Tell Me You Love Me

Chapter 8

"So, what've you been up to lately?" Tamara said as we strolled through the mall. Tamara Jones is my bestfriend and will always have a special place in my heart. We were bestfriends since birth and have gone through everything together. She might live in a better neighborhood than I do and might come from a wealthy family, but that doesn't change anything between us.
"Nothing much. All I've been doing is eating, sleeping, and trying to catch up in school." I said, sipping on my large smoothie from Orange Julius. Tamara knows about what happened in my dance class, so she knows that I've missed out on my replacement class: Art 101. I don't mind the class, but I have no idea as to what's going on right now. Luckily, I have Tamara there to help me.
"Yeah, you've missed alot of days of school lately." she said, looking at me with a sad look on her face. Suddenly, I feel a wave of guilt come over me. What the hell? I don't know why I should feel so guilty, seeing as how I didn't do anything. I've been gone because of "medical issues", not for my own personal reasons. I start to open up my mouth, but I stop when Tamara jumps up to go get our food. I sat there pondering about my life. I'm 15 years old...I can't even apply for a job at my age. My whole life is going to change now that I'm carrying my own child. I take Child Development where I once had to bring a baby doll home, but we fed it with a key and that's nowhere near close to what I actually have to do. I actually have to buy real baby food, give it REAL milk..from me, buy clothes, and a whole bunch of other stuff! I can handle, but I don't think Aaron can. I'm not saying that he's broke, because he's not. His family is rich to the max! He lives in on of the nicest neighborhoods I know, with 5 swimming pools, two game rooms, a sauna, a full blown spa, a nail salon, an ice cream shop, a luxurious country club, a list of amazing 5-star restaurants! On our first date, he took us to this fancy restaurant called Per Se. It cost $124.99 for some chicken...the chicken was as small as a fortune cookie & that was only my meal! I have no idea as to how his parents got so rich, but they did & they got rich QUICK! I've been over his house to meet his parents & they have gold doorknobs! What in the absolute hell? I don't know who's idea it was to get those, but all I know is that I better have one when me & the baby move in there.
"What are you thinking about over her?" Tamara said, setting our food down. I picked up my Bourbon Street chicken container & began to eat like it was my last meal. Tamara just stared at me like I was a wild animal. I didn't notice her, but when I looked up, there she was, with noodles hanging out her mouth.
"What?" I said with a mouthful of chicken, only to have it come out sounding like 'Au?'. She sat there for a minute, opening and closing her mouth, trying to find the right words, but she just looked at her noodles and continued to eat.
"What were you going to say?" I asked, wiping my mouth off with my napkin.
"Nothing...It's just...nevermind." she said shaking her head.
"Wait, what do you mean 'nevermind'?" I asked again. I really hated it when she did that.
"Nothing. Well, it's not nothing. It's none of my business to speak about." she said, continuing to twist her noodles with her fork.
"What are you talking about?" I asked, raising my voice. She could tell by now that I was getting really irritated.
"Hey, wanna go hit up D.E.B? I heard they were having a sale!" Tamara said, excited & still avoiding my question.
"You know what? You just pissed me off less than 2.5 minutes ago & with all seriousness, I'm about ready to bite your head off your body, eat it, & play the xylophone on your spine! But, since you bought my lunch, took time out of your day to spend it with me & my attitude, & you're my only ride, I have to stay with you," I said as politely as I could. It took Tamara a few minutes to process that in her tiny brain, but she just shook it off & grabbed my hand.
"Good. I wanna get there before anyone else!" she said, rising me up out of my seat.

We walked into the store & Tamara nearly had a fit. I just looked at her & rolled my eyes. This girl can be so damn dramatic sometimes that it doesn't make any since. I can understand it's a sale, but it's not a Everything-Must-Go sale!
"Tamara, you know it's not that serious, right?" I said, tapping her on the shoulder.
"It's not that!" she squeaked, shaking me by my shoulders. "It's him! Christopher Thompson, that new kid at our school! He went to elementary school with us, remember?" Tamara squeaked, pinching me. How could I not remember Christopher Thompson? We were best friends in preschool & elementary school, well, until he moved to North Dakota in the middle of the summer. His parents & my parents were really good friends. His mother was fighting breast cancer last time I remember. He has four sisters and he's the baby out of all of them. Their names were Claire, the oldest, Mariah, the middle sister, & Jenny & Jenna, the twins. From the looks of it, he grew a few inches taller, pumped some iron, but kept his lanky frame.
"Hello? Earth to Simonee!" Tamara said, waving her hand in my face. But I was still staring at him. His curly fro was reduced to a mini fro, from the looks of it & his butt still looked nice.
"SIMONEE!" Tamara yelled, stomping her feet & shaking me. I can't believe she's having a temper tantrum like a two year old who didn't get what they wanted from the store.
"WHAT, TAMARA, WHAT!?" I screamed at her, ready to kill her already & it's not even 2:00 yet. She looked like she was about to cry, but she just blinked rapidly & walked into the store. I walked towards Christopher, who was standing in line at Auntie Annie's Pretzles. I walked over there as fast as I could to get to him. When I got near the line, I had to stop running because I got near a lady who was selling strollers. I saw this stroller with one seat & it was pink! Pink has to be my second favorite color. Anyways, before I got sidetracked, I started walking towards Christopher. But I didn't have to do any more walking because he saw me.
"Simonee? Simonee Stallings?" he said, walking towards me. I started to walk towards him, and before I knew it, we head-butted each other & I got knocked on my ass.
"Oh shit! I'm so sorry, Simonee! Are you okay?" he said, lending me his hand. I tried to speak and give him my hand, but it seemed as if my body wouldn't respond to the commands my brain was giving it. I just kept staring at his gorgeous light brown eyes, nice lips, and caramel skin. The six pack that was visible underneath his white t-shirt made me want to melt. When I snapped back into reality, he was sitting next to me, trying to give me some water.
"Here, drink this." he said, handing me the water bottle. I drank most of it, but I stopped because I didn't want to drink it all.
"Thanks, Chris." I said, putting the water in my purse. Then, out of nowhere, Chris engulfed me in a big bear hug. I wanted to wiggle out of it, but I just wrapped my arms around him and I felt warm on the inside. What the heck? I let go as quickly as I could. But I still wanted to hold him.
"You're welcome. But I can't believe it's really you!" he said, holding my shoulders. "I haven't seen you in so long. What have you been up to?"
"Oh, nothing much, really. I've been here, there, and everywhere. Well, what about you?" I asked.
"Well, as you can see, we moved back from North Dakota and I was just registered into Bedford Stuyvesant Preparatory High School a few weeks ago." he said.
"Like, are you serious? I go to Bedford Stuyvesant Preparatory High School!" I squealed. I can't believe my ex-best guy friend goes to my school. We are going to have so much fun! I'll get to pass him in the hallways, talk to him in class, sit at his table at lunch, pass him notes, go to movies, and-what?
"That's cool. I guess I'll see you around at school, then." he said, hugging me again. Then he kissed me on the cheek and walked towards a shoe store. I don't know why, but now I feel all jittery and fuzzy inside and my stomach is all in knots, but it's not from my baby. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder and I jumped. It was Tamara, holding three bags and pushing another one towards me.
"Hey! I saw you talking to Christopher. What were you guys talking about?" she asked, looking around for him.
"Oh, nothing much. We just caught up on old times, that's all." Tamara just sighed heavily and rolled her eyes. What is her problem and why is she so upset?
"Come on. My mom says I have to be home by noon for some party, so I'm dropping you off." she said, blowing her nails off and flipping her weave over her shoulder. I have no idea what is wrong with this girl, but she's acting kinda funny and I want to know why. But it's whatever, because I'm just happy I got to see Christopher.
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sorry this chapter took so long and it might sound boring. dont be silent readers and comment/subscribe/reccomend