hit my head on the stupid wall. I rubbed the back of my head, wincing with pain as I grabbed my Nevermind album by Nirvana off of my nightstand. I didn't exactly know what it looked like ( I'd taken the cover off the album and placed it on my wall when I got it for my 5th birthday ) until I looked at the disc. I popped the cd into my cd player, placed my hands behind my head, and laid back down as 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' began to play through my speakers. I swear, I've played this album so many times, my cd player should be broken by now. According to smart people, babies can hear what you're listening to. Well, since I'm still in my first trimester and I'm only 3 months, I highly doubt my baby even has ears. Although I'm taking Child Development, I never said I was fully passing.

All of a sudden, the fucking song stops! What the shit? I want my baby to listen to whatever the hell he/she wants to ( except dubstep, Nine Inch Nails, and The Misfits ), and that includes Nirvana. After I get up to change to the next song, 'Come as you Are' comes on, settling my mood. It isn't long before I fall asleep.


My mind is telling me to get up, but my body is keeping me down. As I blink for awhile, I finally see what time it's 7:51. Goddamnit! I have been sleeping like there is no tomorrow. Kicking my blankets off of my body, I begin to smell Egyptian Musk. I slowly turn around to be face to face with Aaron, who is just smiling at me.

"Good morning, sunshine" he said, kissing me on my nose. Wait a minute, how the hell did he get into my room, let alone my house?!

"Aaron, why are you here? Do you know it's 7:51 P.M, not 7:51 A.M?" I said groggily, still blinking to keep myself from falling asleep again. "I don't remember letting you in the house, and as far as I'm concerned, I didn't forgive you for your little stunt at the mall yesterday!" I said, trying to clear my throat.

"I know, I shouldn't have acted like that." Was that supposed to be an apology, because it sucked. "By the way, your mom asked me to come over to watch you. Apparently, you have a slight cold and a sore throat, and she had to run a few errands." he said, getting up and walking to the kitchen.

What? I never get sick. The only type of 'sick' I'm supposed to get is 'morning SICKness' and that's all. I sat up in my bed, my body aching as I moved to lay on my back. Aaron came in with a cup of Lipton Green Tea and Cambell's Chicken Noodle soup. Something isn't right here. Aaron is never this nice to me, like, never. If we were to go through a zombie apocalypse, Aaron would be the type to sit there and watch me get eaten by the zombies.

"Thank you." I said, glaring at him suspiciously. I lifted the cup to my mouth before taking careful sips. For all I know, he could've did something to my tea. I sat it down on my nightstand, but not before looking into my drink, searching for any unusual substances or liquids.

"Oh, calm down, babe. You've been watching too many horror films." he said, caressing my hair. "Here, have some soup." I looked at the soup like it was worms sitting in snake venom. I guess I didn't open my mouth quick enough because Aaron squeezed my cheeks together, opening my mouth, and shoved the spoon into my mouth. After a painful swallow, I put the soup on my nightstand.

Aaron turned on his stomach, facing me as he placed his heads on my boobs, which really hurt since they were still growing larger. "So, I went to the abortion clinic and asked them did a light skinned girl with long black hair come know what they said to me?" he said before sliding his way up to my neck and kissing me passionately on it.

"No, what did they say?" I said, my voice shaking. I tried to turn away from him, but he grabbed my face. Then, I tried to move my body, but he grabbed my waist and dug his nails into it, causing me to shriek in pain.

"They said no." He just sat up and looked at me, his piercing eyes and devilish grin burning holes through me. I tried to move again, but he grabbed my body underneath the covers. I could feel his fingers walking up my legs, tickled my coochie as he stuck his hands in my panties, and walked up to my abdomen. He stopped there and began to rub it slowly, like I usually do to comfort my unborn child. "Now, I asked you to get rid of this shit two days ago. It's now Friday, and from the looks of it, you've still got a bulge, which means you're still fucking PREGNANT!" he whispered in my ear, making me cringe.

"Please, Aaron, stop." I cried as tears began to form in my eyes. I knew he was up to something. Why do I allow myself to put up with him?

"No, baby, I'm not gonna stop. But I do simply have a request: my birthday is in two weeks, right? So, for my birthday, I want YOU to get an abortion...and that's not a request, it's a demand, which you WILL you understand?"

"If you love me, you'd let me keep this baby. Please, Aaron, st-" I said before Aaron slapped me hard on my face, making me cry out in pain.

"SHUT.THE.FUCK.UP! If you don't get rid of it by November 20, then we'll just have to go with Plan C." he yelled.

"W-what's Plan C?" I stuttered, holding the side of my face as he leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"I'll just have to take matters into my own hands and kill the both of you." he said sinisterly, making me lose color in my face. "Get some sleep, my love. You'll be better in no time." After he kissed my cheek, he wrapped his arms around me as he began to fall asleep. I just laid there on my bed, staring at the ceiling with wide eyes as I thought about what he said.


I woke up hearing noises...there's not supposed to be any noises at 2:28 in the morning except for the humming of the fridge and ice box. I didn't know what they were, but I heard them...and they were coming from Janaé's room. I looked over my shoulder and Aaron was still here, but his arms weren't around me. I quickly sat up and walked to Janaé's door, leaning my ear against the door so I could hear better. The noises still continued as I opened the door. There were two shadowy figures, but I didn't know who they were. As I turned on the light, I saw Janaé...having sex with her boyfriend. They tried to cover themselves, but it was no use. I started to hyperventilate a little, but I vomited on her carpet.

"OH MY GOD! SIMONEE, DID YOU JUST PUKE ON THE FLOOR!?!" Janaé screamed as she threw a shirt on her body. Her boyfriend, Bruce, put on his clothes, too.

"Sorry! I'm not sure if that was morning sickness, my weak stomach, or both." I said, shielding my eyes with my hands. "Here, I'll get you a towel." I still had my eyes closed, but when I tried to open up the hallway closet, I ran into the wall.

"Simonee, are you okay?" Janaé asked, holding my hand as she flipped on the hallway light. I forgot all about that thing. I looked towards my room to see if Aaron had woken up, but he just turned over and continued to sleep.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just...ran into the wall." I said, sniffling as I reached for the closet handle and grabbed some towels. From the look on her face, I could tell that Janaé knew something was wrong.

"You okay?" she asked, rubbing my shoulder. I wanted to tell her so badly what Aaron had said, but I just couldn't bring myself to say it.

"Yeah...I'm fine. I'm just gonna...put some ice on it in the morning. No biggy." Then, I just walked into my room and slowly shut the door, crying myself to sleep. I guess Aaron heard me crying, too. He wasn't very happy that I was crying and interrupting his sleep.

"Simonee, shut up! I'm trying to sleep, as you can see, and your crying is keeping me awake. So please, if you must cry, do it in the bathroom." he groaned, placing a pillow over his head. He's such an asshole and doesn't give a shit about anyone else's feelings except for his own.

"No. This is my room, and if I want to cry, I'm going to cry." I said, yanking my blankets over my head. "Don't talk to me. Just leave me alone!" I cried, holding myself. I can understand if HE'S not ready to have a child, and quite frankly, I don't know if I'M even ready, but I do know one thing: I would never put my child in any form of danger or harm just because of my insecurities. As a matter of fact, this is HIS fault as to why I'm insecure. He made me this way, and if I could, I'd go back to change anything, I'd change that one day that I didn't stand up to him. But now, my child and I are stuck with a stoned drunk.

"SIMONEE! GET YOUR ASS UP, NOW!" my mom shouted from the living room. I wonder what she wants on a Saturday. She usually allows me to sleep in on Saturdays. I rolled over to the other side of my bed, but there was nothing there. What the hell? Aaron must've left at the crack of dawn. My mom shouted my name again as I placed my feet on the carpet. I slowly walked into the living room, blinking rapidly as I sat down on the couch. Then, she yanked the blinds open, making me cringe and hiss at the beaming sunlight that was shining throughout the room.

"Mom, please, shut the blinds! Don't you know it's too early to look at the outdoors?" I cried, covering my eyes with my hands. She placed her hands on her hips and stared at me so hard, I thought I was going to melt on the spot.

"So, I got a phone call from St. Joseph Clinic yesterday at work." she said, staring even harder than before. Where is she going with this? Janaé must've went to get another check-up or something.

"OK, what did they want? I'm sure it was just the wrong number." I said, laying back on the couch.

"Oh, nothing much. They just called to tell me to remind YOU that the BABY is fine and your next visit is in two weeks." she said, tapping her foot on the ground. It took me a minute to let all of that click in my brain, but when it did, I couldn't do anything but sit there and stare blankly into space as color drained from my body.
