Tell Me You Love Me

Chapter 17

"Wow, Chris. Your house is nice." I said as we walked into his two-story house. It had one of those fancy staircases where there are two sided, which I'd never seen before except for in movies. I also like the smell of the house: warm and coziness, mixed with cinnamon. I knew it wasn't Christmas yet, but the smell was really overpowering and made it feel like it came early.

"Thanks. Well, it's not really my house because I only have two years left, but it's fine until then." he said, kicking off his shoes. I noticed that he had really big feet, like Shaq or whatever. I started to walk around as he started talking about something, eying the pictures and decorations carefully and curiously. From the looks of it, these decorations were picked out by someone with no fashion sense or color pattern. I stopped at this family portrait, which contained Chris' mom, dad, and siblings. I didn't even notice Chris standing around the corner.

"Hey! I thought I lost you!" he said, walking up next to me, making me jump. Normally, no one walks up next to me, because I'm one with my hands, if you know what I mean.

"Come on, it's not THAT big, and how could you lose me when I stick out from this hideous furniture?" I said, taking him aback. I finally realized that I had just insulted his home, but telling from the look on his face, it was a little too late to apologize.

"Umm, my mom picked out this furniture." he said, making me quiet with guilt as he placed his hands in his pockets. He walked towards the stairs and I followed him, figuring I could apologize. "I left you some clothes on the couch, just in case you get cold or whatever." he said, walking to the stairs. I went after him, trying to see where he was going, but I just heard a door slam shut. Feeling uneasy and confused, I walked to the couch to see a flannel, some sweatpants, and some moccasins. It wasn't what I had been hoping for, but it would have to do until I went home.

Looking around to see if anyone was watching, I slid on the sweats and threw the flannel on. I was unsure if Chris wanted to see me after my comment, so I decided to look around some more. I found pictures of the family and his mom, some paintings, and some fine china. From the looks of it, she was very pretty woman. No wonder she had such pretty kids. I try to blink away the tears, pushing them back into my eyeballs, and trying to stop them from coming out. I'd love to see my child will look like, but I might not get to, due to the fact that my baby may be taken away from me by my controlling boyfriend and perfectionist mother. I want to keep my baby, and I make it pretty clear AND visible, so why do they constantly ignore me?

After looking around for several minutes, I got bored and walked up the stairs ( which felt like I was running a marathon in the Grand Canyon ) and into Chris' room, where he was half dressed! I mean, he had on no shirt and a pair of pants, but that was it! I squealed, causing him to turn and look at me. He rolled out of bed and scrambled for a shirt while I covered my eyes.

"Simonee! What are you doing?!" he yelled as he covered himself up.

"I'm sorry. I'm just gonna go..." I trailed off as I snuck a quick glance at his abs. I covered my eyes with my hands, but it was like trying to distract a moth while it's flying towards the light. I'm not sure if this is considered to be cheating, but I don't like to be a cheater. I walked down the stairs CAREFULLY ( who knows what could happen if I fell ) , trying to hide my embarrassment. I glimpsed at the door and made a speed-walk for the handle.

Placing my hand on the doorknob, I opened the front door, but not before I ended up face-to-face with a sweaty, old man in a puffy coat. I looked over his right shoulder to see a woman in a trench coat and two teenage girls. None of them appeared to be smiling at me. They just kinda scowled at me, like they were utterly disturbed by me. Did I smell like wet dog or baby poo or something? All of a sudden, Chris decided to magically appear like David Copperfield, whoever that is.

"Christopher James Thompson, may I have a word with you?" said the sweaty, old man as he walked into a private room with big doors. The lady walked in carrying heavy groceries, identical to what the teenage girls had in their hands. Uninvited, I followed them into the kitchen, taking a seat at the island booth. They ignored my presence like I wasn't even there. I wanted to say something, but I didn't know what to say. Oh God, I thought to myself, this is not a good first impression on these people.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" one of the girls said as she placed out a cutting board. I could tell she was trying to intimidate me, and I found it quite funny. How do you expect me to speak when you treat me like Casper?

"I'm allergic to cats. My name is Simonee." I said, extending my hand for her to shake, but she continued to take out her items. It's obvious: they hate my guts, and I've only met them 12 minutes ago. "Um, if you'll excuse me, I'll just be going..." I trailed off as they continued setting out their ingredients.

I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room, unlocking the front door. It was nice...glancing at these people, but I can't take the whole let's-ignore-my-presence game. Just as I cracked opened the door, Chris appeared again like the Invisible Man!

"Hey! Don't go! You can stay, you know?" he said as he stood in front of the door, trying to block me from leaving. What is this, a scary movie? I'm not really liking this whole block-the-pregnant-chick-from-exiting thing. What's wrong with these people? "There's supposed to be a blizzard according to the news" he said, locking the door. So I'm stuck here with Chris and his family? "My father says that your welcome to stay for dinner." Great, what else will go according to the failed plan?

*an hour later*

"So, Simonee", the woman said, putting emphasis on the 'e's' in my name, "are you a friend of Christopher's?". This is the first time she's spoken to me since she walked into the house.

"Umm, yeah. We go way back...since preschool, actually." I said as everyone began to serve themselves. They were having stew, glazed ham, green beans, dinner rolls, and mac 'n' cheese, much to my pleasure. I sat there silently until everyone had served themselves. Oh God, everything looks so mouthwatering and tasty, especially the macaroni and cheese, but I'm really uneasy. My doctor told me to not have too much salt in my diet, and to eat LOTS of fruits and vegetables.

"Well, that's good. He needs a friendly face at schol, especially someone who knows him so well" his father said, sliding the plate of ham to the middle of the table. I think they were waiting on me on me to get something to eat. Silently and carefully, I slid the green beans torwards me and picked up the slotted spoon. I've never really been one to like green beans, but this could end up like my grapes situation: I could love them in the end. I scooped some up and placed them on my plate, repeating this motion at least five times. My plate was soon full of green beans...and they had bacon and onions in it! I scooped some up with my spoon and shoved them in my mouth, chewing slowly. Nope, I was wrong. They taste horrible, even with the onions and bacon.

"Are green beans all you're going to eat?" one of his sisters said. The other sister was eyeing me closely, watching my every move as if I were a theif in her home. I looked around and everyone was eyeing me.

"I guess so. Well, I'm trying to stick to my strict green and leafy diet. I'm trying to help me and my bowels out." I said sarcastically, covering the 'O' my mouth had just created. Chris just snorted, trying not to choke as he covered up his mouth to disguise his laughter. I know it sounds like I was being a bitch, but she started it, so I'm gonna finish it. I saw her glaring at me from the corner of her eye and their step-monster/she-Hulk girl acquaintance (whatever we wanna call her at this point...seriously, let's stick to She-Hulk, okay, people?) stared at me like I was a bug that must be destroyed. Personally, this family dinner thing was a complete bust, if you ask me.

"Dessert, anyone? We've got peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream, sherbet ice cream, and red velvet volcano cake!" Chris's father concluded as we sat in silence. I wouldn't look up, but I could tell that the girls and She-Hulk were melting my head off with their death stares.
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it's been a while since my last update.
y'all know the procedure : comment, subscribe, recommend. love y'all.

Simonee's Outfit:
