Tell Me You Love Me

Chapter 18

Well, after that disaster some people like to call dinner, She-Hulk ( that lady that lives at Chris's house but isn't his mom) told me to follow her and walked casually up the steps, her heels clacking each time she placed her foot down. It's like she's the Wicked Witch of the West and I'm Dorothy and she's leading me to her lair, only to trick me and stick me in her boiling soup pot while throwing salt at me and drenching me with Cambell's Cream of Chicken Broth (sorry if this is incorrect, because I've never seen the Wizard of Oz). The woman opens up a door, which turns out to be a spare guest room. I can tell that she's rather displeased with me being here by the look on her face and the stance of her pose.

"This is our guest bedroom. The bathroom's down the hall and if you need any clothes, just ask the girls for some," she said quickly before slamming the door in my face. I didn't even get to get the 'ok' out of my throat before she grabbed the door handle, which is rathe rude, if you ask me. I have done nothing wrong to this woman, but if she feels some type of way, she can confront me about it like a real woman.

Speaking of which, I should probably call my mother, just to see how she's-WAIT A MINUTE! She's the whole reason I'm in this mess! If she hadn't forced me to sign those papers, I wouldn't be in this mess! Realizing that I've already dialed her number, I shut the phone off and place it on the bed. Then, a knock on the door startles me, but it's only the girls.

"We were told to bring you some clothes, so here you go," one of the girls says as she places a pile of clothes on the bed. The other one just glares at me, not doing anything but shooting daggers my way. I glance up at her, but she just pouts her little lips at me.

"I doubt they'll even fit you, since you're so big and what not. I don't mean for it to out rude, but we're so much skinnier than you." Excuse me? I know this girl didn't just say what I think she said! I picked up the clothes and placed them into the other girls's hands.

"Well, um, do you two own any basketball shorts, sweats, or oversized sweaters?" I asked, but all I got was a look of confusion. They were acting as if they've never seen any of these items before.

"No. We're ladies, and ladies don't wear those things." she said, asking for a beat down. I just ignored them and slammed the door in their faces, not giving a damn if they got hit. I just want to go to bed and sleep forever...well, not forever, but just for two weeks or something. I crawl into bed, pressing my hands down softly on the bed as I slid underneath the covers. After staring at the ceiling, I'm knocked out.

"SIMONEE! Wake up! " someone shouts in my ear as I'm being shoved. They continue to shove as I lay there, but then it stops as my eyes crack open. It sounded like Chris for a moment, but he's not here. Suddenly, I hear water, like it's sloshing around or something, but I'm not even 6 months pregnant yet, so it can't be me.

WHOOSH! I jumped up and out of sleep. My heart was pounding on my chest, but it wasn't one of those OMG-I'm-having-a-heart attack pounds. It was more out of surprise than fear. I feel around on myself, noticing that my face, arms, and hair are soaking wet. I hope I wasn't sleep-walking in the rain or something, because I've in no position to be sleep-walking.

"And exactly what was that for again?" I said, glaring up at him as I tried to remove the soaked strands of hair off my face. Chris just smiles at me, flashing his dumb, shiny teeth again. I'm not returning this gesture, since over 75% of my body is soaked with water. Gross! I can feel my clothes slowly starting to stick to my body.

"I was trying to wake you up by shaking you, but you wouldn't get up, so I poured water on you." He just ran his fingers through his hair and smiled at me. I want to punch him, but from where I am, I'd hit him in the nards.

"Good thing you stopped shaking me, because then you would've given me SBS." I said as I swung my legs over the bed and smirked at him. I walked over to the vanity mirror in the room and took a long, hard look at myself. My hair was all over the place, but at least my face looked well rested. Wait a dang minute. I'm up, looking at myself, and my stomach doesn't hurt. I don't feel like complete crap. "OMG, Chris! I'm up! Do you know what this means?" I asked, shaking him by the shoulders.

"It means that you'll stop shaking me and I'll be able to answer?" Chris said sarcastically.

"Hardy har har, Christopher. Don't be a smart ass. It means that my morning sickness is gone! I'm not sick anymore!" I said, hugging him with joy. "I can finally stop waking up in the morning feeling like crap for the first few hours of the day. You don't know how glad I'll be to just wake up, brush my teeth, eat some food, and then carry on with my day." Morning sickness would've been the death of me. I HATE vomit, and I hate looking at it, especially when it comes from someone else. Why is it even a part of being pregnant anyways? It should've just be voted out of pregnancy, if you ask me.

"So, since you're not sick, you wanna come downstairs with me and get some breakfast?" he said as he opened up the door for me.

"Actually, I'm pretty tired of being cooped up in the house all day. Let's go out and get some breakfast. Besides, it's Sunday." I suggested, putting a smile on his face.

"This wouldn't happen to be a celebration breakfast for your departure of morning sickness, would it?" he said, talking goofily in a British accent. Why is he so silly?

"No, it would not be one of those, but it could be, Governor. I'll call Jenny and see if she wants to come." I said. "Now get out. I need to get dressed."

Since I didn't have anything over here, I had to wear what Chris had given me to the restaurant. I called Jenny and she agreed to come and brought me an outfit , preferably something that fits this sweater weather, to change into once she got there.

"So, I heard you stopped with the morning sickness thing. That's good, right?" Jenny said before taking a sip of her hot chocolate. "Wait, I thought morning sickness stopped at four months of pregnancy."

"I believe so. Well, I'm not sure exactly. I have an appointment this week, so I guess I'll find out." I said, shrugging my shoulders. "OMG, Jenny! What if something's wrong? I can't handle hearing bad news!" I whined, running my fingers through my hair.

"Well, I'm no expert on this type of...dilemma, but if something's wrong, then try to make it right." Chris said, patting my shoulders.

"So...I should get an abortion?" I said, raising an eyebrow at him. This is the last thing I would expect to come from his mouth.

"Now, I'm sure he didn't mean that, Simonee." Jenny said, reaching over to grab my hand. I wasn't sure whether to grab it back or sit there. Then, what does he mean? I don't want to go through all of that pain on both ends of the stick.

"You're not second guessing yourself, are you? Look, you're a strong girl. I'm sure you'll figure out what you want to do in time." Chris said, sipping on some of his water. God, I don't know what I'm going to do. I know that people have opinions, but it's my choice. My appointment is in sometime this week, and I know I should have the answers by then.

We were quiet throughout our meal, only speaking to ask each other for ketchup and salt and pepper. After paying our bill and exiting the restaurant, we parted our ways and I left with Jenny. The drive to our apartment was very quiet, with us only sneaking quick glances at each other. When we got there, Jenny helped me walk to my apartment and stood there with me as I knocked on the door.

"Hey, if you need anything, Chris, Ziggy, and I are here for you." Jenny said quietly, but loud enough for me to hear her. I hugged her before she walked to her apartment door. I waited until she got inside to bang on my door. Finally, my mother opened the door and looked me up and down. I wanted to say something to her, but what?

"You know, you have some nerve, tryna come back into my house like you didn't just pull that stunt." she said as soon I came in, slamming the door and locking all of the locks. I plopped down on the couch and she just followed me. "Do you know that I almost called the cops on your ass and reported you as missing!?" she yelled as I rolled my eyes.

"Well, I wasn't missing. I just left the center, mom. Don't have a fit." I said, wishing that I hadn't said that inside of my head. My mother looked at me like I had lost my God damn mind. I wish I hadn't come back.

"Who in the hell do you think you're talking to, Simonee? You are in my house, and quite frankly, I was tempted to throw your shit out of the window last night. But I didn't and just decided to sell your baby shit." she said, making me jump up. I immediately ran to my room and threw open my closet. Luckily, it was all in there.

"Simonee, I don't know what you were thinking when you left, but know this: your ass is getting an abortion and that's final." she said, pulling the last straw.

"NO! I've had it up to here, mother. I don't want an abortion! I'm keeping this baby and that's final." I said, walking up to her. "I'm so sick of everyone trying to tell me what I should or shouldn't do with this baby. I want to keep my baby and I don't think anyone else should has a say in this but me!" I yelled, trying to hold back tears. Suddenly, my mother came charging at me and I panicked. I slammed my door and locked it as she pounded on the door, yelling and screaming at me. I quickly tried to push my dresser in front of the door and fell backwards on my bed.

**several hours later**

I woke up with a major headache and a pain in my back. It was really dark and it was storming outside. I couldn't really tell what time it was because I knocked everything out of place. I looked at myself and realized that I was still in my clothes from earlier. When I got up to change, I heard muffled talking: my mom's voice and a man's voice. I put on some pajamas with feet in them and I pushed the dresser out of the way of the door. Slowly, I opened up the door and tip-toed out to the hallway, trying to get a better hearing of the voices.

"I just don't know what to do with her anymore, Nino." my mother cried as she blew into some tissue. So, his name is Nino? That's a goofy name, but I'm not judging : my name's Simonee. The man said something, but I couldn't really make it out. They just continued to talk until I got bored. By that time, I was getting really antsy and had to pee. When I tried to get up, my mother said something that caught my attention.

"Nino, our daughter, Simonee is pregnant and I need you to take her in."

She's talking to my FATHER!?
♠ ♠ ♠
pause for dramatic effect (dun-dah-dun!)

will Simonee take this news of her father lightly?

anyways, you know what to do (comment,recommend, subscribe)

also, i might be wrapping up the story soon. just so y'all know.

Simonee's Breakfast Outfit:

Simonee's Breakfast Outfit