Tell Me You Love Me

Chapter 2

"SIMONEE! Wake up or you're going to be late for school!" my mother shouted from outside my bedroom door. As I lifted my head from my pillow, I felt an increasing pain develop in my head. I really hate Monday mornings. A nice, warm shower will probably help ease my pain. I grabbed my Baby Phat jeans and my school sweatshirt and headed for the bathroom.

As I hopped out the shower, I felt my stomach growl, but in a bad way... not like a hunger feeling, but a morning sickness feeling. As I started to dry my body off, I felt my mouth get watery and my throat get slimmy. I continued to dry off, but stopped myself when I gagged. I slowly lifted up the toilet seat, just in case. When I gagged the second time, I dropped to my knees quickly with my hands clapsed over my mouth. I sat there for a few minutes until I gagged again, lurching forward, and threw up everything I had eaten in the past twenty four hours. After I sat on the floor, trying to flush the sounds and the smell away, I finally took a good look at myself in the mirror and shuddered in fear at my reflection. I had gained quite a few pounds with a new bulging baby belly ( that was slightly showing, but wasn't very big) that was noticeable, I looked very pale, and my hair was a mess. I shook my head and continued to get dressed, trying as hard as I could to not look at the disgusting site of the new me.

I stepped out of the bathroom to see that the weekly schedule was back on: Mom sat at the round dining table with her laptop in the center, her coffee and donut on the left, and her unorganized briefcase on the right; Chenille sat in her booster seat in front of the TV, watching old VHS cassette tapes of Rocko's Modern Life and smearing oatmeal all on the carpet... I'm not cleaning that up; and Janae's seated on the couch, talking to her new boyfriend. I pick up my backpack and grab a donut, ready to head out the door. But my mother has other plans for me.

"Simonee?" my mother says, not taking a second to look up from her laptop.

"Yes?" I sigh, rolling my eyes in annoyance at the fact that she doesn't want me to miss the bus but she's holding me back.

" Are you okay? You haven't been acting like yourself lately. You've been extremely nauseous, there's not one time I haven't found you asleep, and you're eating like a cannibal, not to metion your unusual weight gain." she said with a puzzled look on her face.
What the hell? How dare she talk to me like that?! Who does she think she is?" I'm fine, mother. I'm just fine!" I grumble, slamming the screen door as I leave.

I can't believe my own mother tried to come at me like that. She has no idea how feel or what I'm going through right now! Once she finds out I'm pregnant, that'll really blow her top. My mom is those kind of people who actually care what people say and think about this family. If she were to find out, she would lynch me and invite the whole neighborhood to watch. When she found out Janae was pregnant, she sent Janae to live in a home for pregnant girls; but Janae had recently tracked down her father and went to stay with him until her baby came. Would my mother do the same to me...send me to a home filled with girls who sleep around or don't know their baby's father or girls who already have babies? I don't sleep around, I know who my baby daddy is, and I have no other kids( well, that's technically not true but true). My mother would be so devastated, I could see it in the headlines: "'Mother's Perfect Lttle Girl Gets Knocked Up! Where Do They Go On From Here?!'". As I intrigue into deep thought, the bus comes to an immediate stop, causing me to fly forward in my seat.

"Hey, little lady! You okay?" the bus driver said, staring at me in the rearview mirror.

"Yes, I'm fine, sir. Thank you!" I said, embarrassed. As the bus wad getting ready to pull off again, I heard the worst voices on Planet Earth.

"Like, oh my Gawd! Can a chulla get on the bus or what?" a tall Latina girl said.

"Yeah. I know I'm fine and all, but you ain't have to run in fear! I don't bite!" the lookalike said. I know those two voices anywhere: Lala Sanchez and ChaCha Sanchez. The Sanchez twins are the craziest, rudest, nastiest girls I know( they're worse than Janae)... and to make matters even worse, they hate me. As Lala stepped on the bus, she puckered up her face, like she tasted the sourest lemon ever.

"Eww! It smells like chitlins and vomit!" she screeched. ChaCha stepped on the bus, but said nothing. She was me out of the corner of her eye and smiled viscously at me, running her tounge over her chipped tooth.

"It's coming from right here!" she cooed, pointing her index finger nail at me( those things are so sharp and pointy, she could create as much debris as a tornado could produce with those things). Lala looked back at her twin and charged up to my seat, placIng her hands on her size 3 hips. She looked at ChaCha, then they both looked at me, and jammed their behinds in my seat, smashing me against the wall.

"Can I help you two twings with something?" I hissed, clutching my magazine against my chest.

"Ooh! Somebody's looking extra feisty today!" ChaCha sneered, twisting her curls.

"Calm down, mamacita! We just wanna talk!" Lala said, pouting. I don't know why, but those words sound very strange coming out of her mouth.

"Fine. Spit it." I said cautiously. Something about those words still don't sound right.

"I'm sorry" ChaCha said, laughing. "I don't speak Ebonics!" she said, with Lala laughing right along with her.

"Just tell me what you have to tell me." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Okay, damn. Don't rush me. So, rumor has it that you've got something cooking. Is it true?" Lala said, grinning. What is she talking about? But most important, what is she up to?

"I'm sorry?" I said, confused. They chicks must've smoked something before they got on the bus.

"We heard that you had a muffin baking in the oven... Is it true?" ChaCha said, rubbing her hand on my bulging belly along with Lala , who is snickering as she rubs it.
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P.S:sorry it took me so long to upload!