Status: active.

Little Black Submarines



"How long are you staying in town?" Katy asked. She sat behind me and patiently put my hair into a fishtail braid. We sat on her bed with the television playing absently.

"I dunno. It's kind of nice being away from home. I don't know why I'm thinking of all this stuff now. It's stupid, I know."

"No! Don't diminish your feelings Adelaide. Your parents did some shitty things and they expect to you completely over look it. Not to mention-"

"I don't want to talk about this. I don't know how long I'll be in town. I'm kind of trying to decide if I just want to move away all together."

"You don't think that's drastic?"

I shrugged. "I've thought about it a few times before."

A devilish smile crossed Katy's face. I questioned what she could be up to but she swore it was nothing. We painted each others toes while making our way through a few bottles of Moscato. Just like our last sleep over someone burst through the door.

"That's probably Pat. He wasn't supposed to come over, I'm sorry." Katy frowned. This was meant to be girls night but really I didn't care.

"It's fine! Your friends are cool." We walked into the living room to see a drunk Pat and a drunk John on Katy's black suede couch.

"You're so beautiful Katy!"

"You're drunk, Patrick. Don't compliment me until you're sober." Her tone surprised me. She had been saying earlier that these guys had all kind of been drinking more lately. This past week Pat had stumbled into her apartment a few too many times.

"Are you mad?" John mumbled. "Don't be mad. It's my fault."

"I'm not mad. It's no one's fault, John. Don't worry about it."

"Hi Ada."

"Hi John."

"I just wanted to say hi. You look really pretty Ada. I'm drunk but I mean it." John's smile reminded me of a mischievous little boy who was trying to be charming.

"Thanks John."

"Wanna go get some apple pie?"

I laughed. "Uh-"

"That's a great idea. I would love to talk to Pat." Katy looked at me meaningfully.

"Let me change." I quickly swapped my sleep shorts for a pair of dark skinnies and a plain white v-neck. I ran my hands through my hair until it looked decent and then we were walking towards a diner that was close to Katy's and open late on the weekend.

"Think she's gonna give him an ear full?"

"Probably." I laughed.

"Glad I'm not Pat right now. How have you been?"

"Good. Just a lot of hanging out with Katy and doing touristy stuff."

"Have you been to the Grand Canyon yet?"

"Nope. Never have actually."

"What kind of family did you grow up in?"

I frowned slightly, but found it funnier than anything really. John's face was so surprised that someone wouldn't have gone to the Grand Canyon.


She laughed. It made me happy to make her laugh. I wonder how long it will be before my drunk ass says something stupid. "We went to this beach. That was always our vacation spot. Kind of redneck, honestly. I thought it was great though."

"Whatever makes you happy, right?" She nodded and we continued walking. I pulled out my cigarettes. "You smoke?"

A guilty smile took over her face. "I didn't. I've only taken it up in the past month."

"Oh yeah? What spurred that?" I took out two smokes and lit them both. I handed Ada one.

"Thanks." She shrugged. "A lot of... Family stuff I guess. Stress."

"Is that also why you're in Tempe?"

She nodded. "Katy and I grew up together in North Carolina. She moved and we've always stayed close. She comes and visits and I've visited a few times before. I just needed an escape."

"I can definitely understand that."

"You hardly seem drunk."

I laughed. "Good. Nah, I guess I've been drinking a lot lately. I can handle my alcohol better. I'm not sure that's a good thing."

"It probably isn't, but these are extenuating circumstances. I won't judge if you don't." Ada took a long drag.

"Judgement free here," I replied. "Here we are. I swear this is going to be the best apple pie you've ever had."

"I hope so."

I opened the door and gently pushed her ahead of me. "Hey John Oh! How are ya tonight? It's nice to see you with someone and not stumbling in."

I blushed lightly and didn't meet Ada's eyes. I shrugged. "Hey Sandy. This is Ada, she's visiting from North Carolina."

"Hello, nice to meet you." Ada smiled. The blush on her cheeks made me chuckle. We bellied up to the counter and I smiled at Sandy.

"Slice of apple pie?"

"Make it two, please."

"You got it, be right back kids. Vanilla on top?"

"You're a Saint. Want ice cream on yours Ada?"

"Yeah, that would be nice."

"Really? Not trying to watch your figure?" I immediately wanted to smack myself. Didn't take too long for my drunkenness to catch up to my mouth. "Fuck, not that you need to! I didn't mean that at all I was totally just teasing."

She laughed. "I don't give a shit John, even if you weren't joking. My body is the way it is because that's how I like it."

"I really didn't piss you off?"

Sandy set our pie and ice cream down in front of us. "His mouth gets ahead of him from time to time. He's a sweet boy though."

We dug into our pie once Ada reassured me that she wasn't upset. I was relieved. We ate in quiet, but it wasn't uncomfortable. When we were finished I paid and we walked back outside.

"Thank she's still giving Pat an earful?"

"Probably." She let out a loud laugh. "God, Katy and go on and on and on. She's pretty aggravated with him anyway. She said he's been drinking a lot lately."

"Yeahhh, that's my fault. I've been drinking way too much. I feel like shit. I just... don't know how to handle all this shit going on in my life right now. I'm really stressed out."

"You can talk to me, I mean if you want. I know we don't really-"

I cut her off. "Thanks Ada. That's really nice of you."

"Stress is something I know well."


She nodded. "Please."

"So what do you do?"

"I worked at my Mom's antique shop. I really like old things." I handed her a lit cigarette and took a hit of mine.

"Yeah? That must be pretty cool. I don't think I've ever met anyone that does that."

"It's fascinating. I love learning about the thins people bring in or we find. You know, the history, what it was used for, what it's value is today. Or what it should be."

"I bet so. Did you ever go to any auctions?"

"I love auctions."

"I've always wanted to go to one. They seem really cool on television."

"They are. The energy level is crazy. You can come with me sometime if you want."

"I want." We were at the entrance to Katy's building. I laughed and crossed my fingers as we rode the elevator. I was considerably more sober. I felt like shit that I was causing Pat and Katy problems. He cares about her a lot.

When we got to her apartment we didn't even have to go in to know that Katy was definitely still pissed. She was screaming at Pat. I don't think I've ever heard her yell before.

"Oh wow."

"So you wanna crash at my place? I'll text Katy if you don't have your phone on you."

"Do you mind?" JC asked after at least a full minute.

I shook my head. "Course not. I wouldn't have offered otherwise. You can take my bed and I'll sleep on the couch. No funny business."

A smile fell on her lips and she relaxed when my pinky stuck out. "Alright. Let's go. I'm tired and drunk." I texted Katy while we walked to my apartment. It was no time before we were climbing the stairs. I gave Ada some boxers and a shirt and she went to my bedroom and I laid down on my couch. I turned on the television and got under blankets. Ten minutes passed by before I heard feet walking down the wooden floors of my hall.



"I can't sleep."

"Wanna sit out here with me?" I sat up and held the blanket up for her to crawl under beside me. "I'm not very tired."

Ada nodded and walked to the couch. "Can we... Can we drink?"

I smiled. "Something I am quite excellent at. I've got beer, Vodka-"

"Vodka and whatever you have to mix with."

I went to the kitchen and opened a beer. I mixed Vodka and Cranberry juice with more vodka than cranberry. I gave Ada her drank and we got settled onto the couch. Super Natural played on the television.

"When are you going on tour again?"

"We have another record to put out before we do that. So it will be awhile."

"Do you like touring?"

I nodded. "It's awesome. I'm constantly exposed to so much more than I probably be otherwise. I love it. The people, the music, everything. When do you go back home?"

Shrugging, Ada sipped on her drink a few minutes before she inhaled. "I dunno. I might not. I'm not sure. I've been flirting with the idea of moving for awhile."

"Where would you move to?"

Ada shrugged again. "Katy says I should move to Tempe. I have no idea. I haven't actually really ever thought of living anywhere but North Carolina."

"I can't really imagine living anywhere than Tempe now that you mention it."

We talked about what we liked about our respective home towns, when our birthdays were, the best present we ever got. I learned she wanted to own a goat and a teacup big. We talked about out favorite movies and spent a lot of time listing our favorite bands and songs. We found ourselves arguing a few times over the other having poor taste for a favorite song or band.

Ada's head rested on my shoulder as we watched a movie that had come on. I think we were both tired, but curled up together we were warm and comfortable. It was nice being so close to her because neither of us thought of it as being anything more than just friends watching a movie.

"John I'm tired."

"Wanna go to bed?"

"I don't sleep well by myself. I'm watching this movie anyway."

I laid us down on the couch and wrapped my arm around her lightly. "Well go to sleep if you're tired." Ada didn't argue.