I Love Norman

Both drabbles here

Daryl had loved once before

“He must be important, if you have his name tattooed on you and all. I mean tattoos are pretty permanent. Well, obviously it's not like you wouldn't know that, and I am rambling so I'll shut up and let you talk now.” Glenn's checks flushed red and he had to look away from Daryl, who sat across from him cleaning his bow. Daryl let out a burst of breath, that could pass as a laugh, almost.

“Why you so curious, short round?” Daryl asked the much younger man, sly smirk adorning his lips.

“Do you blame me for wondering why you have some guys name on your chest.” Glenn asked, much calmer knowing his wasn't prodding a swore subject, or enough to get his ass beat anyway.

“I loved him.” Daryl said with a soft smile, that seemed to be holding back a lot of sorrow. “ Then he became one of those things, and I had to tell myself to stop loving him. Well, Merle made me stop. Shot him right in the head and drug me away.”

“How can you tell that with such ease. You are a hard ass, even on yourself.” Glenn said, almost disgust how easily Daryl talked about someone he claimed to love.

“You can't love in this world. Everyone you love is going to die, and you will watch them die. Even worse you could go first, and I'm willing to bet it's pretty hard to be fighting for your life while the people you love fight for humanity in this hell. You are gone though, leaving them to fight alone.” Daryl's walked away from Glenn, leaving the younger man shocked, and alone.

Murphy Find's love with Norman

“Yer so fuckin stupid.” Connor laugh almost falling over the bar top in his hysterical fit.

“No..no..he's just so romantical.” Rocco said falling behind Connor. Murphy pulled his plain black t shirt back on covering his fresh tattoo.

“You tew are jus jealous that ye can't find love.” Murphy said downing a shot of whiskey.

“I found love one time,” Connor said, looking as if he where about to cry. “But the Rocco sobered up.”

Murphy took that moment to leave as his brother and best friend continued to laugh in drunken hysterics, using him as the butt of their jokes.