I Like it Loud

Bumping into each other

Andy half-heartily woke up out of his bed and got dressed. As he pasted his dresser his eyes caught a glimpse of something, turning his head he frowned. It was a picture. Walking over to the dresser, he picked the photo up, it was of him and Ashley. The young fertile could feel his eyes water, and quickly looked away from the photo. Finished with getting dressed, Andy moved to the bathroom to do his hair and his make-up.Once done with that he walks back into his room to grab his phone, I-pod, and Batman book bag. Running down the stairs, he grabbed an apple, and was out the door.
The walk to school was long, wet, and quiet; it gave the vampire time to think. 'At least you get to see Matt.' His mind told him. Andy smiled at that, Matt was a human, but his friend. Walking into the school building Andy walked over to his locker with his head down, he didn't even see the ball coming. It smacked him in the back of his head, he closed his eyes at the sudden pain.
"Hey, toss the ball back, fag." One of the jocks said, laughing with his friends. Andy turned around and showed his teeth, cause the teens to stop laughing. A hand touched him one the shoulder, as the other one tossed the ball back to the group of cheerleaders and jocks.
"Hey, their not worth it man, just ignore them." Matt's voice said, and Andy's body relaxed a little, but tensed again at the sight he saw. Ashley was standing not to far from him with that whore if a fertile, Kina. Which meant they both saw what just happened.
"It's just not fair." Andy spoke softly, so only Matt could hear. He looked down a little, and Matt knew why. He saw the couple and he knew why Andy was acting this way.
"Hey, I know how you can get his attention." Matt said, smiling at Andy. The fertile just cocked his head at Matt, a confused look clearly on his face. Just then Matt kissed Andy, and Andy instantly knew what was going on. He played along with the kiss, until he felt Matt being pulled away. He opened his eyes and saw that Ashley had pushed Matt away from Andy.
"What the hell Ash?!" Andy said, getting angry.
"He isn't any good for you Andy." Ashley replied, staring at Matt like a starving dog looks at meat. Andy saw this and step in between him and Matt.
"Since when have you worried about what was good for me since you got with that." Andy said, bearing his teeth, as he looked at Kina.
"Keep her out of this, Andrew." Ashley spoke.
"Don't call me Andrew, you lost that right when you left me." Andy spoke, feeling his eyes water for the second time today. 'Damn it, control yourself.' Andy told his body.
"What are you talking about?" Ashley questioned.
"You know damn well what I am talking about! You left me for her, that fake! How is that fair?! You promised me... You promised me so damn much, and you broke every one when you choice her over me." Andy said, his voice trembling.
"Don't call my girlfriend fake!" Ashley said, almost yelling at Andy.
"I freaking loved you, and you left me. I still love you, but you still want to be with that whore!" Andy replied.
"I don't care about you anymore and I said, don't talk about my girlfriend that way." Ashley said, losing control and swinging at Andy. He hit him hard on his right cheek. Everyone froze, Andy's eyes being in shock at what just happened. tears slowly trickling down his face. Matt moved to Andy's side to check on him.
Ashley said the froze, he couldn't believe what he just did. "Andy.. I didn't.." He started.
"Save it." Came a soft response, almost a whisper. Then in a flash Andy was gone.