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Maybe It Was You All Along

And the moment that she left the room the album started skipping


Jaime stood still near the altar in shock of what had just happened in front of his eyes. A minute ago he had been together with his fiancée finally hoping that the two of them would experience happiness for the rest of their lives after the wedding but then she had surprised him by running away during the 'I do's'.

The crowd was shocked as well by the sudden outburst by the ex bride-to-be. Gasps and questions wondering what went wrong made their way throughout the guests. Each person wanting to know what was happening.

"Teagan," Jaime called out trying to run after her down the aisle but it was too late. Cars and citizens went past the chapel not one of them being Teagan. Pounding his fist against the stone wall of the chapel, tears made their way down onto his skin.

This wasn't supposed to happen, why had this even happened anyway? He questioned himself. It took him a few minutes to justify the fact that she was gone.

A hand soon laid on top of Jaime's shoulder causing him to turn around only to face Vic.

"It'll be alright," Vic spoke up, "It's probably nothing but pre-wedding jitters. Teagan most likely needs time to be alone right now."

"She's not coming back. Isn't it obvious," Jaime mumbled softly.

Vic paused for a second understanding that Jaime was possibly right. No one knew what was going on in Teagan's mind when she was standing at the altar therefore no one was able to predict the scene she had caused. It would be best to send the guests and everyone else home for the rest of the day.

"C'mon let's get you inside," Vic said placing his arm around Jaime's shoulder as the two walked back inside the chapel.


"Um I'm here to pick up my schedule." Spoke the 16 year old girl. Tucking a small piece of hair behind her she waited as the secretary finally looked up from her computer.


"Teagan Garcia."

"Ah yes Miss Garcia, the transfer student from Michigan."

Ugh. How she hated those words; transfer student. To be honest they made Teagan cringe especially when they were being used to describe like at this very moment. Moving from one state to another sucked. Especially when you had to re-adapt to everything all over again. It was troublesome.

If it wasn't for her mom's new job the two of them would've stayed in Michigan back with her friends and her real life. Not here in San Diego.

The school's secretary pulled out a manila folder from inside her desk and handed a white sheet a paper to Teagan. Scanning the paper Teagan mentally sighed at the sight of her classes only to then be a little relieved once she noticed that she had two free periods off.

The less time I spend at school the better. She thought.

Teagan folded her schedule and placed it away in her bag. All that was left to do now was to finally head home. Before she could even head out the door she was abruptly stopped by the secretary's voice.

"If you don't mind Miss I have a student that'll show you around the school." the secretary suggested.

"No I don't mind." was the only thing that rolled off of Teagan's lips. Fuck. Why had she done that. Now she couldn't back out of the older woman's proposal.

"Alright." The Secretary turned her back in front of the girl leaving her to take a seat as she waited.

What a great way to start my day off. Teagan sarcastically thought to herself.

A few minutes later a guy with curly, brown hair, who seemed to be no older than 17, walked in through the door. Approaching the secretary, they exchanged a few words with each other before turning their gaze upon Teagan.

"Miss Garcia,' the secretary spoke causing Teagan to look directly at her, "Victor here will be your escort for the day. If you have any questions please don't be afraid to ask him anything. Victor doesn't bite."

The secretary gave a small chuckle at her own joke before motioning the two out of the office. Teagan let out a small sigh from under her breath causing Vic to notice her actions.

"Mrs. H isn't too bad, she tends to be nice to everyone," Vic stated, "So you're Teagan right?"
Teagan shyly nodded her head in response, "And you're Vict-"

"Victor, I know, but mostly everyone calls me Vic." He replied back, "Now let's begin the tour shall we?" Gesturing for the girl to follow him down the hallway.


"And this is the hallway class where your math class will be. Room 2109 on the left." Vic pointed out as the two continued exploring the school. The fact that they weren't even halfway through the tour bothered Teagan. If she stayed in the building any longer she was going to go insane. She had to think quickly if she wanted to get away.

"I don't mean to interrupt you Vic, but where's the nearest bathroom?"

"Down the hall to your right."

"Thank you, I'll be right back."

As Teagan made her wall down the hall two grey double doors came into view. Just what she was looking for. An escape. The warm San Diego air hit her skin as she exited the building trying her best not to make a big scene.

After a short walk to her car everything seemed to be going off nicely. Well almost everything. Over and over again she tried to start her car but it wouldn't function. Now Teagan was starting to regret her decisions.

"Need some help?" A voice called out.

Teagan turned to where the voice was coming from. Her brown eyes laid themselves on the guy standing a few inches away from her car. His black eyes made their way upon to Teagan as she also noticed how spiky his hair was which really wasn't hard to miss especially with the blonde patch making it attract more attention.

The guy in front of her repeated his words once more, "Need some help?"

"No I'm perfectly fine, my car usually acts like this all the time. It's probably working right now."

"If you're so confident that it works then turn it on." The guy insisted as he leaned up against her car window.

Please work, please work, please. Teagan thought while bracing herself for the worst.

Grabbing her keys again she turned them once.

Nothing happened.


Nothing happened.

The guy stopped her before she could turn her keys a third time. "You know there's no reason why you should be afraid to ask for help." He acknowledged.

"It's not like I saw you out here before." Teagan replied trying her hardest not to lose the argument.

"It shouldn't matter. Now are you going to pop the hood or what."

She gave into his words. Either she could do as she was told to or walk home. The first option wasn't one she had to second guess herself on. Awhile after the strange guy had worked on her car he had finally finished, closing the hood of the car as he made his way back to Teagan.

"Your car should be able to function properly now." He spoke. After two tries Teagan's car was up and running all over again. A smile ran across her face.

"How am I ever suppose to repay yo-" Turning around she noticed that the guy from earlier was no longer in sight. Where had he gone?

She decided not to ponder the question to long as she finally headed home.


"Have you found anything yet Vic?" Jaime asked. Vic shook his head signaling no as he continued to search throughout the room of the small house.

"What about you Mike?"

"Mike." Vic called. Mike appeared from around the corner with a slice of pizza in hand. "Yeah." He mumbled out while chewing his food at the same time.

"We're here to look for signs of Teagan's whereabouts not to dig in her refrigerator. Weren't you suppose to be looking in her room?"

"I gave the task to Tony instead."


"Guys come in here, I found something." The sound of Tony's voice broke everyone out of the current conversation as the guys rushed over to where he was at.

The only word that Tony said once the guys had entered the room was "Look." There on the bed laid Teagan's wedding dress. The same one that had been on her body from the wedding almost an hour ago.

"That's not even half of it. All of her clothes are gone as well as the extra money she keeps stored in her drawers." Tony declared.

"You don't think she could've.." Vic inquired.

"I'm not sure."

"Mike, contact everyone you know that maybe has an idea of where Teagan could be. Tony, you try finding information about all the flights leaving for Michigan. Jaime and I will try to look around town for her. Call us if anything new pops up."

The guys nodded at Vic's words.

"Jaime c'mon."

"I'll be there in a second Vic." He responded back.

Jaime gave one last look at the picture of him and Teagan together on her drawer before placing it face down.

"Thank you," Teagan said as she paid the cab driver and left. This was her last chance. If she couldn't manage to get a new place to stay in she would be left on the streets. Hopefully that wouldn't happen.

She knocked twice on the door, nervous on whether or not the owner would answer at all. Then a small portion of the door cracked opened.

"Why are you here?" The owner asked, "Shouldn't you be at your wedding."

"Joel I-" She tried explaining.

"I what? Sorry that you ruined my friendship with them or that you almost ruined everything else." He barked.

"I know, I know I fucked up but please Joel I'm begging you. I'll fix everything real soon. All I need is a place to stay for now. I'll help out around the apartment, pay rent, etc. Please." Teagan pleaded.

Joel slammed the door close before reopening it again fully.

"Rent's due next week." was all he said as he helped Teagan bring her bags into the apartment they now shared.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if you don't understand the way this story works. It goes back and forth from present to past. The present shows the aftermath of Teagan running out of wedding while the past is shows how she meet the guys and Jaime and soon her real reason for running out on Jaime in the first place.

Anyways title credit goes to Chiodos - I Didn't Say I Was Powerful, I Said I Was A Wizard.
Again thanks for all the comments,subscribes and recommends I've received so far.

Thank you guys.


Thanks for reading c: