Tell Me You Love Me

Chapter 3

"What did you just say to me, bitch?" I growled, staring Lala and ChaCha down. I'd heard what they said, I just wanted them to repeat it so I could smack the silly. They looked at each other and laughed.
"What's so funny, bitches?" I said, getting angrier and scared at the same time.
"So it is true? Congrads, mami! Look, Lala! She's even showing a baby bump now!" ChaCha cooed evilly, as she lifted up my sweatshirt to reveal my bulging belly to everyone on the bus, but I yanked it back down. I opened my mouth to say something, but closed it really tight because I guess last night's dinner wasn't done with me.
"The bitch is mute now, I see." Lala laughed, but ChaCha shut her up real quick.
"Hey, L...can black girls turn green?" she asked her sister, but it sounded like she was scared. I felt it coming up in a wave, like a tide. I didn't want to destroy the bus, so I reached for the first thing I saw: ChaCha's Coach tote. I heaved up the remainder of dinner, my midnight cravings, and my donut. I looked at Lala and ChaCha, who were so stunned that they couldnt even speak. My real focus was on ChaCha, who had turned pale.
"Hija, what's wrong?" Lala said, patting her sister's back. When I saw that the bus stopped at the school, I ran for my life, with ChaCha and Lala right on my trail.
"Get back here, you nasty bitch! I swear to the Virgin Mary, bitch, when I find you, you will be sorry!" she screamed at me.

"Okay, girls. Take five and get some water while you're at it." my dance instructor said to the class. I was standing in the back, near the beam pole and the mirrors. Some girls were getting water from their water bottles; others were either stretching or still going over rehearsal moves. "Simonee, I need to see you in my office...NOW!" my dance instructor yelled. I wonder what she wants to talk to me about. I pick my bag and strut my way to her office. As I walk past the stretching girls, they let out snorts and giggles. When I look back at the to give them the death stare, they break out into fits of laughter, so I just flip them off until I step foot into my instructor's room.
"Sit down, Simonee." she says sternly. I sit.
"Umm, did I do something wrong?" I ask, concerned.
"I'm not sure, Simonee. You tell me." she says, smiling exactly like ChaCha this morning. I don't like where this is headed. "I've noticed some...changes in you, Simonee." she said, locking the door. Now I'm really scared. Okay, Simonee, think. What have you done wrong?
"Everyday, you come in here prepared to dance. But when it's time to dance, you seem lost, troubled, or in a daze." she said, confused. "Not to mention that you have been coming in with bruises. Is everything alright at home or in yor relationship?" she asked with a hint of fear in her voice, but it's not for my household life.
"Yes, ma'am...everything is fine." I lie. I don't want to tell her about Antoneo and I don't want to tell her about the baby; she might not let me dance in the winter showcase.
"Okay, Simonee. You're free to go." she said, unlocking the door.
I jetted out of there before she could say anymore. I went to my locker, gathered my books, and ran to the bathroom. I ran into a stall and whipped out my cell phone.
"Hey, baby. Can you come pick me up from school?" I pleaded.

"Hey, baby." I said to Antoneo as I hopped in the front seat. He was upset with me because I made him miss the game.
"Come on, boo. Please don't be mad at me." I whined, pouting. But it still didn't work because he just cut the engine on and started to drive. Then, when we got to a stoplight, I started to kiss his neck softly, working my way up to his ear. He tried to frown, but he just ended up grinning. When I worked my way back down, he turned his face and we made out until the light turned green.
"I missed you so much, baby." he said, still grinning from ear to ear.
"Well, you could've stayed the night instead of ducking out, but it's cool." I said, joking. But he took that all the way wrong.
"You know why I can't do that, Simonee. We've talked about this before." he said, sighing heavily.
"Well, Antoneo, I know we've talked about this, but I still don't see why we still follow that rule." I said, now becoming agitated.
"Because your family hates me and can't stand me..." he mumbled.
"They don't hate you. They just haven't gotten to know you yet." I cried.
"Simonee, it's been ten months. I think they should know alot about me!" he said, taking a blunt out of his glove compartment.
I don't know if it's just the hormones or my anger, but one of them just kicked off.
"Yeah, well not everyone knows about you!" I retorted. He was just about to light it before he took it out of his mouth and looked at me.
"What the fuck did you just say to me?" he said, getting angrier with each word. I knew I was getting in too deep, but I was on a roll today.
"You heard me, Antoneo. Not everyone knows about what you are or what you do. They don't know that you're an alcoholic bastard and that you like to come in the house at 5:45 in th damn morning. They don't know that you smoke some much, you can even tell where the hell you are. And I bet you they don't know about what you do to me! They don't know how you beat me, how you punch me, how you give me black eyes, how you drink so much that you get so angry and beat me til the crack of dawn, how you throw shit at me and put guns to my head and you tell me you love me but you smack me around and make me call you sir and you kick and I try to scream or you love to hurt me but you don't realize you can't because I'm pregnant and I can lose my baby and I got 2 abortions already and you beat my baby out of me, but no matter how much you say you love me, you won't let me have the babies and I want to have them!" I cried, now fully sobbing as the tears roll furiously down my cheeks.
He grabs me by my shoulders and turns me to face him. "You're pregnant?" he said, squeezing my shoulders. I just sobbed and sobbed. He turned back to the steering wheel and drove towards my apartment complex.