Status: Updates soon

Maybe It Was You All Along

We're lost with the love we once knew


One week later

Teagan walked downstairs to a quiet, empty house. A small yawn escaped her mouth as she turned on the tv in Joel's living room before heading towards the kitchen. The feeling of it finally being Saturday made her perk up a little due to all the catastrophic events from last week. Following the wedding incident all of her thoughts had been jumbled up leaving her confused and constantly restless.

After managing to fix herself a small bowl of cereal Teagan ate in silence; various thoughts still circling around in her mind. The sound of a music playing on TV in the background replaced the silence in the room. Joel was expected to return sometime soon. He had left earlier because of band practice or something of that nature but Teagan pushed that aside as she went to wash out her bowl.

"That was San Diego's very own Pierce the Veil's video for Carapherneila featuring Jeremy McKinnon of A Day to Remember."

Teagan immediately turned the kitchen sink faucet off at the sound of the woman's voice. She felt her heart race. This couldn't be happening. Sure the band was big, their music videos had been played on tv a bunch of times but this time was different.

This time she knew it bound to happen. Scenes from last week played over and over inside her head again as she frantically continued to watch. Her eyes not wanting to leave the screen.

"The four member band from San Diego made it onto our countdown at number 15 last week and now number 10 this week. Their sudden rise has made them one of the bands you need to know over the summer after they landed a spot on this year's Warped Tour's mainstage."

The woman on tv gave a small applause towards the band's accomplishments before speaking up again. "But just recently the band has experienced a little trouble in paradise. Bassist and backing vocalist of the group, Jaime Preciado, encountered some misfortune last weekend at what appears to be his wedding."

Soon enough a video of Teagan's wedding disaster from last week was shown on the television. Please be only a nightmare. Teagan thought to herself. A lump of guilt formed in her throat as she became speechless watching herself on the video clip.

"A guest from the wedding uploaded the video a few days ago to YouTube. Here you can see Preciado at the altar surrounded by his bandmates as Preciado's fiancée flees the scene before it ends. Our sources have yet to confirm the name of the fiancée from the wedding. All we know is that during most of the time the couple's relationship had been kept a secret until now."

The word was out now. Everyone had to already know about it. The girl sighed in defeat as she leaned back on the couch. What was she to do know that the secret was out. This was terrible.

"In other news All Time Low's new c-"

"What are you up to?" A voice interrupted.

Teagan rushed for the remote quickly changing the channel before turning around to see Joel. Deep down inside she had hoped Joel hadn't noticed. Running her fingers throughout her sleek, black hair she tried her best to cover up what her eyes had witnessed.

"Nothing much just watching a little bit of tv." She mumbled softly.

Joel gave her a look signaling a sign of "Oh." He made his way towards the stairs only to be stopped by the sound of Teagan's voice.

"Joel." she spoke up softly


"I think I'm going to go out for once today."


"Is this Mrs. Callaway's class by any chance?" Teagan felt herself freeze up as all eyes from the classroom made their way upon her. Earlier her plan was to go unnoticed for most of the day but now that she had captured unwanted attention it didn't look like it was going to happen anytime soon.

Especially when she was late to school and already missed 1st period. Right now luck wasn't playing in her favor.

"Yes, and you must be Miss Garcia." The teacher said as she took a small glance at her attendance sheet.

"Take a seat in the back next to Mr. Fuentes. Please raise your hand Victor." The girl sighed as she made her way towards the back of the room. The guy she had ditched yesterday was the one she had been assigned to sit by. It was obvious he was going to remember her.


Teagan tried ignoring the thought as she pulled out her notebook once she sat in her seat. If she was going to get through the rest of the day the least she could do was try to pay attention in each class. Too bad she was having trouble doing just that due to the boring lecture her teacher was giving.

"So looks like you finally decided not to ditch." Vic whispered as he leaned over to Teagan's desk, "Or is this one of those days where you actually stay in school but ditch the next?"'

She tried responding, not really knowing what to say. "Vic I-I-I'm-."

"Sorry?" He finished for her, "Don't be. I understand it was nothing but pre-first day jitters. Everyone gets them from time to time."

"Can we please start this whole thing over?" Teagan asked.


Maybe today wouldn't turn out to be as bad as she had thought before. Teagan was thankful Vic had understood her dilemma and was willing to start again from scratch. The two quietly shook hands with one another as they introduced themselves all over again.



"Friends?" Vic asked.

Teagan let out a small smile at his words, "Friends."

"Miss Garcia and Mr. Fuentes, eyes up front please unless you two don't mind spending an afternoon in detention with me."


Teagan sat down near the end of a cafeteria. The window right next to it brought in a cool breeze calming her down. The weather wasn't as cold like the Michigan weather back home but it was the only thing keeping her from stressing out even more.

After 2nd period she arrived late to her other two classes due to getting lost, she then had to constantly introduce herself to each class earning more stares for the day, and on top of that she had two three-paged essays due soon.

This new school sure was fun. She thought sarcastically.

"Hey you're in our spot." A guy's voice called out.

Teagan glanced up to see two guys in front of her. One was tall and wore a short sleeved shirt showcasing some of his tattoos. The other guy who was shorter wore a snapback and a tank which also showcased his tattoos as well.

"Are you going to move or what," the guy continued.

Teagan got up not wanting to be annoyed by the guy's tone anymore. The last thing she needed was someone to yell at her while she was minding her own business. The two guys sat down at the table as she was about to leave.

"Tony stop trying to scare her away," Vic exclaimed as he came up from behind the guys, "Don't mind him Teagan you can sit with us."

The girl silently nodded as she rejoined the group. Vic sat in front of her as he quickly began to introduce the other guys at the table. "This is my little brother Mike," he gestured to the tall guy, "And the guy trying to scare you is Tony. He's actually nicer than he is now."

"Hey it's not my fault she was sitting in Jaime's spot." Tony said as he ate the sushi on his tray.

"So Jaime will still have a spot just a new one." Vic replied back to Tony as the two continued bickering leaving Mike and Teagan to watch. They soon stopped at the sound of Teagan's voice.

"Nice padawan braid," she complimented Tony.

"You like star wars?" He asked.

Teagan quietly nodded her head which made a grin appear on Tony's face.


"What am I suppose to do now?" Jaime exclaimed as he paced around his house. Vic stared at his friend trying to get him to settle down but it was no use. Jaime's mind was too wrapped up in the current dilemma he was facing.

"Calm down Jaime I'm sure everything will be fine," Vic cried out even though he wished he would've taken those words back before he had spoken.

"Calm down! Calm down," Jaime yelled, "How in the world am I suppose to calm down when everyone knows about the wedding. Fuse, Alternative Press, even our fans on Twitter and Facebook; they all know. Hell it might as well be plastered all over CNN for that matter."

"Jaime we're doing the best we can to find her." Vic responded.

Jaime stopped himself for a minute and sighed, " I understand I just- I just wish this all wasn't happening right about now. All I want is for Teagan to be back in my arms like she was before. I wish I could've seen what was going through her head right then and there at the altar. Right now feels like a bad dream that I can't wake up from and it honestly sucks."

Vic patted his friends shoulder as he continued to confide in him. It was no use trying to talk about Teagan anymore in the conversation. The best thing to do would be to get Jaime's mind off of the whole situation.

"C'mon Jaime let's go out for drinks tonight; just the band."

"I guess," Jaime mumbled still upset.

If only my happiness didn't have to come crashing down so quickly. Jaime thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the sucking chapter but thanks again for the comments, subscribes, and recommendations.

Title credit goes to Abandon all ships- August

Shoutout to the new people who reccommended my story as well as commenters.


Thank you guys again and thanks for reading c: