Tell Me You Love Me

Chapter 4

"Simonee! What are you doing home so early?" Janae asked. I had forgotten that she stayed home with Chenille today; Chenille's father is taking her for the weekend.
"I...I...umm..I got sick, so I asked mom if she could come get me, and she did." I lied. She doesn't need to know all about today.
"Okay. Well, if she's still out there, tell her to bring home some soup and that Nana called again." she said, jumping up and walking to the fridge, her ponytail swishing as she walked and her shorts riding up her butt crack. I'll never be able to get that image out of my head by dinner time.
"Want one?" she said, stating at me while holding two frozen microwave burritos in her hand. She knows I don't eat Mexican food.
"No thanks, I'm stuffed." I said rubbing my belly.
"Puh-leez! You looked stuffed, maybe even bloated! You gained a few pounds in the middle." she said, laughing, but I know she's just joking...about the stuffed and bloated part atleast.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. What did Nana call for anyways?" I asked, making myself comfortable on the couch.
"She just wanted to see how you guys were doing, asked when we were going to visit, and said hello." she huffed.
"Wait, don't you mean she asked how WE were doing?" I said, puzzled. "She knows there are more than two people here, right?" I asked. But she didn't answer me; she was too busy picking the beans out the burritos. I just picked up Chenille and bounced her on my knee. Instantly, I thought about my baby: will he or she look like me or Aaron?; who will he or she act like the most? Hopefully my baby doesn't end up like its daddy. Now that I think about it, I wonder how Aaron's going to act around me since he knows. I hope that he'll think twice about his actions towards me during this pregnancy. I actually plan on keeping this baby, and if he can't handle it, then he can leave us alone.
"What are you thinking about over there?" Janae asked curiously.
"Oh, nothing much." I lied. As I laid Chenille down on the couch, I heard our buzzer ring.
"That's him. Go in my room and get her carseat, will you?" she whispered to me as she unlocked the door for her ex-boyfriend.
"She just laid down, so keep quiet!" she whispered to her ex, who just waved at me and smiled. I waved back as I sat up on the couch, eating my ice cream. I don't know why Janae didn't stay with him. He's really sweet and doesn't cause problems with her, well, except for when he doesn't come on visiting days or doesn't give her the money on time.
"Okay, so do you have the money?" Janae asked after she buckled Chenille into her carseat. She has been bugging this boy about money since Chenille was 6 weeks old.
"I told you, Janae. I will get it to you when I receive it." he sighed heavily.
"Really? You said that two weeks ago, nigga! Our daughter has needs, James...needs which you aren't helping my take care of!" she yelled, placing her hands on her hips.
"Janae, I'm trying the best I can do to help out! Money doesn't grow on trees, Janae! I said I would get it when I get it and I mean it!" he shouted, instantly waking up Chenille, who was now screaming and bawling her eyes out. Poor Chenille. She was born into a world of screaming, cheating, and lying parents. As she cried and they tried to call her down, I couldn't help but look down at my belly and rub it, think about how my baby might be born into the same situation. I took a glance at James, who was leaving the living room without the carseat.
"Go ahead and leave, nigga! We don't need you! You never help out with anything, anyways! Don't ask for my daughter no more!" Janae screamed, holding a crying Janae on her hip. Then she stormed into her room, slamming the door and making me jump. I sat there for a few minutes, dozing off to sleep but kept waking myself up. After a while, I couldn't take it anymore and I finally drifted off to sleep.
"Aaron, let me go! You're hurting me!" I screamed in my dream. I looked down at my belly, which was bigger than now. I was holding it with one hand while my other hand was being pulled by Aaron.
"I told you to get rid of it, Simonee! Now, I'm gonna get rid of it for you!" he screamed, pulling me towards the gun. As I screamed and kicked with all my might, he suddenly stopped and so did I. He looked down to see what I saw: my water had broken, but it wasn't water; it was blood. He dropped to his knees, shoved my down, and put the gun to my belly. I sat there, screaming and crying as the contractions came harder and harder. I looked up at Aaron, but it wasn't his face. I screamed as loud as I could, my baby coming fast and painfully.
"Simonee, what are you doing home at 1:40 in the afternoon?" my mom said as she shook me awake. I checked myself and looked at my stomach: no blood.
"Jesus Christ, Simonee! You're soaked with sweat! Go take a shower and then come out here so we can talk!" she said sternly, going into her room to change her clothes. I walked towards the bathroom, turned on the shower, and locked the door, but I didn't get in. Instead, I cried my eyes out until my mother came to knock on the door, telling me to get out.
"Family meeting, NOW!" my mother yelled.
"Will someone please explain to me why your not in school?" my mother yelled, sitting down on the couch, facing opposite of me and Janae.
"Mom, this is ridiculous! You took her home, remember?" Janae said, confused. My little white lie is starting to unravel as I know it.
"For the last time, Janae, I never came home until now!" she sneered.
"That's not what Simonee said! She said you came and got her from school because she was sick and took her home!" she cried. My mom looked at Janae, who looked at her:", and they both looked at me.
"Simonee, you have some explaining to do, so spit it out!" my mother yelled.
"Alright, fine! I asked Aaron to come and get me from school because I didn't feel well and he took me home and I told Janae that you came and got me then went back to work!" I said, sobbing. My mother and Janae looked so angry at me, they might've exploded.
"YOU WHAT?!" they screamed in unison. My mom sent Janae off and yelled at me for an hour. She told me to go to my room, where I called Aaron, who climbed through my window, and slept next to for two hours.