‹ Prequel: My Little Earthquake
Status: work in progress...

I'm All Yours

Do you remember when we started this mess, my heart was beating out of my chest

“Babe, are you ready yet?” Harry asked as he walked into my room as I threw some last minute things into my bag. We were taking a holiday to a beach house on the coast.

“Yeah,” I said when I felt his hands on my waist.

He kissed the side of my neck, “Finally,” He reached around me and grabbed my bag, “Let’s go.”

We walked out and Harry stood by the door and waited to make sure I was ready.

I turned to Mayra who was watching the tellie, “I’ll see you in a few days love.”

She smiled, “Have fun guys!”

“I get to DJ this trip!” I declared as we started driving.

He scoffed, “I’m a bit worried by some of your choices.”

“You know, if you had an open mind, you’d realize how amazing my tastes are.”

He smirked, “By all means, educate me Love.”


It took a few hours, but eventually we pulled up to this little one story cottage right on the beach.

“Whoa,” I said taking in the beautiful view as we got out of the car.

“Beautiful isn’t it?” Harry said as he came around to my side.

I smiled up at him, “It is.”

We grabbed our bags and headed inside the cottage. It was small, but cozy. It had a big living room that opened up to a kitchen and had one big master bedroom that had an epic view of the beach.”

“This is awesome,” I said as I set my bag on the bed and walked over to the sidling glass door.

He came up behind me, “Let’s go for a walk. The beach is empty, and no one knows who we are here.” He whispered in my hair.

I turned and wrapped my arms around his neck, “Okay,” I kissed him softly.

I kicked my shows off and waited as he did the same. It was a bit over cast for beach weather, but we didn’t care.

He laced his hand with mine and walked us right out onto the beach from our room.

“Oh my god, the sands cold!” I exclaimed as my feet hit the beginning of the beach.

“It’s shit weather for the beach really,” Harry muttered as he tossed his hair out of his eyes.

I shrugged and clung to his side, “I don’t mind. I’m with you and it’s beautiful here, and we’re alone. I love it.”

He kissed my forehead and pulled me down towards the shore.

I stopped in my tracks as he tried to get us closer to the water, “No. The water is probably freezing!”
“Come on,” he said cheekily, “just poke one toe in!” He pulled me closer and it pried my hands from his.

“No!” I laughed.

He stepped into the water and winced, “It’s not cold, I promise!”

“Liar!” I accused, “I saw you wince, it’s bloody cold!”

He ran at me then and threw me over his shoulder before I had time to dodge him. He spun us in a circle, all I could see was the ocean and his back, “I swear to god if you drop me I will divorce you on the spot!” I threatened, but I didn’t sound all that convincing.

He smacked my bottom, “I don’t believe you.” He laughed.

“I swear I will make your life a living hell!”

Then he flung me over and caught me bridal style, “I’m gonna put you down,” he smiled at me.

I clung to his neck, “No, take me back to the shore! I’ll freeze!”

He laughed at my shrieking, “It’s not that cold once you get used to it!” He let go of my legs then. As soon as they hit the water I screamed and pulled him tightly against me.

“Haz!” Goose bumps were all over my body at that point. The water only came up mid calf, but it felt like needles. I buried my face in his neck, “It’s freezing you tosser!”

He kissed my neck, “Shut up and enjoy it.”

I pulled back and glared at him but the giant smile he sent me completely melted my heart and my smile soon followed, “Ah, there’s the smile I love so much,” He said as he grabbed my face and pulled it to his. His kiss filled my insides with warms, and I almost forgot we were standing in the freezing ocean. Almost.

I detached myself from him and started backing up in the water.

“What’s that look?” He asked, “I don’t like that look!”

I smirked before I reached down and splashed a wave of water at him, soaking his entire front.

He looked shocked and stood there frozen. He reached up to wipe some water from his face then smirked at me, “Oh, it’s so on now!”

Then he charged at me and pulled us down into the ice cold water. My heart was pounding in my chest as I came up for air. We were shallow enough that I we could sit. I pushed my hair out of my face, “I really hate you now!” I said, splashing him as he came up sitting next to me.

“Well now you’re used to the water, yeah?”

I shoved him away from me laughing, “Not even close.”

He leaned into me, kissing my neck and rolling us in the waves, “Let’s just make love right here. It’d be really romantic. And erotic!” He kissed my cold lips.

“Not a chance lover boy,” I said pulling away.

“Come onnnnn!” He whined.

I smirked and stood up. The sun was peaking out of the clouds, giving the hope that it would start to get warmer. “No! Just because we don’t see anyone out here, doesn’t mean someone isn’t watching. And I really do not need sand in area’s it shouldn’t."

He pouted and stood up, “Party pooper.”

I let out a loud, full laugh, “Wow, you really said that!”

He pulled me into him, “I did,” He started pulling me back to dry land, “Come, let’s finish our walk.”
We walked for a long while. Long enough for our clothes to stiffly dry and the sun to actually come out just in time to set.

We sat in the sand to watch, me between his legs resting back against his chest. He absent mindedly played with my left hand in his.

“Can I ask you something?” He breathed against my ear.

I leaned back and looked up at him, “Of course.”

“When we were growing up, did you really never think about us becoming more?”

I looked back out over the ocean and thought about his question. I was surprised he had never asked before, “There was a time, yeah.”

“When?” He ran his nose along my neck and shoulder.

“When we were like 15. For a little bit anyway.” I shrugged.

He kissed my shoulder, “Why didn’t you say anything?”

I looked back up at him, “Well, you had started dating someone else, then you went off to X-Factor and I saw less of you after that, so I just let it go.”

“And by the time I got back you had already started dating Pete?” he asked curiously.

I nodded, “Yeah.”

“Do you wish you had dated more? Been with more people before we got married.”

I sat up and turned so I was facing him, “Why are you asking?”

He shrugged, “I’ve just been thinking of what you told me your brother said.”

I sighed, “Just because I haven’t been with as many people as you have, doesn’t mean I’m not sure I love you.”

“That’s not really what I meant.”

“Then what do you mean?”

He shrugged again, “I don’t know. I just want to make sure that I’m not forcing you to do something you really don’t want to do.”

I crawled closer to him and wrapped my arms around his neck as I straddled him, “You’re not forcing me to do anything. If I really didn’t want to be married to you, I wouldn’t be. Yes, we should have waited way longer, but it happened, and here we are, and I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else.”

He pulled me closer to him, if it were even possible, and kissed me, “I love you so much Emma.”

“I love you too,” I kissed him again before I turned back in his lap to watch the rest of the sunset. “And for the record,” I said after some silence, “I’ve been with more than just you and Pete, I just don’t broadcast it like everyone else.”


I rolled my eyes. I didn’t have to look back at him to see the surprise on his face, “Don’t sound so shocked Haz.”

“Who have you been with?” He asked squeezing my sides softly to get my attention.

I leaned back and kissed his jaw, “We aren’t playing this game.”

“I’ll tell you who I’ve been with.” He tried to reason.

I snorted, “Yeah, I don’t want to know. It’s in the past, where it should stay.”

He stayed quiet after that, just holding each other and watched the sun dip behind the ocean.

It was getting chilly again so I started to get up, “Come on, let’s go make dinner.” I reached my hands down to pull him up. When he got eye level with me he pecked my lips quickly before wrapping his arm around my shoulders.


The cottage had nothing in it so we had to go shopping. I made Harry stay in the car while I ran into the store in town. It was a small beach town, but I didn’t want to risk having people find out where we were. I was less noticeable in a beanie and sweatshirt than he’d be.

I got stuff to make taco’s and a few extra groceries we’d need for the next day and a half we’d be here and then headed back home.

Making dinner took longer than usual. Harry kept distracting me with little kisses and touches and sweet sayings. It was lovely.

“This is nice,” I said as we were eating. “It feels like we’re a normal couple.”

He smiled at me, “A normal boring married couple, yeah?”

I shrugged happily, “Maybe normal is overrated for us. But it’s nice to see how the other half lives.”

After dinner we retired to the couch and just talked and enjoyed each other’s company… okay we mostly just made out.

“I love this,” I said as his mouth wondered to my neck.

He bit down teasingly on sensitive spot, “What’s that?” His breath tickled.

“Being here, with you,” I said, my voice airy. “Alone.”

He leaned back up and kissed me longingly, “It will be like this when we finally agree on a house, you know. In our own space.” He kissed my lips again, “Free to do what we want,” He kissed my neck, “Where we want,” He leaned down and pushed my shirt up leaving a sweet kiss right above my belly button.

“Well we’d be able to agree on a house if you’d stop showing me overly massive mansions,” I said as I pulled his shirt off and tossed it to the floor.

He smirked down at me, “But think of all the rooms we could try out,” He kissed me, his tongue evading my mouth. I moaned into it as his hand crept up my side, pushing my shirt up.

We pulled apart and I let he pull my shirt the rest of the way off, “But a giant house will feel so empty when you’re gone,” I hissed as he bit down on my shoulder.

He pulled back and looked down at me, “Is that why you don’t let me buy you a big house? Because you’ll feel lonely?” I asked softly.

I shrugged, “Somewhat. I also think you don’t need to drop so much money. You already got me, who you trying to impress?”

He smiled and kissed me again, “You’re my world. I want to give you everything I can.”

I leaned up and kissed his neck, “You’re not going to let this go are you?”

“Not until I get my way,” He moaned as my hand brushed down his chest.

“You can get your way under one condition,” I said pushing him up so we were eye level.


He was a little eager to agree, so I had to tease him, “I get to name our first child, whenever we have one.” I smirked.

He sat up completely, “What? No, how is that fair?”

I shrugged, “It’s your call,” I smirked, “Big house, or get a say in what we name our spawn.”

“Are you serious?” He groaned.

I rolled my eyes, breaking my poker face and pulled him back down on top of me, “No, I just wanted to see how far I could push you.”

“You’re evil,” He said into my neck.

I laughed, “You can buy us the biggest bloody house you can find if it’ll make you happy.

He pulled out of my neck and beamed down at me, dimples on full display, “It would make me very happy to spoil you actually.”

I rolled my eyes and pulled his mouth to mine, “Shut up and make love to me.”

His hand came around my back to unclasp my bra, “With pleasure.”
♠ ♠ ♠
so Alex Arnold (Rich fro Skins) tweeted me and thats all i can really think about. huge fangirling going down right now!

i hope you enjoy this chapter. gave me so many Harry feels (until the tweet that is)

thanks for the feedback you guys give! warms my heart!