Rocking The House

Stood Up

I rolled over, expecting to find the warmth of her body, only to find an empty bed. I slowly willed my eyes awake, hoping she had just gotten up to go to the washroom or something. Unfortunately the only thing I found was a note on the pillow.

I just want the simple life.
Xo - M

I knew it was too good to be true. She finally opened up to me, only to run away. I wasn't used to this, normally it was me who was the one who snuck out in the middle of the night.

Rolling back over, I put the pillow over my eyes and groaned. This sucked. We had so much fun together, she made me come to the realisation that life without hockey isn't the end of the world. I didn't even get her number or anything, I was going to have to get it from Becca. Speaking of Becca, I wonder where she and Jack ended up last night? We lost them after our curling game when Myah and I went to get some food.

********The Night Before********

"That was fun. Who knew I was so good at curling?" I teased as I nudged Myah's shoulder.

"I wouldn't exactly call yourself a pro or anything Sid, but you did really well. Where do you want to sit?" We had just walked into a small pub and I spotted a table hidden away at the back.

"That one looks perfect." I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the table. We sat down and I smiled at her.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing, I just can't believe I'm actually sitting here with you right now. After all the chasing you made me do."

"I didn't make you chase me, I just needed to keep my distance until I thought I could trust you. The last time I let someone get close, well, you know."

"I do know. And I want you to know that I don't have any intentions of those sorts."

She gave me a weak smile. "This is my first vacation since I had Ty, we've never been apart from each other this long, I'm kinda freaking out." She smiled, glancing over the menu.

"I'm sure he misses you just as much as you miss him. I don't know how the guys do it all the time. Be on the road and away from family."

She cleared her throat. "Well, I'm sure a lot of them have 'extra curricular' activities to keep them busy." She sighed.

"I'm sure some of them do." I admitted. I knew it too, I knew a lot of the guys in the league messed around on their wives and girlfriends. They didn't even need to be on the road to have a girlfriend on the side.

We ordered food and a pitcher of beer and continued in easy conversation.

"So, if the doctor tells you you can't play anymore what are you going to do?" She asked. I was taken so off guard that I nearly spit my beer out.

"Um, well, I haven't really thought about that. All I've thought about and focused on was getting better, I've never even thought about not being able to play again."

"So you'd do nothing? Sit on the couch, drink beer, and get fat? Come on Sid, there must be something else you are passionate about. I know that if I could retire at the age of twenty three and live comfortably I'd probably travel, take Ty with me and explore the world. What better way to educate a child than from letting them see it first hand?"


"Pardon me?" She asked.

"I'd fish. My cottage is on the lake so I'd fish in the summers and probably coach a minor team in the winter. I really like to fish."

"See, there is more to life than hockey." She winked and finished off her drink.

"Yeah I guess there is."


The more I thought about her words, the more I knew she was right. This whole trip with Jack had been amazing and it was something neither of us would ever forget.

I found my phone on the bedside table and texted Jack.

Sid: Where are you?

I crawled out of bed and started to pack my bag, not even bothering to fold my clothes as I stuffed them into the small duffle bag.


Myah and I enjoyed each others company while we talked about everything from our families to hockey to curling over drinks and food.

"I don't want this night to end." She whispered.

"Me either. Come back to the hotel with me." I realized when the words came out that they sounded pretty forward.

"Um, I'm not so sure that's a good idea." She put her hands up as if to say 'I'm not ready'

"No no, not like that. I mean, let's just talk. We don't have to do anything you don't want to do and, shit, sorry Myah, I didn't mean it like that."

She shook her head. "I didn't mean to react like that, I'm just, I'm just very guarded. I'll come back with you. We can talk. I love hearing your stories. Tell me more about how you and Jack met."

"Shit!" I yelled as I zipped up my bag. I'm such an idiot. How could I have not gotten her number or email or anything! We talked all night and not once did I even make a move on her. We fell alseep together on the bed, fully clothed and above the covers. We didn't even kiss again the whole night. How can one person that I've spent so little time with has such an effect on me? It felt like my heart had been ripped from me. I stopped screaming at myself when I heard "Another One Bites The Dust." start blaring from my phone. Jack, he was actually calling me for once. "Hey" I said breathlessly

"Hey bud, what's going on?"

"Myah left. Dude, she stood me up, that's a first. Anyways, can you ask Becca if she has her number?"

"Sure, give me a sec." I heard some mumbling and then he was back. "Um, she said she'll talk to Myah first and see if it's okay."

"Yeah, figured as much." I grumbled. "Get back here soon, I'm leaving the Island today and heading back to Pittsburgh. Gotta get my fucking head checked again."

"What? Wait. Sid, she's just a girl. Don't do anything you'll regret, I'll be there in five minutes." I heard the line go dead and jumped in the shower. When I got out, Jack was back and was quickly packing his bag.

"Hey." I rubbed a towel through my hair.

"Hey. I gave Becca my number so hopefully she'll send me Myah's. I'm sorry Sid."

"Don't even worry about it." I picked up the phone to call for my car. "She actually made me realize some important stuff. This whole trip has been epic, and I wouldn't have wanted to spent it with anyone else but you."

"Same here bro. Road trips will never be the same now. So, if she calls, are you going to go after her?"

I smiled up at him as he zipped his bag closed. "Of course." I wore that smile the whole way home. Hoping that I would one day I would get another chance with the girl who changed my world.

The End.
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Alright guys, so I thought long and hard about this over the holidays and I realized it was time for Sid and Jack's excellent adventure to end. Sid's heart isn't completely broken....I'm totally going to write a sequal that involves Sid and maybe Jack going after the twins. But for now, these two have had some pretty funny adventures and It's been a pleasure to write it and share it with the few of you who I know enjoyed it. So any parting comments would be great. Much love as always. xoxo