‹ Prequel: My Little Earthquake
Status: work in progress...

I'm All Yours

If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn

I woke up to the sun shining on my face and the sound of the ocean. I rolled over away from the suns bright glare and faced Harry.

My Harry. My husband. A smile instantly graced my face when I thought that. I fought the urge to reach out and touch him, instead just laid there admiring the boy, the man that lay before me. He looked so peaceful, laying on his stomach, one arm up over his head, the other loosely draped over my waist. It amazes me that even in his sleep he somehow always finds a way to touch me.

I never thought I could love someone like I do Harry. I know everyone thinks we’re too young to know what we’re doing, but they’re wrong. I know this is where I’m supposed to me, who I’m supposed to be. I was always meant to be here, lying besides this boy. Yes we haven’t been together as long as most, but we’ve known each other almost out whole lives. We know each other from the inside out.

I watched the way the sun hit his face. He always looked so young when he slept. The way his long lashes sat against his cheek, that little sexy pout he always had when he was dreaming. It was like I was falling in love with him all over again as I laid here.

After a while I couldn’t take it anymore, I had to touch him. Really touch him. I rolled so I was pressed up against his side and wrapped my arms around his back. He stirred, and turned and pulled me against his chest, but didn’t open his eyes.

I pressed little butterfly kisses across his chest and up to his neck. When I reached his sensitive spot I started licking and sucking lightly. He moaned and tightened his grip on me. From where my hand was on his chest I could feel his heart beat pick up.

His hand stated roaming my naked body before he grabbed my jaw and crashed his lips to mine. He then flipped us over and positioned himself between my legs. “Good morning,” He said against my lips, then he thrusted into me.

This was the greatest way to start the any day.

“So I’ve been thinking,” I said as I finished getting dressed. Harry had just walked out of the shower.
He glanced at me from his bag, “Yeah?”

“Well, I have to sign up for next semester’s classes soon, and I think I’m going to take all online stuff.”

“Oh,” he said slightly distracted as he pulled out clothes.

I ran my hand through my hair, “Yeah… so I can plan our real wedding.”

That got his attention, “You actually want a wedding?”

I shrugged and smiled, “If you do. I don’t want a massive one or anything. Just our closest friends and family.

He dropped his towel and pulled on his underwear, “I’d love that.”


He walked over and pressed a kiss to my lips, “Of course. I can’t wait to see you walk down the aisle.
I blushed, and cleared my throat, “One thing though,” He looked at me to go on as he stepped into his jeans, “I have to make things right with my brother first.”

His face softened, “Of course.”


The rest of our mini holiday was amazing. We spend time on the beach and just had fun with each other. Not worrying about anything.

We’ve been home for almost a week now. The boys have been really busy the past few days with recording and interviews and other press, so I haven’t seen much of any of them. But I’ve had work to take up my time. The store seemed a bit calmer now. I think the shock of Harry and my wedding was calming down. Thank god.

“I feel so behind on your life!” Olive said thought the webcam. She was back in America with her family for the summer, and this was the first time we could really talk since I got married.

I sighed, “I know, it’s been real chaotic here. I miss you though. I could use your bubbly American charm to entertain me.”

She laughed, “I miss you too girly. I’ll be back in about a month. You know my cousins freaked when they found out we were friends.” She made a show of rolling her eyes, “I don’t get it.”

I chuckled, “You should have seen the madness here since we were married.”

“I can’t believe you just eloped!” I hadn’t told her the complete truth. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust her, just that the less people that knew, the easier it would be to keep quiet.

“I know. But it just felt… right!”

“I can’t imagine being married right now,” she shook her head, “I’m envious but at the same time I’m not, you know? I’d kill for the love you and Harry have though.”

“You’ll find it,” I assured. “How are things with Jake?”

“Eh, it’s nonexistent really, since I’m here and he’s there.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder, “I’m not too sad though. I think I was just into him because he was there you know? So how’s life besides this new marriage?”

“Not much,” I shrugged, “I’ve decided to take all online classes next semester.”

She pouted, “But that means I won’t see you as much.”

“You’ll see me plenty,” I promised. “You’re going to be in my wedding after all,” I said casually.

She looked at me surprised, “You’re having a wedding? But you’re already married! And you want me in it? Oh my god!” She said in one rushed breath. Typical Oli style.

I laughed, “Yes we’re having a real wedding. And of course you’re going to be one of my brides maids! You’re one of my best friends you slag!”

She laughed, “Oh I miss the British slang! But I’m honored you want me apart of your special day… part 2!”

“Well I’m honored you feel honored! It’ll give you a chance to really meet everyone too. Mayra says hi by the way. She stepped out before you got on.”

“Tell her I said hello. And I can’t wait to meet everyone. Hopefully I can get your boyfriend, er, husband, to like me.”

I sent her a confused look, “He does like you.” Okay, that may be a lie. But I didn’t think she noticed. And I was trying to get Harry to get over whatever issue he had with her.

Olive scoffed and rolled his eyes, “Please, you don’t have to lie to me, I can tell when someone doesn’t like me.”

“He just doesn’t know you,” I said softly.

She shrugged, “I’ll hopefully change that, and be on my best behavior around him.”

Oli and I talked for an hour or so after that. It felt really good to catch up with her, and it made me realized how much I honestly missed her spunk in my life.

When I checked my phone I had a text from Gemma and Harry.

From: Hazza
I’ll be home late again. But I’m sleeping in your bed tonight :)

I sent him a simple ‘okay’ before opening the one from Gemma.

From: Gem
my brother tells me you’re planning a wedding… call me brat!

I laughed and called her.

“Hello there Emma. How’s my favorite sister-in-law?” She said cheerfully.

I rolled my eyes and laughed, “I’m your only sister-in-law.”

“So, you’re still my favorite! So where’s my wedding invitation coming?”

I laughed at her eagerness, “Does my maid of honor need a physical invitation?”

There was a long pause before she started cheering, “Yes! Maid of honor! I feel so special! Woooo!”

“Calm down Gem, why wouldn’t I have picked you?”

“I don’t know, you have so many friends to choose from.”

I rolled my eyes, “But you’re my sister.”

“Oh I love you kid. I really do.” She laughed.

“Well, as my maid of honor, I need your help.”

“Name it.”

I sighed, “I need you to come with me to try and talk to my brother. Again.”

I heard her sigh too, “He’s being such a wanker. But yes, I’ll come with you. Just name the day.”

“What about the day after tomorrow? I have work tomorrow.”

“It’s a date!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so i've officially decided that is IS the last story of Harry and Emma. I don't know what more i can do with these two.
i'm going to try and squeeze chapters out of this one until i reach 30, like the first.

But, I'm going to start my spin off of this story when this ones done.
so Harry and Emma will still be around (and zayn and mayra), don't worry.
but i'm not giving away who the spin off it about yet, but i hope you'll all stick around to find out!

I've also been thinking of doing one-shots to keep my creative juices flowing. I've been thinking of a few christmas themed ones.
so if anyone would like me to write one for them, shoot me a message!
i'm down to personalize them and everything!

and as always, thank you to all who've been reading and commenting and recommending. i love you all