‹ Prequel: My Little Earthquake
Status: work in progress...

I'm All Yours

Would you sing to me, ‘cause I can feel a part of me starting to break

I woke up the next morning with arms wrapped around me. I look over my shoulder and there was Harry, in a wife beater and skinny jeans he wore out last night. I rolled my eyes and got up and left him in the guest room alone.

I was actually glad I had plans with Oli this afternoon just so I didn’t have to be around him. I know that’s childish, but I was mad.

I showered and dressed quickly so I could hopefully get out of the house before he woke up.

Luck wasn’t on my side.

“Whoa,” He said as I almost ran him over walking out of our bedroom, “Where are you going?” He grabbed my arms to slow me down.

I pulled out of his grasp, “I’m meeting Oli soon, she’s helping me with stupid wedding stuff,” I huffed.

When I tried to walk around him he blocked my path, “Wait, are you mad at me?”

“You’re very perceptive in the morning,” I shot rolling my eyes and shoving him out of my way and headed for the stairs.

“Emma, stop,” He grabbed my arm again, “Don’t walk away from me.”

I turned and pried my wrist out of his grasp, “Well you taught me how,” I shot him a fake smile, “Have a nice day sweetie,” and I turned and ran down the stairs and out the door.


“You’re here early,” Oli said opening her door for me.

I sighed as I walked in, “Well I didn’t want to be around Harry.”

“What? This is new. What happened?” I followed her into the kitchen, “Want coffee or tea?”

“Tea please,” I said leaning against the counter.

She filled the kettle and put it on the burner before she turned to me, “So what happened with you and Harry?”

I shrugged, “He walked out on me last night to go out with the guys when I just wanted to talk to him for a minute.”

“Oh,” she just stared at me.

“I know it doesn’t sound that bad but it hurt. I haven’t really seen much of him in weeks and the one night he’s actually home at a good hour he just leaves. He wouldn’t even stop and actually talk to me for a second. Just snapped at me and walked out.”

She nodded, “I get why you’re mad, you never see your husband much… wow that still sounds weird,” she waved herself off, “But anyways, yeah I understand why you’re mad. But I think you should talk to him and tell him why.”

“You’re right.”

“Call him and tell him you want to talk tonight so he knows not to make other plans,” she urged.

I nodded, “I will in a bit. I don’t really want to talk to him right now.”

“No, now,” she snapped, “I’ll finish making your tea and my coffee, you call him and then we can get down to this wedding business.”

I sighed at her dramatically, “Fiiiiine.”

I walked out into her living room and called Harry.

He answered almost on the first ring, “Emma-“

“We need to talk tonight,” I cut him off.

I heard him sigh, “Alright, but I probably won’t be back from the studio until late again.”

“I don’t care. I’ll stay up.”

“Alright,” he sighed, “Look, about last night-”

I stopped him, “I don’t want to talk about it right now.”

“Okay, sorry,” he said lowly.

It was really hard to stay mad at him when he sounded so apologetic. But no, I wasn’t going to let him off the hook so easily. Not when I was stressed out, planning this freaking wedding while he was gone all the time and out with his friends. I get he was working, but his ‘work’ was doing what he loved with his best friends. It’s not that stressful most days.

Olive came out holding two mugs, “Look, I’ve got to go. We’ll talk tonight,” I said.

“Okay. I’ll try and get out early. I love you.”

“Yeah,” I said and hung up. I had immediate guilt in the pit of my stomach from not saying ‘I love you’ back, but I pushed it from my mind.

“All settled?” Oli asked placing my tea in front of me.

I shrugged, “I guess.”

“Okay, now what are we doing?”

“Right,” I pulled my wedding folder out of my bag and set in on the table, “I need to figure out flowers and center pieces and all that crap today, so I can place the order.”

She set her drink down and clapped her hands dramatically, “Bring it on!”


We actually got a lot done. The flowers were ordered, and everything for the reception was pretty much done.

We were both exhausted by the time I dropped her back off at her flat, but so much stress was lifted off of me.

“Thank you so much Oli. You’ve really saved my life today. All I have left is figuring out music and everyone’s dresses.”

She leaned over the seat and kissed my cheek, “No problem. I was happy to help. I’ll text you my measurements so you can order my dress. I wish I could go.” She pouted, “I hate having to work.”

“I wish you could be there too. But I’ll make sure we all pick a cute style for you all to wear.”

She beamed, “I have faith in you! Now go home and sort this out with Harry.”

“I’ll try,” I said, “Thanks again.”


On my way home I stopped for some fast food for dinner. I didn’t want to have to eat left over frozen pizza. But really, I just wanted a milkshake instead of actual food.

Harry’s car was there when I got home again. I was shocked since it was only around 8 o’clock.

When I walked in I found him in the living room with a bunch of papers in front of him on the coffee table.

“You’re home?”

He jumped up when he saw me, “I made my guest list,” he said grabbing up a sheet of paper. “And I called Ed, and he said he’d take care of the music for the reception for us.

I just stood there frozen in the entry way, “How… how did you know I still needed to figure out the music?”

He rubbed the back of his neck and shuffled closer to me awkwardly, “Uh, your friend Olive called me about 20 minutes ago. She told me you really needed my help.”

“She… you talked to Oli?” I said shocked.

He shrugged, “Yeah. She seems… really nice. I may have been wrong about her.”

I just stared at him in silence for a moment, “Okay, who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?”

“Husband,” he corrected.

I walked further into the room and dropped my bag down on one of the empty sofas, “Doesn’t feel like it these days,” I said softly.

“I know,” He set down the paper in his hands and walked closer to me, “And I’m really sorry for that. I’m just… I’m just overwhelmed.”

“You’re overwhelmed? Welcome to my life Hazza!”

He closed the gap between us and rested his hands on my hips, “I know, and I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’ve been so busy. But that’s changing. I told everyone that I have to leave the studio by 7 so I can come home and help you.”

“Really?” I said hopeful.

He smiled softly, “Yes. And I’m really sorry for last night, I shouldn’t have snapped at you. You didn’t deserve that.”

I reached up and rested my hands on his chest and stared at my hands where they rested. I sighed and bit my lip, “You’re making it real hard to stay mad at you.”

His hand came under my chin and lifted my gaze to his, “I’m sorry, okay?”

I nodded, “Okay. I just… I need you to talk to me. I need you here for me. Planning this wedding is insane, and I’m almost glad we’re already married cause I’m about to call this whole thing off just from the insanity!”

He smiled and rested his forehead on mine, “I’m here to help. Just tell me what you need me to do.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck, “I need you to do many things actually. But right now, all I need you to do is kiss me.” He chuckled lightly and pressed his lips to mine in a sweet slow kiss. “And make me feel good,” I said against his lips and pressed my body against his.

He groaned, “I can do that.”

“In this living room, on one of these couches,” I whispered in his ear before biting his earlobe.

He pulled back and smirked at me, “When did my girl get so adventurous?”

“Since I haven’t really been with the boy I love in a while,” I stepped back and sat on the couch, “I want you to make love to me. Slowly. Right here.”

He dropped to his knees in front of me, “I can do that.”

“And if I don’t have multiple orgasms, we will be here until you get it right. I don’t know about you, but I’ve got all night sir.”

He pulled me roughly to the edge of the couch, so my legs were on either side of his waist, “Is that a challenge Mrs. Styles?”

“It most certainly is Mr. Styles.”
♠ ♠ ♠
The further i get into this story, the more i want to write another sequel for it!
that and the drafting for the spin off isn't going like i want it too.
idk... if i did one, i'd probably be based further in the future... gaaaah ideas.