Rocking The House

Always Up For A Challenge

I came back with two beers this time, one for me and one for Myah. Jack could getto fhis lazy ass himself if he wanted a beer. I got settled in my seat and then turned to Myah, offering her the beer. "You know, not all hockey players are arrogant pricks." I smiled. She gave me a soft smile back and I knew I would be up for this challenge. I just wanted to get to know her better.

"Thank You" She cautiously grabbed the cup from like I was going to bite her or something. "You didn't have to do that. And you're right, you're not all pricks, just most of you."

"What experience could have been so bad that you had to stereotype all of us?"

"That's a long conversation to be had."

I grinned a toothy grin, the stupid one that I couldn't control. "I've got time."

"You may have time, but I'm watching the game." She turned back to look at the ice.

Wow, she really didn't want anything to do with me. I nudged Jack who was completely engrossed in the game. "Hey, how about we use our behind the scenes passes after this game? I think we need to get in with Team Saskatchewan. Plus she has a sister.....who might be single." I raised my eyebrows at him and a smile spread across his face.

"Yeah, she better be single!"

I saw Myah look over at us. "I am sitting right here you know. I'm not def becaue I choose to ignore you. My sister is single, but she, like me, doesn't hang out with hockey players. So good luck with that one."

What is it with this girl and her hate on for hockey players?

When the game was over we met up with my parents before heading down to the locker room area. I tried to keep a low profile, walking straight towards Team Saskatchewan. When I finally stopped walking and looked up I was met by the same blue eyes that made my breath catch, except they were different. I couldn't explain it, but they weren't as soft. "Myah?" I whispered.

"No, not Myah. I'm Becca, her twin sister. If you're looking for Myah she is over there." She pointed towards a group of people who were gathered around by the door.

"Um, thank you." I muttered. Twins. This was nothing but trouble for me and Jack.
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Hello my dears.
So I know this one is short, but It's kinda setting up for Sid's adventures in winning Myah's heart....and whatever other trouble him and Jack can get into. I hope you enjoy!