‹ Prequel: My Little Earthquake
Status: work in progress...

I'm All Yours

My smile's an open wound without you and my hands are tied to pages inked to bring you back

Two days later I was sitting in front of my bothers house again. It’s been about 2 weeks since our last encounter and I was nerves.

“Come on,” Gemma said getting out, “This ends today.”

I got out and followed her up to the porch, “That sound ominous.”

She shrugged and started knocking.

“Maybe he’s not home? Maybe he’s asleep? It is kind of early,” I said fidgeting next to her.

She glared at me as she knocked again, “We aren’t leaving.”

We stood outside for a few minutes, “See maybe he’s not home. Let’s just come back.”

“Where would be at 9 in the morning on a Saturday?” She argued. She starting digging through her purse and pulled out her keys, “We’re going in.”

“You have keys to my brother’s house?” I said shocked as she opened the door.

She shrugged, “Didn’t you and Harry have a set of keys to each others flats for years too?”

“Yeah, but that’s kind of my point,” I followed her into the house, “When are you going to admit you and my brother are together?”

She snorted, “Because we aren’t.”

I rolled my eyes, “Whatever,” I looked around my brother’s empty house, “See? He’s not here.”

She shook her head at me and sighed and headed up the stairs.

I followed after her again, “What are you doing?”

“He’s probably asleep, I’m waking him up,” She said matter of factly.

She threw open his bedroom door and there he was. Fast asleep in bed.

“Matt wake up!” Gem yelled.

He groaned and hardly moved, “Go away Gemma.”

“Nope. Wake up. You’re talking to your sister, right now,” She walked over and threw the blankets off his body. I was so thankful he wasn’t some closet naked sleeper.

He sat up a bit, “What?” And then he saw me in the doorway. We locked eyes for a moment and then he sighed, looking back at Gemma, “Fine. But can you give me a moment to get dressed?” He asked gesturing to the fact that he was only in his boxers.

They shared a secret smile that I’m sure I wasn’t supposed to notice before Gemma nodded, “Yeah. We’ll be down stairs. Don’t keep us waiting!” She pushed me out of the doorway and shut his door. She linked arms with me and we headed back down the stairs.

“Let’s make some tea, yeah?” She said as we walked into the kitchen.

I sat at the kitchen table, “Uh, sure.”

She turned to look at me as she filled the kettle, “What? What’s with that look.”

I shrugged, “You just seem pretty comfortable in my brother’s house Gem.”

She rolled her eyes, “Wipe the smirk off your face you twat. It’s not happening.”

I huffed, “Whatever you say.”

When the tea was done, and Gemma was sliding a cup in front of me my brother entered the kitchen. He was wearing jeans and a shirt, and but his light brown hair was sticking up in every direction.

“Good morning sleepy head,” Gem cooed sarcastically, “Here’s some tea.” He thanked her with a smile and sat down in the seat across from me. He didn’t meet my stare. Gemma cleared her throat, “So I’ll be in the living room, pretending I’m not listening to this conversation. Behave yourselves.” She warned as she left the room.

We sat in silence drinking our tea. I studied my brother’s face as he continued to look down at his cup. He looked tired, and deep in thought. This was the first time I’ve seen my brother like this. Of all the times we’ve been mad at each other over the years he’s never been so mad that he’s completely stopped talking to me… or stopped looking at me for that matter. It hurt.

He cleared his throat, “So,” He finally looked up at me, “I’ve been trying to figure out how to apologize to you for a good week now.”

“What?” I said shocked.

He ran his hand thought his hair, making more hair stick up randomly, “Ever since Harry talked to me I’ve realized how much of a cunt I’ve been.”

“Wait, what? You talked to Harry?” This was news, “When?”

My brother looked at me confused, “Sunday I think? He didn’t tell you?”

“No,” That would have been the day we got back from the beach. Harry hadn’t mentioned anything.
“Oh,” he Matt cleared his throat again, “Well he did. He told me how much of a wanker I was being, and how hurt you were,” he winced, “I’m sorry. I’m just… I’m not ready for you to grow up.”

I smiled softly, “I’m not either Matty, but I am.”

“I was just… shocked that you just came home married. I was blindsided. And I just let my anger take over.”

“I know,” I said softly, “It’s okay.”

“No it’s not. I’m the one person that’s never supposed to hurt you like I have. I should never have said the things I said. I’m still pissed you ran off and got married, but if this is what you think is best for you, I’ll deal with it.”

“Really?” I said wide eyed.

He shrugged and smiled softly, “Well my bad attitude hasn’t changed your mind, so I may as well just deal with it. And I do believe you really love Harry,” he continued, “And that he loves you too. I just… you guys are so young.”

I sighed, “I know. But I really think this will last.” I bit my lip, “We’re… we’re having a real wedding.”

Now it was Matt’s turned to look shocked, “You are?”

I smirked, “I would have thought Harry told you when he talked to you.”

He barked out a laugh, “No, he mainly just yelled at me for being an asshole,” I smiled. “So this is really it. You’re really married,” he stated more than asked.

“I am,” I nodded, “And I’d really like it if you’d just be there for me. I know you’re not happy about this, I get it. But at least respect my choices.”

He sighed and nodded, “I can do that. I’ll try to keep my negative thoughts to myself.”

I smiled, “You can share them with me, just don’t scream at me.”

He winced, “I’m sorry about what I said. And how I said it.”

“I forgive you big brother.”

He smiled then, really smiled, “Wanna hug it out?”

I laughed, “Always.” We both got up and he pulled me into him and kissed my head.

“Aw isn’t this cute,” Gemma said behind me.

I pulled back and opened my arms, “Get in here Gem, group hug!”

She ran to us and threw her arms around both Matt and I, “I’m so glad I fixed you guys.”

We laughed, “Yeah, I’m pretty sure Harry beat you too that,” I said.

She scoffed, “Whatever.”


After Gemma dropped my off at my flat I texted Harry.

To: Hazza
Will you call me when you’re free?

I seriously feel like I haven’t seen him in forever. With recording and press he was never able to come over until I was asleep, and he always seemed to leave before I got up. The only times I’ve seen him is if I woke up when he was crawling in my bed.

There hasn’t even been time for sex either. Which was not okay, if you asked me. The sexual frustration was building.

My phone buzzed.

From: Hazza
Sure thing beautiful. Give me 20 minutes.

I walked into Mayra’s room where she was on her bed on her laptop. I fell down on the bed next to her, “I miss my husband.”

She laughed, “I miss my boyfriend.”

“I hate how busy they’ve been.” I propped up on my elbows and looked over at her laptop screen, “What are you doing?”

She shrugged, “Online shopping.”

“Anything good?”

She laughed, “I have like 50 things in my cart.”

“Nice, anything I’d borrow?”

She rolled her eyes at me, “Probably.” She closed her computer, “So how’d things go with your brother?”

“Surprisingly really well,” I said sitting up. “Apparently Harry called him last week and talked him down.”

“Well, go Haz!”

I laughed, “Yeah. I’m glad things are better.”

“Now you can start planning your wedding!” She said excitedly.

I smirked, “I think you’re more excited about that than I am.”

She shrugged, “I love weddings, what can I say.”

“Well then I’m nominating you to help me plan everything. I don’t even know where to start.”

She beamed, “I’m so glad you said that! I already have some great ideas!”

I laughed, “Oh wow. I love you!”

“I can’t wait to look at dresses! I’m going to sob like a baby when I see you in a dress.”

“It sounds like we’re the ones getting married.”

She looked at me with a straight face, “Well you are my one true love.” We both started cracking up.

“Good one.”

“Have you even thought of a theme?”

I shrugged, “Not really, but I will.”

“Good, do that. I’ll start looking for brides maid dressed I approve of.”

I rolled my eyes, “Whatever makes you happy Mayra.” I got up, “I’m going to go wait for Harry to call me.”

My heart fluttered when he finally called. I wonder if a day would come when he wouldn’t have this effect on me. I hoped not.

“How are you babe? Everything alright?” He asked when I answered.

“Yeah, everything’s fine. I just got back from my brothers.” I said as I laid across my bed.

“How did it go?”

I smiled, “Amazing. I guess some amazing guy talked some sense into him.”

He head him laugh lightly, “Is that so?”

“Why didn’t you tell me you talked to him?”

“I didn’t want you to worry if things didn’t go as I’d hoped.”

I bit my lip through my smile, “Well thank you. That means a lot to me that you did that.”

“I’m glad I could help.”

I sighed contently, “I miss you. I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever, even though I’ve slept next to you almost every night.”

“I know,” he sighed, “But tomorrow I’m yours all day.”

“Really?” I said excitedly.

I could hear the smile in his voice, “Yeah. There’s a house I want to show you.”

I rolled my eyes happily, “When have you had the time to look at houses?”

“When I’m sitting here not in the vocal booth. I think this might be the house.”

“Well if you think so, then I agree.”

He laughed, “Just wait until you see it, yeah? I’ve got to get back in there. Hopefully I won’t get home too late tonight.”

“Okay. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

When we hung up I got an idea. I jumped off the bed and threw my shirt off. I walked into my bathroom and snapped a sexy (or as sexy as I could muster) picture of myself in just my bra and sent a text to Harry.

To: Hazza
There better be time for other things tomorrow too.

There was an instant response from him.

From: Hazza
That is so not fair. I don’t think I can wait until tomorrow now. As soon as I get home, you’re mine!

To: Hazza
I’ll be waiting ;)
♠ ♠ ♠
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