‹ Prequel: My Little Earthquake
Status: work in progress...

I'm All Yours

We can paint our love outside of the lines, be original for once in our lives

The next day I was out with Mayra and Eleanor. We had mindlessly shopped around town and had stopped for lunch at a café.

“So you’re brother really said all that to you?” Eleanor asked in disbelief after I told them both what happened.

I nodded, “Yeah. Didn’t sugar coat anything,” I said bitterly.

“He just doesn’t understand,” Mayra reasoned, “He’ll come around once he realizes how much he’s hurting you.”

El agreed, “He’s just over protective. Guys are just thick headed, they need time to process change.”
I sighed, “I’m just tired of having to defend my relationship to everyone, I shouldn’t have to with my family.”

“I agree,” Eleanor said, “believe me, I do.”

I sent her a sympathetic look, “I’m sorry.” She just shrugged it off.

“There are way more people out there than there were following us before,” Mayra said glancing out the café window.

Eleanor and I turned to look, and she was right, there were massive amounts of people; paparazzi, fans, people milling around to see what the commotion was about. The café we were in wasn’t crowded, just a handful of older people and the staff.

“Maybe we shouldn’t have dodged Paul,” El said skeptically. We, well just me really, weren’t supposed to go anywhere without at least one member of the security team. But today I just wanted to have a day with my friends like normal. So when I was supposed to call Paul and have someone accompany us, I just… didn’t call.

When we got up after finishing out meal, the crowd became more lively, and chaotic.

We paused near the door, “Okay, maybe you should call Harry and have him send someone… or a few someone’s.” Mayra said.

I sighed, frustrated and turned to one of the waiters, “Excuse me, I’m so sorry about all this,” I gestured to the crowd outside, “But do you have a back exit?”

He smiled sympathetically, “Yeah, but they’re out there too.”

“Damn, okay. Uh, do you have a backroom we can wait in so I can call for help?”

“Yeah, come I’ll show you.” He led us to a little break room in the back, with a table and a little kitchen area and not much else.

“Thank you. I’m sorry again. We’ll be out of here as soon as possible.” I assured.

He shrugged, “No problem Mrs. Styles. We understand.” He said before leaving us in the room. It peeved me that he knew who I was.

I turned to my friends, “This is insane.”

“Yeah it is. Who knew that just because you got married, people would care even more!” El said as she dropped into one of the chairs at the table.

“Have you seen that reality show with Kevin Jonas and his wife? People always care once a celebrity is married.” Mayra added.

I sat in a chair between them, “Harry’s going to yell at me,” I said as I pulled my phone out of my purse.

“Hey love,” He said when I picked up.

“Hi,” I breathed, “So I need a favor.”

“Anything,” He said with no hesitation.

I cleared my throat awkwardly, “Well don’t get mad, but I didn’t call Paul like I was supposed to, and now we’re stuck in a café with a mob of people outside… Can you tell him to send some help.”

I heard him groan in frustration, “Emma!” He scolded, “Are you mental?”

“Can we save the lecture for when I get home?” I snapped.

He huffed, “Where are you?” I gave him the name and address of the place, “We’ll be there soon.” He hung up before I could argue about the ‘we’ part.

“Help is on the way,” I said as I dropped my phone in my purse.

The girls relaxed and sat back in their seats.

“Behold our future,” Eleanor said breaking the silence.

That stung. I tried to hold back my wince, “Sorry.”

Her face softened, “No I didn’t mean it like that,” she grasped my hand softly, “I just wish people didn’t care so much you know?”

“We’re all in this together, Em,” Mayra said, “This isn’t your fault.”

I nodded, “Let’s just not focus on it. It’s stressful.”

We sat in comfortable silence as we waited to be rescued.

“So,” Mayra said after a few minutes, “I’m moving in with Zayn.”

“What?” Eleanor and I said at the same time.

She smiled at us, “Well you’re about to move out with Harry, so when I was talking to Zayn about finding another place he just asked me to move in!” The excitement on her face looked like a kid on Christmas, “He said he wanted to ask me before, but didn’t want to come between us,” she said glancing at me.

I scoffed, “That wouldn’t have mattered, he’s mental.”

“Aw,” El cooed, “This is so exciting! Are you getting a new flat or just moving into his?”

“His, it’s big enough, and it already feels like home,” Mayra shrugged happily.

“What about you El? Gonna move in with Louis?” I asked.

She blushed, “I don’t know. We’ve kind of talked about it before, but not seriously.”

Mayra and I nodded at her, “I have an idea,” I said, “Why don’t you both get married, that way Harry and I aren’t the only ones being hassled!” I said sarcastically.

They both rolled their eyes at me, “No,” El laughed, “Not ready for that.”

Mayra shrugged, “I’m not saying no, I’d love to be married. I’ve always pictured myself getting married young,” she reasoned, “But I’m waiting for Zayn to be ready.”

“I never pictured myself getting married really,” I said.

“Like, ever?” Eleanor asked.

I shrugged, “Well I guess I just assumed I would someday, but it was never something I thought about growing up. I never planned my dress or what I would want,” I paused thinking, “I guess it’s fitting that I wouldn’t remember my wedding,” I said in a low voice, “That I was blackout drunk.”

“But you have been thinking of having an actual wedding. Don’t think I haven’t seen the bridal magazine in your room,” Mayra shot.

I shrugged, “Well yeah. It’s almost expected of me from my mom and Anne to have one.”

Eleanor studied my face for a moment, “Don’t don’t this because you feel pressured,” she said softly, “Do it for you and Harry. I think you both need a real wedding.”

Before I could answer we heard some commotion come from the front of the café. Harry, Zayn and Louis appeared in the doorway of the room we were in, followed by about 6 or 7 bodyguards. Including Paul, who shot me a glare.

Harry pulled me up and grabbed my face, “You alright?”

“I’m fine.”

Then he glared at me, “Don’t ever do this again. It’s a mad house out there.”

I shot him my sad eyes, “I’m sorry.”

His eyes softened and he kissed me lightly, “You gave me a fright.”

“Alright, so this is how we’re going to do it,” Paul said, getting all of our attention, “One guard for each of you, and don’t let go of each other. We’ll go out one couple at a time, there’s an SUV waiting. I’ll drive you all back to the flat.” He said.

Harry and I were first. Paul was by Harry’s side, while a guy I vaguely knew named John was on mine. Harry wrapped an arm around my waste protectively as we made it to the front of the café. The crowd got chaotic again. Harry grabbed my hand in his, to keep me more secure in his embrace.
There was a lot of shoving, “Keep your head down,” Harry warned and I did what I was told. Both our names were being shouted, and flashes were going off- it was the worst I’ve ever had to go through so far. Paul and John put out their arms to keep a barrier between us and everyone else as we headed towards the black SUV.

It felt like ages before we got too it, but it was no more than a minute. Paul ushered us in and closed the door, standing outside of it and waited for the others.

“This is insane,” I breathed.

Harry grabbed my hand again and laced it with his, “This is why we told you you needed protection.
I huffed, “Well I learned my lesson alright?” I snapped.

He pulled me into him and kissed the crown of my head, “Let’s take a break from it all, just the two of us.”

I snorted sarcastically, “Remember what happened the last time we took a holiday?” I asked as I held up my left hand.

He laughed, “Well we can’t fuck that up again can we?”

“Guess not.” I turned and kissed his neck, “I’d love to go away with you.”

“Good. We’ll start planning when we get home.” He said as the car door opened and Zayn and Myra jumped in to the seats in front of us.

“I think someone pulled my hair out!” She said as she smoothed a knot from her head. Zayn helped her then kissed her cheek affectionately.

I groaned, “I’m sorry. We won’t leave without security ever again.” I promised.

Zayn looked back at me and reached over and patted my face jokingly, “Look, she’s learning.”

I stuck my tongue out at him, “Shut up.”

Eleanor and Louis joined us then. Eleanor sat in the seat next to Zayn as Louis fell in next to Harry, “What a rush!” We all look at Lou like he was mental, “What? Can you argue that it wasn’t?”

We all rolled out eyes at him and put our seatbelts on and Paul and John got in the front seats and drove us through the pandemonium of people.
♠ ♠ ♠
somewhat of a filler?
but still enjoyable, yes?

I'm trying to come up with ideas for what to do after this story (don't worry, this isn't done yet)
idk if i want another story of maybe just a series of oneshots.
i guess we'll see.

updates may come slower. i'll try to post everyday, i'll do my best, but between trying to work out where i wan this story too go, and well, life happening it may take longer.

feel free to add me on tumblr. i love interacting with you guys. heavyeyelidsheavyheart.tumblr.com
if you send me a message and tell me who you are, i'll follow you back.