Status: I will try to update, if not, please dont kill me, I'm sorta busy):

I'm Ganna Break Down These Walls

Hey There, It's Good To See You Again

I never was one of those super secure girls in high school. I always wore a sweatshirt over my clothes think my stomach was a little too chubby, I wore a little to no make up afraid i would mess it all up. My pants were always a size too small trying to make my legs look better, and my shirts always oversized, with a hair tie tying it in the back. The nicer of the preppy girls told me I always looked like shit compared to her, making me feel worse about my body.
It’s not like I was overweight, I was 5’8 and 140 Lbs. Thats normal, I was just always super insecure. And I still am, being a freshmen in college. I have my first real job being a photographer, and my roommate is my best friend.
I haven't introduced myself have I? My name is Harmony Sparks. And I live in New York, going to an arts college.

It was a rather sunny day, so I went to work wearing shorts and a tank top, with my black boots, and a nice Cardigan. Little to no makeup because I just wasn't feeling it today. My job of being a photographer I took band pictures, and professional pictures for whoever paid. I had a rather busy schedule today, First it was pictures for Boys Like Girls, then I had Senior pictures, then I had interview pictures, then Asking Alexandria would come in. After that I would have to edit the pictures then send them to my boss.

I’m not going to swamp you with all of the details about today, but it was hectic. My camera broke in the middle of the Boys Like Girls shoot, the girls that came in for senior pictures spilled chocolate all over me because “I wasnt doing my job right” and Asking Alexandria were three hours late due to their bus breaking down. I was now closing up my computer, ready to go home.

I walked down the stairs of the three story building, then walked into the fresh air of the New York night. I sighed with happiness, thinking that New York was rather beautiful on nights like these, when you could actually see the stars cause everyone was going to bed. Smiling to myself, I started walking the 15 minute walk home. Realizing how chilly it had gotten and regretting not bringing a coat, I started shaking from the cold.

“Hey?” I heard a male voice say. Oh god no, please don’t be some drunken idiot trying to rape me. I turned around to face a young male. With a beautiful, yet familiar face.

“Yes..?” I quietly replied to him. “Are you okay? You look really cold, here take my jacket” He began to take off his jacket when I said “Oh no it’s okay, plus I wont be able to get it back to you and then you wont have a jacket anymore.” I babbled. He just smiled and chuckled at me. His smile was cute. Okay thats an understatement, his smile was gorgeous. “Well I’ll walk you home and then get my jacket back.” I thought about it for a minute. He seemed normal. He had skater hair that was black. He wore vans with baggy skinny jeans, and then a plain blue shirt. He wore dog tags. Hey those look familiar.
I gave in and decided he could walk me home. “Is it just me or do you seem really familiar?” Said the beautiful boy. “yeah I was sort of thinking that as well.” Nodding in agreement. “I just feel like I’ve met you before...” He all but whispered. “Yeah...” He stopped walking in the dark night, the only light was some street lamps. The road slightly damp and no cars for once. “whats your name?” He finally asked me. “Harmony..Sparks..” His eyes widened and took a step back to take me in. “Harmony..?” He whispered. “It’s me, Zach.. Zach Dennis..” I gasped at the sound of his name. “Zach..? It’s really you..?”
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Just the begining(: Will update another chapter to get the feel for the story((: Comment? Comments make me update by the way(: