Tell Me You Love Me

Chapter 9

When I walked into the house, I saw that my mother's door was still closed. She probably passed out or fell asleep while I was gone. I always knew she couldn't handle liquor or wine after three glasses. That didn't really surprise me much, but was did surprise me was Janae's door: it was open. She never leaves her door open. Chenille was looking at me, watching TV and eating apple slices. It's also rare that she leaves Chenille at home. I bent down towards her and caressed my niece's hair. She smiled at me and touched my hair too.
"Hi, baby!. Where's your mommy?" I asked sweetly. She looked at me with a blank expression as if she didn't have a clue what I was saying.
"Chenille, where's your mommy?" I asked again. She looked at the door and pointed her finger towards the front door.
"Did she go bye-bye?" I said, looking around for her. She just nodded her head and continued to eat her food. I feel like I'm talking to myself when I talk to her. Suddenly, she started to whimper and her lip started to quiver. I looked down at her and her eyes were starting to get watery.
"Oh no, Chenille. Don't cry, baby, don't cry." I said, rubbing her back as I tried to comfort and console her. But she started to let out a soft cry, which grew into big sobs. As she cried, she just kept 'Mommy! Mommy!' over and over again. I finally picked her up and rubbed her back. She started to calm down and her cries finally became quiet.
"Hey, she's coming back. It's okay, sweety." I said, looking into her big, brown eyes. She wiped her eyes off and wiped her cheeks off. Her edges were sticking up, so I sat her down to go get my hair gel, brush, and other hair accessories. When I walked into my room, I got this horrible feeling that I was being watched. As I turned to go out the room with my stuff, someone grabbed my shoulders. I turned around to see who it was, it was Aaron.
"Oh! It's just you! What are you doing here, anyways?' I whispered. He just looked down at me and from the gleam in his eyes, he was livid.
"I called you twice today. But you never picked up the phone." he said, squeezing my arm. I'm not about have an argument with him, especially since Chenille is in the next room.
"Look, long have you been here?" I asked, looking around to see in Chenille was near.
"It don't matter. When I call you, you better answer, ya hear me?" he asked in a voice he never used with me. I walked off to the living room, sitting Chenille down in a tiny chair. Suddenly, my arm got snatched up again and it hurt really bad.
"Geez, Aaron! You're hurting me!" I cried, trying to get away so I could do Chenille's hair. But he wouldn't let go. Chenille screamed at the top of her lungs, shocking Aaron and me. I bent over to pick her up, shielding her from Aaron. As I tried to pick her up, she touched my belly and smiled at me. She looked over at Aaron, then back at me, then at Aaron again. I could tell she was thinking about something, but I didn't know what.
"No hit!" she screamed at Aaron, trying to be my savior and stop him from hurting me. Aaron just glared at her and sat down on the couch. I sat on the farther end, taking down Chenille's ponytail. Aaron looked at the TV, then at Chenille, and shook his head, changing the channel to MTV. Chenille sat quietly for a few minutes, then she looked at the music video that was airing in disgust. I didn't know why she scrunched up her face at first, but when I saw what was on, I nearly flipped out.
"Like, dude? What are you watching?" I asked Aaron.
"What you think I'm watching? I'm watching a music video." he said nonchalantly.
"You need to change the channel.NOW!" I yelled, raising my voice at Aaron. Chenille looked up at me with a worried expression. He fully turned around and looked at me, his expression changing from calm to furious.
"Bitch, who the fuck you think you talking to?" he yelled, jumping out of the couch and standing up. Chenille squealed with fear and started to whimper. I rubbed her back again and gently brushed her hair back.
"First of all, I'm talking to you! Second of all, you need to turn because Janae doesn't like Chenille watching this stuff. Lastly, don't start cussing in front of her! My mom can hear you, the neighbors can hear you, and Janae doesn't even cuss in front of her!" I retorted, covering Chenille's ears. She doesn't need to hear this.
"Girl, shut the fuck up. I do whatever the fuck I want, when I want to." he said, now glaring at me.
"You know what? You can go now, because I am so sick and tired of you acting like you own me and control and treat me any kind of way!" I yelled, making Chenille cringe in fear of my anger. "If this is how you're going to act during this pregnancy and when the baby gets here, then don't even bother to be around." I cried. Aaron has been acting like a real douche towards me lately, but I haven't done anything wrong. I looked down and continued to brush Chenille's hair. I hear the couch squeak and Aaron's footsteps. Then, $650 dropped into my lap.
"Here, this should cover an abortion plus tax. If that doesn't work out, that should cover the cost for somebody to buy that kid off of you." he said coldly, kissing me on my forehead. I immediately stood up and threw the money at his back.
"GET OUT! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE! I DON'T NEED YOU! I DON'T WANT YOUR MONEY TO KILL MY CHILD, YOU BASTARD!" I screamed while hot, stinging tears ran down my face. He just looked back at me and laughed. I can't believe I've slept with this jerk and I continue to put up his mess.
"No, you should keep it. Buy yourself something or buy the kid something. It's going to need it to survive with a slut like you." he sneered as he walked out the door. I walked right behind him and slammed the door, locking all of our ten locks. I looked back at Chenille, who was staring at the door. Then she ran to me and hugged my legs. I looked down at her and she smiled back up at me. I tried to force a weak smile, but I couldn't and the tears came trickling down from my eyes. Chenille looked up at me and started to cry too. I picked her up and laid her down on my bed. She fell asleep a few minutes after I left my room. I can't believe Aaron would say some shit like that. All I have to say is Aaron can go fuck himself in the ass. I shut my door and walked into the living room to shut the TV off when I noticed that the money Aaron "gave" me was still sitting on the floor. I picked it up and put it in my wallet. I probably won't spend it, but it could be used for something. I went to go to my room to lay down with Chenille, who was now sound asleep, but I didn't want to hurt her because I've been starting to sleep wild with this big stuffed dog I received from Aaron last Christmas. So I walked into Janae's room, got Chenille's stuff, and placed all of it on my bed, making space for her. I placed her on her blanket and I laid down next to my dog. I kept dosing off to sleep and waking myself up again, but this time, I fell asleep.

"Alright, miss. I need you to give us one big push, okay?" the lady doctor said, patting my arm. I looked up to see what was going on, but I felt so weak I laid my head back down. I looked really big to be 9 months pregnant. My forehead was really sweaty, my hands were clammy, and my body really hurt. The lady asked me to give an even bigger push than the first time.
"I WANT THE DRUGS! I WANT THE DRUGS! PLEASE, GIVE THEM TO ME!" I cried as the pain got worse. Finally I pushed as hard as I could, and I heard my baby crying. Suddenly, everything got quiet in the room and the doctors went limp, not speaking or moving. I heard a laugh come from above, but I couldn't see the person. Suddenly, Aaron came from above and was staring at me devilishly. He looked at me and smiled an evil grin. I shielded my newborn from Aaron, which pissed him off.
"Go." he said to no on in particular. Then, the limp bodies rose and they opened their mouths. These devilish figures with wings and horns came out. They flew towards me, yanking my arms off the baby, who began to cry loudly. I tightened my grip, but they were stronger than I was. One of them grabbed my arm with their talons and clawed at it, scratching the flesh of my arm. I screamed out in pain as my arm began to burn. Then, they flew over to Aaron, dropping the baby in his hands. He gave my baby a bottle, feeding her like he loved her and caressing her hair.
"You see, Simonee? I'm the perfect daddy for her." he said slyly, smiling and showing his fangs.
"You're no dad, you're a monster!" I screamed, trying to get up to get my baby, but the demons flew next to me and held me back. Suddenly, the room grew dark. The demonic creatures pinned me down to the hospital bed as Aaron came closer. He squeezed my cheeks together, but I wouldn't open my mouth. He nodded at the creatures, who dug their talons in my skin, but this time they drew blood from my arms. As the blood dripped from my arms, Aaron's eyes grew darker. When my mouth opened, Aaron shoved his tongue into my mouth. Then, he looked at the blood and sucked it all up. When he rose for air, he surveyed my neck. He tilted my head to the side, licked my neck, kissed it, and sucked my blood. After that, he sucked my baby's blood, draining the life out of my newborn child.
"NO!" I screamed as I woke myself up, my covers flying off the bed and onto the floor. I looked down at my belly immediately. I was still pregnant, but I wasn't really big. Speaking of kids, I looked at Chenille, who was playing with my stuffed animals on the floor. My digital wall clock was sitting there in red, showing me the time. It was 6:45 p.m. Damn, I slept for that long? This pregnancy has taken a major toll on my sleeping time. From the lack of noise, I could tell that a) my mother was still asleep, b) I would be making dinner for three people now (me, my baby, and Chenille), and c) Janae still wasn't home yet. I decided to call her, since I haven't seen her since this morning. She picked up on the second-to-last ring.
"Hello?" she said groggily, coughing and wheezing into the phone.
"Hey, it's Simonee. Where are you? I've been watching Chenille for the past few hours." I asked. It was silent on the other line for a while, but she finally spoke back to me.
"I've been busy. I'm kind of in the middle of something, so call me back later." she said before hanging up. Chenille just looked at me with her large, beautiful brown eyes, which were now filling with tears. She feels as if her own mother didn't want to speak to her. I picked her up and bounced her on my knee, but she wouldn't calm down. As I tried to calm her down, her stomach growled, but not as loud as mine did.
"Looks like somebody's hungry. Do you want some chicken nuggets?" I asked, walking into the kitchen. Chenille trailed right behind me, holding onto my pants leg. As I got ready to put the nuggets in the oven, Chenille tugged on my pants leg, rubbing her sleepy little eyes. When I placed them in the oven, I went to pick out Chenille's bedtime clothes. After a few minute of waiting, the nuggets were done and we enjoyed ourselves. When she yawned, I decided to wash her up and put her to bed. I knew she didn't want to sleep alone, so I let her sleep with me. She fell right asleep when I shut the door. I laid there for a few minutes, staring at the ceiling for a while. I seriously hope Janae comes home tomorrow, because Chenille needs her mother, and I already have my own child to take care of, even if my child's father doesn't want to help.