Status: I will try to update, if not, please dont kill me, I'm sorta busy):

I'm Ganna Break Down These Walls

It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends

“HARMONYYY!!!!” I turned around to see my goofy friend Zach running towards me. I laughed and ran towards him, too. We engulfed in a hug while he spun me around. “Zachh!” I screeched, laughed while he just spun me around even more. He finally set me to my feet, and gave me a real hug. “I missed you” He whispered to me. I smiled and felt my stomach go in knots. “I missed you too Zachhyy.” He smiled and we broke apart, “Hey Zach?” I asked him. “Yes, princess?” “We should go to the park” He laughed and agreed, and started making our way to the park. “I bought you a present, since it is your birthday you know.” I blushed slightly and smiled. “What is it?” “Its a surprise” He whispered in my ear, making chills go down my spin.

“When can I have it?” “Later tonight” He smiled while saying. “But I want it now” I frowned slightly. “Thats to bad isn’t it” He laughed at my pouty face. “Oh don’t give me that look.” He rolled his eyes at me. “Well why can’t I have it right now?” He laughed at my persistantes. “Because I am going to take you to dinner and give you your present there, okay?” My smiled returned and I nodded my head. Butterflys ran through my body at the thought of us going to get dinner. Where would we go? What was the present? My mind was racing when Zach spoke up.

“By the way, we leave in an hour...” I gasped, “Where are we going? Do I have to dress nice??” “Well, I made a reservation at Olive Garden because I know it’s your favorite...” “ZACH!! I have to dress nice!” He smirked. “Can you take me home so I can get ready?” He smiled and nodded, “Of course I can Princess.” We walked to his car and he drove me home.

I got ready, I was wearing my black dress, with black high heels and leggings, I decided to throw on my black beanie to add a little bit of me to this outfit. I had my brown hair straight and a smokey eye for makeup. After i finished and was happy with my appearance, I heard a knock at the door and heard my parents answer. “She will be down in a minute Zach, she is getting ready.” I smiled, my parents knew Zach and I were best friends, we had been since seventh grade. And I have been in love with him since, but he didn’t know that.

I walked down the stairs and he was standing in an all black outfit just like me, he knew I thought guys looked most attractive in black, I smiled at that thought. He was so cute. He looked up at me and smiled. “You look beautiful Harmony.” I blushed “Thank you Zach, you look very handsome yourself. He chuckled “Thanks.” “She needs to be home by 11, Zach.” “Yes sir, Mister Sparks” My father smiled and ushered us out of the house. “Be safe!” My mother called to us. I just nodded my head and got to the car.

We got to Olive Garden and got our seats and then ordered what we want. I looked at Zach and smiled, and he did the same. “Sooo...” He chuckled. “You want your present?” I smiled and nodded. He did a nervous laugh. “Well okay.” He grabbed a box out of his pocket and my eyes widened. It was long and slender like a necklace box. He put it in front of me and I opened it slowly. It had a note.

Dear Harmony,
Don’t worry there is a present underneath this note, but the purpose of this note is because want to tell you something. I am in love with you. I don’t have the balls to say it to your face just yet, because I am so nervous. I love you with every fiber in my body, everything about you is beautiful and wonderful. You are so perfect in many imperfect ways. You are everything I have ever dreamed of. I love you. Will you be my girlfriend? So I can hold you, and spoil you, and kiss your lips, and tell the whole world you are mine. I want to be yours, and I want you to be mine forever. I love you. It never felt right calling this just friends. Please, be with me. Be my girlfriend.

Yours Truly,
Zachary Dennis.

I moved the note and saw a beautiful silver necklace. It had the words ‘I Am Yours, Zachary.’ I smiled so widely and finally looked up.

Zach was nowhere to be found. I thought maybe he just went to the bathroom because of his nerves and waited for him to come back.

Thirty minutes passed. No one.
Then an hour. Not even a text
Then two hours came. I was heart broken.

He left me here. Alone.
♠ ♠ ♠
Update!!(: Comment? Please? I love you. This is an flashback chapter(: