I Like it Loud

Good day gone bad

Ashley sat there with a blank stare on his face. He just hit a fertile, and it hurt him, too. Most Dom vampires would never lay a hand on a fertile, without his or her's approve. A hand suddenly landed on his shoulder. Turning around slowly, he thought it would have been Kina, but instead it was a very angry Matt. The punch landed on his face, and a gasp was heard in the cafeteria. Never has a human hit a vampire, well never hit a Dom vampire.
Andy busted through the front door, he fell to his knees trembling. His mom came running out of the kitchen, wrapping her arms around his shaking form.
"Andy, sweetie, what's wrong?" She asked, pulling him and her on to the nearby couch.
"I saw Ashley today... He yelled at me, and said he didn't need me anymore." he spoken, sobbing into her shoulder.
"Andy, look at me." She said, running her hand through Andy's black locks. Andy slowly lifted his head, looking into her eyes. "Andrew, you are a beautiful fertile, anyone would die to have you as their mate. If they don't see it, the it's their lose, but don't let them get to you. Okay?" She spoke softly, kissing his head. Andy nodded before getting up, heading towards the stairs.
"I'm going to go take a nap." Andy said, looking once more at his mom. She smiled and nodded her head.
"I'll call you down when lunch is ready." She replied. With that Andy headed up stairs, and into his room, putting his head down as he once again past the photo of him and Ashley. Laying on his bed, Andy's mind began to remember. He found himself having flashbacks of when he was younger. When Ashley actually cared about him.
"Andy, be careful! You might fall and hurt yourself!" Amy screamed at her three year old son, who was running around the neighborhood play ground. The little three year old didn't listen to his mom and kept running. Sam, the human neighborhood bully, saw Andy coming and stuck his leg out. The little fertile tried to stop himself, but ended up falling over the boy's leg and scraping his knee.
Ashley's head shot up, from the sand box, when he heard the young one's cries. Quickly making his way over to Andy before anyone else. Anger filling him quick when he saw the tears in those blue eyes.
"What the hell is your problem!!" Ashley screams at the boy. Andy's mom, Ashley's mom, and Sam's mom were there, watching the scene unfold in front of them.
"I didn't do anything! That dumb brat fell on his own." Sam replied, clearly not knowing he was dealing with a very upset Dom. Ashley pushed Sam down.
"Don't lie to me!" He said bearing his fangs. The boy's eyes grew wide and he started to back away.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know... I didn't know you two were..." Sam started but was cut off by Ashley.
"That we were what! Vampires! It doesn't matter!" Ashley said, his eyes turning blood red. Sam's mom quickly pulled him up and pulled him towards their car. Ashley kept glaring at the retreating bodies, until he heard a soft whimper. Turning around his eyes landed on Andy, who had blood dripping down his leg.
"Are you okay?" Ashley said, getting down to Andy's level.
"I.. I winks so. My weg hurts wough." Andy said wiping his eye. Ashley looked at his mom for a minute before running off.
"Wid I wake him weave?" Andy asked, tears filling his eyes again.
"No. no, of course not. He just has to go get something." Ashley's mom respond. A few seconds later Ashley was back with a small white box. He pulled out a band-aid and some cleaning stuff.
"Now this might hurt a bit." Ashley said, as he pressed the cleaning pad to the cut.
"Owwww!" Andy said starting to cry a little.
"Shhh. I only do this cause I love you and don't want you to be hurt." Ashley whispered, as his kissed Andy's forehead. The three year old nodded his head and sniffed as Ashley put the band-aid on.
"There all better!" Ashley said standing up, hold a hand out for Andy. Blue eyes stared at the hand unsure whether to take it or not. Ashley notice the unsureness in Andy's eyes and frowned slightly.
"I won't hurt you. I could never," Ashley said looking at Andy. Andy looked at him questioningly, "because I love you!" Ashley finished. Slowly Andy's hand found it's way into Ashley's, and then Andy's body found its way into Ashley's arms.
"I wuv yew, woo." Andy spoke, nuzzeling into Ashley's chest.
Andy wiped his eye before sitting up in his bed. He looked around for a second, before looking down in his lap.
"So much for loving me." Andy said, before moving to his bathroom.