Status: active.

Little Black Submarines


Well her eyes
They're rubies and pearls
And she's not made like those other girls
Well her lashes flap
And they smack me back
Like springs bouncing off of a cusp

She's Long Gone - The Black Keys


"I'm not sure..."

"Come on John! It's gonna be dark soon! You've got to get out... You can't mope forever."

"Is moping the word used when someone's Grandma dies?" Katy snapped, instantly at my defense. She glared hard at her boyfriend, who shrank back under her threatening stare. I even felt sort of nervous and she's on my side!

"Sorry," Pat said, his hands going in the air immediately. This was typical though, Pat wasn't one to argue much with anyone and especially not with Katy. He liked to keep her happy and they usually were.

Katy softened and turned to face me. "However, he is right John. You need to get out of this apartment. You've been in here for days, obviously drinking yourself into an oblivion... This isn't healthy."

I just shrugged. I'm tired. I don't have anyone to justify myself to and I'm not exactly ashamed of the state I've been in... I didn't ask anyone else to join me in my self destruction.

"What do you have in mind?" I sighed and at least three minutes. Both Katy and Pat exhaled and huge smiles took over their faces. It made this sort of worth it...

"Mini golf. All the guys, Santino and Halvo are in town too."

"I'm gonna invite some of my friends too so I won't be the only girl," Katy added.

I nodded. I bit my lip. Anxiety was working its way into my consciousness.

"I've got to hit a bowl or something... I'm not even going to pretend I can do this shit stone sober right now, not all those fucking people."

When neither protested I went into my closet and sat on the ground, sighing and resting my head against the wall. I heard Katy encourage Pat to join me. I didn't hear what he said though.

The door soon opened and closed and then Pat made his way into the closet. He sat down beside me.

"Shane doin' any better?"

I chuckled bitterly. "No. Still hasn't spoken a fucking word. I don't know... I'm so scared for him. I have tried to get him to come to my place a million times and just... nothing."

"Is he eating?"

"Yeah. He only eats what he makes though. Nothing Mom brings. He won't touch it. I don't know what it is..."

"We could drop by and see if he wants to come along," Pat offered.

"Nah. I don't think he'd want to. I know he just needs some time, it's just killing me to not know if he is okay or not. Mom and Dad are putting him in therapy."


"Yeah. I think it's a good idea though."

"I guess so... He was with her when it happened, that has to be rough."

I nodded. I rolled my shoulders, hitting the bowl again. I don't want to think about this stuff anymore. It's suffocating and this is what Pat's here to get off my mind. After several hits each I get up and change into a black sweater over my shirt.


I nodded. As I'll ever be anyway. I followed them to Pat's car and got in the back. They refused to let me drive my truck for whatever stupid reason. The ride was quiet except for the radio and Katy mentioning the names of her friends that were coming along.

Pat, Katy, and I met the others at the mini golfing place. By the time we got there it was already dark.

"Fuck daylight savings time," Jared muttered. "Nice to see you out John."

I nodded. I was cordial with everyone. I didn't want sympathy or any weird feelings because of the state I've been in the past few days. Really, I'm not sure why everyone was so aware of the state I was in... I think I hide it well. Everyone followed my lead. No one wanted to be the one to bring up the elephant in the room.

No one until Halvo. He immediately cut through my bullshit and hugged me in a bone crushing hug. "You know how much I loved her too, I'm sorry JohnOh, When is the funeral?"

"Tomorrow night bro, I suppose you're coming?"

"All of us are, obviously. You aren't alone in this," Kennedy voiced the thoughts of our band, Santino, and Halvo.

The girls had stepped away, led by Katy. Katy always knew how to handle a situation in a discrete manner. She's the perfect girl for Pat.

"Thanks... I know I've been distant, I've just been dealing with this shit, ya know?"

They were all supportive and after a group hug and a stupid joke from Halvo the mood between us all was light and I suddenly felt good about being here with my friends. We all quickly got through the line and got golf balls and clubs.

"So let me introduce everyone really quickly," Katy said once we were all through the line. "Ladies this is Halvo, Nick, and John."

"Boys, this is Ella, my little sister and my best friend Adelaide."

I couldn't help but laugh. "You have a lot of friends, Katy."

"Shut up O'Callaghan! They couldn't come on such short notice. My friends have lives," she said, sticking out her tongue.

"Nice to meet you ladies," Nick nodded, shaking their hands. Halvo did the same and I followed. I looked into Adelaide's big brown eyes. Her long thick black lashes batted innocently at me. I swallowed hard and smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Adelaide."

"I prefer Ada."

"Ada," I nodded, letting it roll off my tongue. She retracted her hand and we began the course. It was built on a waterway, a medieval castle with a dragon even.

Ella was thrilled and having a great time. It turns out she's a huge fan of our band and Nick's. I guess all the other guys in my band have met her at some point while I've been hermitting.

Ada seemed to be having fun as well. She... I grinned. She's not made like other girls. Her thin waist was accentuated by her ridiculous hips. Her body... Her face... Her brown hair was long, blond in some areas underneath, in all the right places.

The wind picked up around hole seven. I kept catching the smell of one of the girl's perfume or shampoo in the breeze.

"So what do you do Ada?" I asked.

"I kind of have two jobs right now," she laughed. "I'm a political journalist but I help out with my Mom's business as well."

"Ah, that's interesting! Not everyday I meet a political journalist. Republican or Democrat?"

She frowns. "Neither. Independent. I don't believe labeling political parties does any good for anything."

"That's sensible," I nodded.

"I like to think I am," she winked.

"So any chance of me getting a backstage pass next show your bands play?"

"Of course," Halvo exclaimed. He kept Ella in hysterics. She seemed to be a sweet kid, she resembled Katy quite a bit too, in personality and looks. We made our way through the course and now found ourselves the very top of the castle.

Ada screamed, jumping and bumping into me. The dragon show was starting and had startled her. A huge dragon rose from a tower as some story played. The dragon blew fire into the air and everything.

"Scared?" I teased.

"Oh terrified," Ada shrieked, laughing at herself.

"Oh a dragon! Please, someone slay it! Save us!" Ella shouted dramatically.

"Yes! It only tortures us poor maidens!" Katy joined in, throwing her arm over her forehead dramatically.

"Oh what are we to do? Surely we will die by the will of this dragon," Ada exclaimed. She laughed and she reached out and grabbed my arm, I think because I was the closest male to her. "Oh Knight, what are we to do?"

I laughed. "Don't worry m'lady I'll banish him with my mind." Seconds later the dragon retreated into the tower it came out of. It was quite the show.

"Oh wow! That was great timing," Nick commented.

"It should be a zombie dragon." Garrett shrugged. This launched a whole conversation about zombies that left Nick and Garrett arguing over what zombie movie was the all time best.

"Geez, you didn't tell me I should pack so warmly for Arizona, Katy."

"It isn't something I'm really used to yet actually," Katy shrugged.

"Are you chilly?"

"Ada is always chilly. It could be a hundred right now and she would probably have a sweater on."

Ada rolled her eyes. "You're exaggerating."

I slipped my leather jacket off my shoulders and around Ada's. The contact shocked my finger tips. I bit my lip and backed away from her.

"Thanks, John."

"You're welcome."

"Hey you're doing him a favor," Kennedy said. "At least it will smell nice! There's no telling the last time he did laundry."

"Yeah, yeah," I rolled my eyes at them. I didn't respond because my phone started going off in my pocket. When I saw it was Mom I stepped away from the group without a word.



"Is Shane alright? Is everyone alright?"

"John I don't know what to do." When Mom's voice broke I knew that whatever was going on that I was leaving. I needed to be there, with her, with my family. I could feel the others eyes on my back.

"Just calm down, I'm on my way. Are you at home? And Mom- Is it anything... Is-"

"Shane was out driving and got into an accident and he's alright but... John he said it was an accident but the police said there's evidence suggesting otherwise..."

I sighed and walked back to my friends. "Mom just calm down, I'm on my way. I love you."

The guys were all focused completely on me. "I need-"

Halvo tossed me his keys. "Go. We can catch a ride with someone."

I nodded. "I'll call you later."


John walked away suddenly. I noticed as I struck my golf ball. It didn't hurt my game though, I don't have much of one any way. I watched his movements more and realized he was talking on his cell phone. I stopped, not wanting to get caught when I realized everyone else had their eyes locked onto John. Ella and I shared a look, the only ones out of the loop. There was a silent understanding that the came wasn't continuing until they knew what was going on with John. He came back pretty quickly though. I caught the words "love you" but that's it.

"I need-" His voice sounded so heavy that I was thankful Halvo cut him off by tossing him a set of keys. He just seemed too tired to explain anything else.

"I'll call you later."

John started to walk away. He looked troubled. I guess if I really think about it he's seemed pretty bothered all night. I just assumed that was his face... Some people just have a tragic face.

"John do you need anyone to go with you?"

"No. Thanks Jared."

Without a word more he was out of our site. "He's normally more polite," Halvo rushed to his friends defense when he noticed my puzzled look.

"Oh no- I! I'm sure! I just- It's none of my business," I hurried. Embarrassment coursed through me at being caught staring.

"I don't think we need to be discussing this here, or period." Halvo's voice was firm and serious, the first time I heard it be such. The finality in his voice dared any of us to argue but we didn't.

"Alright, my turn," Katy exclaimed. She wiggled out of Pat's arms and took her stance and just like that we were back to the game, pretending nothing weird had gone down. And this is how the rest of the course went. We all were acting normal on the surface level, but everyone was obviously worried about John which made me worry about him... Something was clearly going on in his life and the mystery drew me in.